{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
-- Copyright 2015, Open Universiteit Nederland. This file is distributed
-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information,
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
--  $Id: Abstract.hs 7524 2015-04-08 07:31:15Z bastiaan $

module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Abstract
   ( Strategy, IsStrategy(..)
   , LabeledStrategy, label, unlabel
   , derivationList
   , emptyPrefix, replayPath, replayPaths, replayStrategy
   , rulesInStrategy
   , mapRules, mapRulesS
   , cleanUpStrategy, cleanUpStrategyAfter
     -- Accessors to the underlying representation
   , toCore, fromCore, liftCore, liftCore2
   , noInterleaving
   ) where

import Data.Function
import Ideas.Common.Classes
import Ideas.Common.Derivation
import Ideas.Common.Environment
import Ideas.Common.Id
import Ideas.Common.Rewriting (RewriteRule)
import Ideas.Common.Rule
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Core
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Parsing
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Sequence (Firsts(..), firstsOrdered)
import Ideas.Common.Utils.Uniplate hiding (rewriteM)
import Ideas.Common.View

--- Strategy data-type

-- | Abstract data type for strategies
newtype Strategy a = S (Core a)

instance Show (Strategy a) where
   show = show . toCore

instance Apply Strategy where
   applyAll = runCore . toCore

--- Type class

-- | Type class to turn values into strategies
class IsStrategy f where
   toStrategy :: f a -> Strategy a

instance IsStrategy Strategy where
   toStrategy = id

instance IsStrategy (LabeledStrategy) where
  toStrategy (LS info (S core)) = S (Label info core)

instance IsStrategy Rule where
   toStrategy = S . Rule

instance IsStrategy RewriteRule where
   toStrategy = toStrategy . ruleRewrite

--- Labeled Strategy data-type

-- | A strategy which is labeled with an identifier
data LabeledStrategy a = LS Id (Strategy a)

instance Show (LabeledStrategy a) where
   show s = showId s ++ ": " ++ show (unlabel s)

instance Apply LabeledStrategy where
   applyAll = applyAll . toStrategy

instance HasId (LabeledStrategy a) where
   getId (LS l _)      = l
   changeId f (LS l s) = LS (changeId f l) s

-- | Labels a strategy with an identifier. Labels are used to identify
-- substrategies and to specialize feedback messages. The first argument of
-- 'label' can be of type 'String', in which case the string is used as
-- identifier (and not as description).
label :: (IsId l, IsStrategy f) => l -> f a -> LabeledStrategy a
label l = LS (newId l) . toStrategy

-- | Removes the label from a strategy
unlabel :: LabeledStrategy a -> Strategy a
unlabel (LS _ s) = s

-- | Construct the empty prefix for a labeled strategy
emptyPrefix :: IsStrategy f => f a -> a -> Prefix a
emptyPrefix = makePrefix . toCore

-- | Construct a prefix for a path and a labeled strategy. The third argument
-- is the current term.
replayPath :: IsStrategy f => Path -> f a -> a -> ([Step a], Prefix a)
replayPath path s a =
   let (xs, f) = replayCore path (toCore s)
   in (xs, f a)

-- | Construct a prefix for a list of paths and a labeled strategy. The third
-- argument is the current term.
replayPaths :: IsStrategy f => [Path] -> f a -> a -> Prefix a
replayPaths paths s a = mconcat
   [ snd (replayPath path s a) | path <- paths ]

-- | Construct a prefix for a path and a labeled strategy. The third argument
-- is the initial term.
replayStrategy :: (Monad m, IsStrategy f) => Path -> f a -> a -> m (a, Prefix a)
replayStrategy path s a =
   let (xs, f) = replayCore path (toCore s)
   in case applyList xs a of
         Just b  -> return (b, f b)
         Nothing -> fail "Cannot replay strategy"

--- Remaining functions

derivationList :: IsStrategy f => (Rule a -> Rule a -> Ordering) -> f a -> a -> [Derivation (Rule a, Environment) a]
derivationList cmpRule s a0 = rec a0 (toPrefix s)
   toPrefix = majorPrefix . flip makePrefix a0 . toCore

   rec a prfx = (if ready prfx then (emptyDerivation a:) else id)
      [ prepend (a, rEnv) d | (rEnv, b, new) <- firstsOrd prfx, d <- rec b new ]

   firstsOrd = map f . firstsOrdered cmp
      cmp = cmpRule `on` (fst . g . fst)

      f ((stp, b), new) = (g stp, b, new)

      g stp = (stepRule stp, stepEnvironment stp)

-- | Returns a list of all major rules that are part of a labeled strategy
rulesInStrategy :: IsStrategy f => f a -> [Rule a]
rulesInStrategy s = [ r | Rule r <- universe (toCore s), isMajor r ]

instance LiftView LabeledStrategy where
   liftViewIn = mapRules . liftViewIn

instance LiftView Strategy where
   liftViewIn = mapRulesS . liftViewIn

-- | Apply a function to all the rules that make up a labeled strategy
mapRules :: (Rule a -> Rule b) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy b
mapRules f (LS n s) = LS n (mapRulesS f s)

mapRulesS :: (Rule a -> Rule b) -> Strategy a -> Strategy b
mapRulesS f = S . fmap f . toCore

-- | Use a function as do-after hook for all rules in a labeled strategy, but
-- also use the function beforehand
cleanUpStrategy :: (a -> a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a
cleanUpStrategy f (LS n s) = cleanUpStrategyAfter f (LS n (make s))
   make = liftCore2 (:*:) (doAfter f (idRule ()))

-- | Use a function as do-after hook for all rules in a labeled strategy
cleanUpStrategyAfter :: (a -> a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a
cleanUpStrategyAfter f = mapRules $ \r ->
   if isMajor r then doAfter f r else r

noInterleaving :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
noInterleaving = liftCore $ transform f
      f (a :%:  b) = a :*: b
      f (Atomic a) = a
      f s          = s

--- Functions to lift the core combinators

toCore :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Core a
toCore s = let S core = toStrategy s in core

fromCore :: Core a -> Strategy a
fromCore = S

liftCore :: IsStrategy f => (Core a -> Core a) -> f a -> Strategy a
liftCore f = fromCore . f . toCore

liftCore2 :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => (Core a -> Core a -> Core a) -> f a -> g a -> Strategy a
liftCore2 f = liftCore . f . toCore