-- Automatically generated from content dictionary linalg2.ocd. Do not change. module Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Dictionary.Linalg2 where import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Symbol -- | List of symbols defined in linalg2 dictionary linalg2List :: [Symbol] linalg2List = [vectorSymbol, matrixrowSymbol, matrixSymbol] {-| This symbol represents an n-ary function used to construct (or describe) vectors. Vectors in this CD are considered to be row vectors and must therefore be transposed to be considered as column vectors. -} vectorSymbol :: Symbol vectorSymbol = makeSymbol "linalg2" "vector" {-| This symbol is an n-ary constructor used to represent rows of matrices. Its arguments should be members of a ring. -} matrixrowSymbol :: Symbol matrixrowSymbol = makeSymbol "linalg2" "matrixrow" {-| This symbol is an n-ary matrix constructor which requires matrixrow's as arguments. It is used to represent matrices. -} matrixSymbol :: Symbol matrixSymbol = makeSymbol "linalg2" "matrix"