-- Copyright 2016, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the
-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Ideas.Service.BasicServices
   ( -- * Basic Services
     stepsremaining, findbuggyrules, allfirsts, solution
   , onefirst, onefinal, applicable, allapplications, apply, generate, create
   , StepInfo, tStepInfo, exampleDerivations, recognizeRule
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (applicable, apply, ready)
import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Navigator (downs, navigateTo)
import Ideas.Service.State
import Ideas.Service.Types
import Ideas.Utils.Prelude (fst3)
import Test.QuickCheck.Random
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Ideas.Common.Classes as Apply
import qualified Ideas.Common.Library as Library

generate :: QCGen -> Exercise a -> Maybe Difficulty -> Maybe String -> Either String (State a)
generate rng ex md userId =
   case randomTerm rng ex md of
      Just a  -> Right $ startState rng ex userId a
      Nothing -> Left "No random term"

create :: QCGen -> Exercise a -> String -> Maybe String -> Either String (State a)
create rng ex txt userId =
   case parser ex txt of
      Left err -> Left err
      Right a
         | evalPredicate (Library.ready ex) a -> Left "Is ready"
         | evalPredicate (Library.suitable ex) a -> Right $ startState rng ex userId a
         | otherwise -> Left "Not suitable"

-- TODO: add a location to each step
solution :: Maybe StrategyCfg -> State a -> Either String (Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a))
solution mcfg state =
   mapSecond (biMap (\(r, _, as) -> (r, as)) stateContext) $
   case mcfg of
      _ | withoutPrefix state -> Left "Prefix is required"
      -- configuration is only allowed beforehand: hence, the prefix
      -- should be empty (or else, the configuration is ignored). This
      -- restriction should probably be relaxed later on.
      Just cfg | isEmptyPrefix prfx ->
         let newStrategy = configure cfg (strategy ex)
             newPrefix   = emptyPrefix newStrategy (stateContext state)
         in rec timeout d0 state { statePrefix = newPrefix }
      _ -> rec timeout d0 state
   d0   = emptyDerivation state
   ex   = exercise state
   prfx = statePrefix state
   timeout = 50 :: Int

   rec i acc st =
      case onefirst st of
         Left _         -> Right acc
         Right ((r, l, as), newState)
            | i <= 0    -> Left msg
            | otherwise -> rec (i-1) (acc `extend` ((r, l, as), newState)) newState
      msg = "Time out after " ++ show timeout ++ " steps. " ++
            show (biMap fst3 (prettyPrinterContext ex . stateContext) acc)

type StepInfo a = (Rule (Context a), Location, Environment) -- find a good place

tStepInfo :: Type a (StepInfo a)
tStepInfo = tTuple3 tRule tLocation tEnvironment

allfirsts :: State a -> Either String [(StepInfo a, State a)]
allfirsts state
   | withoutPrefix state = Left "Prefix is required"
   | otherwise = Right $
        noDuplicates $ map make $ firsts state
   make ((s, ctx, env), st) = ((s, location ctx, env), st)

   noDuplicates []     = []
   noDuplicates (x:xs) = x : noDuplicates (filter (not . eq x) xs)

   eq (x1, s1) (x2, s2) =
      x1 == x2 && exercise s1 == exercise s2
      && similarity (exercise s1) (stateContext s1) (stateContext s2)

onefirst :: State a -> Either String (StepInfo a, State a)
onefirst state =
   case allfirsts state of
      Right []     -> Left "No step possible"
      Right (hd:_) -> Right hd
      Left msg     -> Left msg

onefinal :: State a -> Either String (Context a)
onefinal = fmap lastTerm . solution Nothing

applicable :: Location -> State a -> [Rule (Context a)]
applicable loc state =
   let p r = not (isBuggy r) && Apply.applicable r (setLocation loc (stateContext state))
   in filter p (ruleset (exercise state))

allapplications :: State a -> [(Rule (Context a), Location, State a)]
allapplications state = sortBy cmp (xs ++ ys)
   ex = exercise state
   xs = either (const []) (map (\((r, l, _), s) -> (r, l, s))) (allfirsts state)
   ps = [ (r, loc) | (r, loc, _) <- xs ]
   ys = f (top (stateContext state))

   f c = g c ++ concatMap f (downs c)
   g c = [ (r, location new, state { statePrefix = noPrefix, stateContext = new })
         | r   <- ruleset ex
         , (r, location c) `notElem` ps
         , new <- applyAll r c

   cmp (r1, loc1, _) (r2, loc2, _) =
      case ruleOrdering ex r1 r2 of
         EQ   -> loc1 `compare` loc2
         this -> this

-- local helper
setLocation :: Location -> Context a -> Context a
setLocation loc c0 = fromMaybe c0 (navigateTo loc c0)

-- Two possible scenarios: either I have a prefix and I can return a new one (i.e., still following the
-- strategy), or I return a new term without a prefix. A final scenario is that the rule cannot be applied
-- to the current term at the given location, in which case the request is invalid.
apply :: Rule (Context a) -> Location -> Environment -> State a -> Either String (State a)
apply r loc env state
   | withoutPrefix state = applyOff
   | otherwise           = applyOn
   applyOn = -- scenario 1: on-strategy
      maybe applyOff Right $ listToMaybe
      [ s1 | Right xs <- [allfirsts state], ((r1, loc1, env1), s1) <- xs, r==r1, loc==loc1, noBindings env || env==env1 ]

   ca = setLocation loc (stateContext state)
   applyOff  = -- scenario 2: off-strategy
      case transApplyWith env (transformation r) ca of
         (new, _):_ -> Right (restart (state {stateContext = new, statePrefix = noPrefix}))
         [] ->
            -- first check the environment (exercise-specific property)
            case environmentCheck of
               Just msg ->
                  Left msg
               Nothing ->
                  -- try to find a buggy rule
                  case siblingsFirst [ (br, envOut) | br <- ruleset (exercise state), isBuggy br,  (_, envOut) <- transApplyWith env (transformation br) ca ] of
                     []  -> Left ("Cannot apply " ++ show r)
                     brs -> Left ("Buggy rule " ++ intercalate "+" (map pp brs))
      pp (br, envOut)
         | noBindings envOut = show br
         | otherwise         = show br ++ " {" ++ show envOut ++ "}"

   siblingsFirst xs = ys ++ zs
      (ys, zs) = partition (siblingInCommon r . fst) xs

   environmentCheck :: Maybe String
   environmentCheck = do
      p <- getProperty "environment-check" (exercise state)
      p env

siblingInCommon :: Rule a -> Rule a -> Bool
siblingInCommon r1 r2 = not (S.null (getSiblings r1 `S.intersection` getSiblings r2))
   getSiblings r = S.fromList (getId r : ruleSiblings r)

stepsremaining :: State a -> Either String Int
stepsremaining = mapSecond derivationLength . solution Nothing

findbuggyrules :: State a -> Context a -> [(Rule (Context a), Location, Environment)]
findbuggyrules state a =
   [ (r, loc, as)
   | r         <- filter isBuggy (ruleset ex)
   , (loc, as) <- recognizeRule ex r (stateContext state) a
   ex = exercise state

-- Recognize a rule at (possibly multiple) locations
recognizeRule :: Exercise a -> Rule (Context a) -> Context a -> Context a -> [(Location, Environment)]
recognizeRule ex r ca cb = rec (top ca)
   final = addTransRecognizer (similarity ex) r
   rec x = do
      -- here
      as <- recognizeAll final x cb
      return (location x, as)
    `mplus` -- or there
      concatMap rec (downs x)

exampleDerivations :: Exercise a -> Either String [Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a)]
exampleDerivations ex = mapM (solution Nothing . emptyState ex . snd) (examples ex)