{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2013, Open Universiteit Nederland. This file is distributed -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information, -- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Maintainer : alex.gerdes@ou.nl -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable (depends on ghc) -- -- some of these help functions may have a broader scope and could be -- moved to other parts of the framework (eg. Common) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Domain.Math.Power.Utils where import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List import Data.Ratio import Domain.Math.CleanUp import Domain.Math.Data.OrList import Domain.Math.Data.Relation import Domain.Math.Equation.CoverUpRules import Domain.Math.Expr import Domain.Math.Numeric.Rules import Domain.Math.Numeric.Views import Ideas.Common.Library import Ideas.Common.Utils.Uniplate -- | Strategy functions ------------------------------------------------------- exhaustiveStrategy :: IsTerm a => [Rule a] -> Strategy (Context a) exhaustiveStrategy = exhaustiveSomewhere . map liftToContext exhaustiveUse :: (IsTerm a, IsTerm b) => [Rule a] -> Strategy (Context b) exhaustiveUse = exhaustiveSomewhere . map use exhaustiveSomewhere :: IsStrategy f => [f (Context a)] -> Strategy (Context a) exhaustiveSomewhere = repeatS . somewhere . alternatives -- | Rule functions ----------------------------------------------------------- smartRule :: Rule Expr -> Rule Expr smartRule = doAfter f where f (a :*: b) = a .*. b f (a :/: b) = a ./. b f (Negate a) = neg a f (a :+: b) = a .+. b f (a :-: b) = a .-. b f e = e mergeConstantsWith :: (Expr -> Bool) -> Expr -> Expr mergeConstantsWith p = simplifyWith f productView where f (sign, xs) = let (cs, ys) = partition p xs c = simplify rationalView $ build productView (False, cs) in if maybe False (> 1) (match rationalView c) then (sign, c:ys) else (sign, xs) mergeConstants :: Expr -> Expr mergeConstants = mergeConstantsWith (`belongsTo` rationalView) -- | View functions ----------------------------------------------------------- plainNatView :: View Expr Integer plainNatView = makeView f Nat where f (Nat n) = Just n f _ = Nothing myIntegerView :: View Expr Integer myIntegerView = makeView f fromInteger where f (Nat n) = Just n f (Negate (Nat n)) = Just $ negate n f _ = Nothing plainRationalView :: View Rational (Integer, Integer) plainRationalView = makeView (\x -> return (numerator x, denominator x)) (uncurry (%)) eqView :: View a b -> View (Equation a) (b, b) eqView v = eqv >>> v *** v where eqv = makeView (\(lhs :==: rhs) -> Just (lhs, rhs)) (uncurry (:==:)) relationView :: View (Equation a) (Relation a) relationView = makeView f g where f (x :==: y) = return $ x .==. y g r | relationType r == EqualTo = leftHandSide r :==: rightHandSide r | otherwise = error "Not an equality" -- | Rule collections --------------------------------------------------------- naturalRules :: [Rule Expr] naturalRules = [ calcPlusWith "nat" plainNatView, calcMinusWith "nat" plainNatView , calcTimesWith "nat" plainNatView, calcDivisionWith "nat" plainNatView , doubleNegate, negateZero , plusNegateLeft, plusNegateRight -- , minusNegateLeft , minusNegateRight, timesNegateLeft, timesNegateRight, divisionNegateLeft , divisionNegateRight ] rationalRules :: [Rule Expr] rationalRules = [ calcPlusWith "rational" rationalRelaxedForm , calcMinusWith "rational" rationalRelaxedForm , calcTimesWith "rational" rationalRelaxedForm , calcDivisionWith "integer" integerNF , doubleNegate, negateZero, divisionDenominator, divisionNumerator , simplerFraction ] coverUpRulesX :: [Rule (Equation Expr)] coverUpRulesX = map (\r -> r cfg) [ coverUpPlusWith, coverUpMinusLeftWith, coverUpMinusRightWith, coverUpNegateWith , coverUpTimesWith, coverUpNumeratorWith, coverUpDenominatorWith, coverUpSqrtWith ] where cfg = configCoverUp { predicateCovered = elem "x" . vars , predicateCombined = notElem "x" . vars , coverLHS = False} -- | Common functions --------------------------------------------------------- sortExpr :: Expr -> Expr sortExpr = transform $ simplifyWith (sort . map sortProd) sumView where sortProd = simplifyWith (fmap sort) productView sortEquation :: Equation Expr -> Equation Expr sortEquation (x :==: y) = if x < y then eq else flipSides eq where eq = sortExpr x :==: sortExpr y sortOrList :: OrList (Equation Expr) -> OrList (Equation Expr) sortOrList = toOrList . sort . map sortEquation . toList -- Semantic equivalence class SemEq a where (===), (=/=) :: a -> a -> Bool x =/= y = not (x === y) -- x === y = not (x =/= y) infix 4 ===, =/= instance SemEq a => SemEq (Equation a) where (a :==: b) === (c :==: d) = a === c && b === d || a === d && b === c instance SemEq Expr where (===) = on (==) cleanUpExpr instance SemEq a => SemEq (OrList a) where a === b = let as = toList a ; bs = toList b in length (intersectBy (===) as bs) == length as -- y = root n x takeRoot :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer takeRoot n x | n >= 0 && x >0 && a Prelude.^ x == n = Just a | otherwise = Nothing where a = round (fromInteger n ** (1/fromInteger x) :: Double) {- | n == 0 = [0] | n == 1 = if x > 0 && odd x then [1] else [1, -1] | n == (-1) = [-1 | x > 0 && odd x] | x == 1 = [n] | x > 0 = maybe [] roots $ lookup x $ map swap $ PF.allPowers (abs n) | otherwise = [] where roots r | n > 0 && even x = [r, negate r] | n > 0 && odd x = [r] | n < 0 && odd x = [negate r] | otherwise = [] -} -- prop_takeRoot n = traceShow n f -- where -- f n x | x > 0 = n `elem` (takeRoot (n Prelude.^ x) x) -- | otherwise = True swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a) swap (a, b) = (b, a) split :: (Eq a) => (a -> a -> t) -> [a] -> [(t, [a])] split op xs = f xs where f (y:ys) | not (null ys) = [(y `op` z, xs \\ [y, z]) | z <- ys] ++ f ys | otherwise = [] f [] = [] toMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a toMaybe p x = if p x then Just x else Nothing joinBy :: Eq a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] joinBy _ [] = [] joinBy eq xs = ys : joinBy eq (xs \\ ys) where ys = dropUntil eq xs dropUntil :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] dropUntil _ [] = [] dropUntil _ [x] = [x] dropUntil p (x:y:ys) | p x y = x : dropUntil p (y:ys) | otherwise = [x] holes :: [a] -> [(a, [a], a -> [a])] holes xs = map f [0 .. length xs - 1] where f i = let (ys, z:zs) = splitAt i xs in (z, ys ++ zs, \x -> ys ++ x:zs) twoNonAdjacentHoles :: [a] -> [((a, a), a -> [a])] twoNonAdjacentHoles xs = concatMap g pairs where pairs = [(x, y) | x <- [0 .. length xs - 1], y <- [x + 1 .. length xs - 1]] g (x, y) = let (ys, z:zs) = splitAt x xs (ps, q:qs) = splitAt (y - x - 1) zs in if null ps then [ ((z, q), \a -> ys ++ a:ps ++ qs) ] else [ ((z, q), \a -> ys ++ a:ps ++ qs) , ((z, q), \a -> ys ++ ps ++ a:qs) ]