namespace algebra.equations supports algebra.equations.linear # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Feedback feedback same = @ok feedback noteq = @incorrect feedback unknown = @ok feedback ok = {Well done!} feedback buggy = {@incorrect @recognized} feedback detour = @ok feedback hint = hint feedback step = Use @expected to rewrite the equation into: @after string incorrect = {This step is incorrect.} # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Rules text coverup.negate = {rule negate} text coverup.onevar.minus-left = {rule minus left} text coverup.onevar.minus-right = {rule minus right} text = {rule plus} text coverup.times = {rule times} text linear.distr-times = distribution multiplication text linear.flip = flip equation text linear.merge = merge similar terms text linear.norm-mixed = normalize mixed fraction text linear.norm-rational = normalize rational number text linear.remove-div = remove division text linear.var-left = variable to left # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Buggy rules text buggy.cancel-minus = Cancel terms on both sides, but terms have different signs. text buggy.distr-times-denom = Incorrect distribution of times over plus: one of the terms is a fraction, and the outer expression is multiplied by the fraction's denominator. text buggy.distr-times-plus = Distribution of times over plus: one term is not multiplied. text buggy.distr-times-plus-forget = Incorrect distribution of times over plus: one term is forgotten. text buggy.distr-times-plus-sign = Incorrect distribution of times over plus: changing sign of addition. text buggy.distr-times-too-many = Strange distribution of times over plus: a*(b+c)+d, where 'a' is also multiplied to d. text buggy.divide-negate = Dividing, but wrong sign. text buggy.divide-numdenom = Dividing both sides, but swapping numerator/denominator. text buggy.flip-negate-one-side = Negate terms on one side only. text buggy.minus-minus = Incorrect rewriting of a-(b-c): forgetting to change sign. text buggy.multiply-forget-one = Multiply the terms on both sides of the equation, but forget one. text buggy.multiply-one-side = Multiplication on one side of the equation only text buggy.negate-all = Negating all terms (on both sides of the equation, but forgetting one term. text buggy.negate-one-side = Negate terms on one side only. text = Moving a term from the left-hand side to the right-hand side (or the other way around), but forgetting to change the sign. text buggy.priority-times = Prioity of operators is changed, possibly by ignoring some parentheses.