module ID3.Type.Tag

import Data.List            ((\\))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map             (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Accessor
import Data.Accessor.Basic  (compose)

import ID3.Type.Header
import ID3.Type.ExtHeader
import ID3.Type.Frame
import ID3.Type.Unparse

{-- /ID3v2 Format Overview/

   ID3v2 is a general tagging format for audio, which makes it possible
   to store meta data about the audio inside the audio file itself. The
   ID3 tag described in this document is mainly targeted at files
   encoded with MPEG-1/2 layer I, MPEG-1/2 layer II, MPEG-1/2 layer III
   and MPEG-2.5, but may work with other types of encoded audio or as a
   stand alone format for audio meta data.

   ID3v2 is designed to be as flexible and expandable as possible to
   meet new meta information needs that might arise. To achieve that
   ID3v2 is constructed as a container for several information blocks,
   called frames, whose format need not be known to the software that
   encounters them. At the start of every frame is an unique and
   predefined identifier, a size descriptor that allows software to skip
   unknown frames and a flags field. The flags describes encoding
   details and if the frame should remain in the tag, should it be
   unknown to the software, if the file is altered.

   The bitorder in ID3v2 is most significant bit first (MSB). The
   byteorder in multibyte numbers is most significant byte first (e.g.
   $12345678 would be encoded $12 34 56 78), also known as big endian
   and network byte order.

   Overall tag structure:

     |      Header (10 bytes)      |
     |       Extended Header       |
     | (variable length, OPTIONAL) |
     |   Frames (variable length)  |
     |           Padding           |
     | (variable length, OPTIONAL) |
     | Footer (10 bytes, OPTIONAL) |

   In general, padding and footer are mutually exclusive.

data ID3Tag = ID3Tag
              { tagHeader    :: ID3Header
              , tagExtHeader :: Maybe ID3ExtHeader
              , tagFrames    :: Map FrameID ID3Frame
              , tagFramesOrder :: [FrameID]
              , tagPadding   :: Integer
              } deriving Eq

emptyID3Tag = ID3Tag emptyID3Header Nothing Map.empty [] 0
initID3Tag  = flip compose emptyID3Tag

header   = accessor tagHeader     (\x t -> t {tagHeader    = x})
version  = header .> tagVersion

instance HasSize ID3Tag where
    size = accessor getFullSize setSize

setSize = setVal $ header .> tagSize
getFullSize t = getActualSize t + (t^.padding)

getActualSize t = (footerSize t) + (framesSize (t^.frames)) + (extHSize t)

framesSize fs = Map.fold (\fr x -> fr^.frHeader^.frSize + 10 + x) 0 fs
footerSize t = if t^.flags^.footed then 10 else 0
extHSize t = case t^.extHeader of
                  Just eH -> eH^.extSize
                  Nothing -> 0
padding = accessor tagPadding (\x t -> t {tagPadding = x})

flags    = header .> tagFlags

extHeader = accessor tagExtHeader (\x t -> t {tagExtHeader = x})
frames    = accessor tagFrames    (\x t -> t {tagFrames    = x})

framesOrder = accessor tagFramesOrder (\x t -> t {tagFramesOrder = x})

frame :: FrameID -> Accessor ID3Tag (Maybe ID3Frame)
frame id = accessor (\t -> getFrame t id) (\x t -> setFrame t id x)

getFrame t f = Map.lookup f (t^.frames)
setFrame t f x = updateSize $ frames ^= Map.alter (\_ -> x) f (t^.frames) $ t


sortFrames fs ids = mapMaybe (\id -> Map.lookup id fs) $ ids ++ (Map.keys fs \\ ids)

instance Show ID3Tag where
    show t = ( show $ t^.header)                               ++"\n"++
             ( "Full   tag size: "++(show $ getFullSize   t))  ++"\n"++
             ( "Actual tag size: "++(show $ getActualSize t))  ++"\n"++
             ( "Padding    size: "++(show $ t^.padding))       ++"\n"++
             ( unwords $ t^.framesOrder )                      ++"\n"++
             ( maybe "" show $ t^.extHeader )                  ++"\n"++
             ( concatMap show $ sortFrames (t^.frames) (t^.framesOrder) )

instance Parsed ID3Tag where
    unparse t = ( unparse $ t^.header ) ++
                ( maybe [] unparse $ t^.extHeader ) ++
                ( concatMap unparse $ sortFrames (t^.frames) (t^.framesOrder) ) ++
                ( if t^.flags^.footed then unparseFooter ++ (drop 10 unparsePadding) else unparsePadding )
                    unparseFooter = (unparse $ Str "3DI") ++ (drop 3 $ unparse $ t^.header)
                    unparsePadding = replicate (fromInteger $ t^.padding) 0x00