{ -- -*-Haskell-*- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} module Idris.Parser where import Data.Char import Ivor.TT import System.IO.Unsafe import List import Control.Monad import Idris.AbsSyntax import Idris.Lexer import Idris.Lib import Debug.Trace } %name mkparse Program %name mkparseTerm Term %name mkparseTactic Tactic %tokentype { Token } %monad { P } { thenP } { returnP } %lexer { lexer } { TokenEOF } -- %expect 0 %token name { TokenName $$ } userinfix { TokenInfixName $$ } brackname { TokenBrackName $$ } string { TokenString $$ } int { TokenInt $$ } float { TokenFloat $$ } char { TokenChar $$ } bool { TokenBool $$ } metavar { TokenMetavar $$ } ':' { TokenColon } ';' { TokenSemi } '|' { TokenBar } stars { TokenStars } '\\' { TokenLambda } hashbrack { TokenHashOB } '(' { TokenOB } ')' { TokenCB } '{' { TokenOCB } '}' { TokenCCB } '[' { TokenOSB } ']' { TokenCSB } oid { TokenOId } cid { TokenCId } lpair { TokenLPair } rpair { TokenRPair } exists { TokenExists } '~' { TokenTilde } '+' { TokenPlus } '-' { TokenMinus } '*' { TokenTimes } '/' { TokenDivide } '=' { TokenEquals } mightbe { TokenMightEqual } '<' { TokenLT } '>' { TokenGT } ellipsis { TokenEllipsis } '_' { TokenUnderscore } ',' { TokenComma } '&' { TokenTuple } '!' { TokenBang } concat { TokenConcat } -- eq { TokenEQ } ge { TokenGE } le { TokenLE } or { TokenOr } and { TokenAnd } arrow { TokenArrow } fatarrow { TokenFatArrow } transarrow { TokenTransArrow } leftarrow { TokenLeftArrow } inttype { TokenIntType } chartype { TokenCharType } floattype { TokenFloatType } stringtype { TokenStringType } handletype { TokenHandleType } ptrtype { TokenPtrType } locktype { TokenLockType } type { TokenType } lazybracket { TokenLazyBracket } data { TokenDataType } infix { TokenInfix } infixl { TokenInfixL } infixr { TokenInfixR } using { TokenUsing } idiom { TokenIdiom } params { TokenParams } noelim { TokenNoElim } collapsible { TokenCollapsible } where { TokenWhere } with { TokenWith } partial { TokenPartial } syntax { TokenSyntax } lazy { TokenLazy } refl { TokenRefl } empty { TokenEmptyType } unit { TokenUnitType } include { TokenInclude } export { TokenExport } inline { TokenInline } do { TokenDo } return { TokenReturn } if { TokenIf } then { TokenThen } else { TokenElse } let { TokenLet } in { TokenIn } proof { TokenProof } intro { TokenIntro } refine { TokenRefine } generalise { TokenGeneralise } reflp { TokenReflP } rewrite { TokenRewrite } rewriteall { TokenRewriteAll } compute { TokenCompute } unfold { TokenUnfold } undo { TokenUndo } induction { TokenInduction } fill { TokenFill } trivial { TokenTrivial } mktac { TokenMkTac } believe { TokenBelieve } use { TokenUse } decide { TokenDecide } abandon { TokenAbandon } qed { TokenQED } latex { TokenLaTeX } nocg { TokenNoCG } eval { TokenEval } spec { TokenSpec } freeze { TokenFreeze } thaw { TokenThaw } transform { TokenTransform } cinclude { TokenCInclude } clib { TokenCLib } %nonassoc LAM %nonassoc let in %nonassoc '!' '@' %left or %left and '&' %left '=' -- eq %left userinfix %left '<' le '>' ge %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %left NEG %left concat %left '\\' %right arrow %left '(' '{' lazybracket %nonassoc '.' %right IMP %nonassoc CONST -- All the things I don't want to cause a reduction inside a lam... %nonassoc name inttype chartype floattype stringtype int char string float bool refl do type empty unit '_' if then else ptrtype handletype locktype metavar NONE brackname lazy oid '[' '~' lpair PAIR return transarrow exists %left APP %% Program :: { [ParseDecl] } Program: { [] } | Declaration Program { $1:$2 } | Fixity Program { map RealDecl $1 ++ $2 } | include string ';' Program { RealDecl (PInclude $2) : $4 } {- {% let rest = $4 in let pt = unsafePerformIO (readLib defaultLibPath $2) in case (mkparse pt $2 1 []) of Success x -> returnP (x ++ rest) Failure err file ln -> failP err } -} Declaration :: { ParseDecl } Declaration: Function { $1 } | Datatype { RealDecl (DataDecl $1) } | Latex { RealDecl $1 } | freeze name ';' { RealDecl (Freeze $2) } | Using '{' Program '}' { PUsing $1 $3 } | DoUsing '{' Program '}' { PDoUsing $1 $3 } | Idiom '{' Program '}' { PIdiom $1 $3 } | Params '{' Program '}' { PParams $1 $3 } | Transform { RealDecl $1 } | syntax Name NamesS '=' Term ';' { PSyntax $2 $3 $5 } | cinclude string { RealDecl (CInclude $2) } | clib string { RealDecl (CLib $2) } Transform :: { Decl } Transform : transform Term fatarrow Term ';' { Transform $2 $4 } Function :: { ParseDecl } Function : Name ':' Type Flags File Line ';' { FunType $1 $3 (nub $4) $5 $6 } | Name ProofScript ';' { ProofScript $1 $2 } -- | DefTerm '=' Term Flags ';' { FunClause (mkDef $1) [] $3 $4 } | DefTerm WithTerms WithP Term '{' Functions '}' File Line { WithClause (mkDef $8 $9 $1) $2 $3 $4 $6 } | DefTerm WithTerms mightbe Term ';' '[' Name ']' File Line { FunClauseP (mkDef $9 $10 $1) $2 $4 $7 } | DefTerm WithTerms '=' Term Flags ';' File Line { FunClause (mkDef $7 $8 $1) $2 $4 (nub $5) } | '|' WithTerm '=' Term ';' { FunClause RPlaceholder [$2] $4 [] } | '|' WithTerm mightbe Term ';' '[' Name ']' { FunClauseP RPlaceholder [$2] $4 $7 } | '|' WithTerm WithP Term '{' Functions '}' { WithClause RPlaceholder [$2] $3 $4 $6 } WithP :: { Bool } WithP : with { False } | with proof { True } WithTerms :: { [RawTerm] } WithTerms : '|' WithTerm WithTerms { $2:$3 } | { [] } WithTerm :: { RawTerm } WithTerm : SimpleAppTerm { $1 } | SigmaTerm { $1 } | '(' Term ')' { $2 } | '(' TermList ')' File Line { pairDesugar $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "mkPair")) $2 } Functions :: { [ParseDecl] } Functions : Function Functions { $1:$2 } | Function { [$1] } Flags :: { [CGFlag] } Flags : { [] } | Flag Flags { $1 ++ $2 } Flag :: { [CGFlag] } Flag : nocg { [NoCG] } | eval { [CGEval, Inline] } | spec '(' NameInts ')' { [CGSpec $3] } | spec { [CGSpec []] } | inline { [Inline] } | export string { [CExport $2] } -- | Nameproof Script { ProofScript $2 } -- | proof '{' Tactics '}' { error "Foo" } -- Tactics :: { [(ITactic] } -- Tactics : -- | Name '=' Term ';' { RealDecl (TermDef $1 $3) } Fixity :: { [Decl] } Fixity : FixDec int UserInfixes ';' { map (\x -> Fixity x $1 $2) $3 } UserInfixes :: { [String] } UserInfixes : UserInfix { [$1] } | UserInfix ',' UserInfixes { $1:$3 } -- some annoying special cases so we can have operators with other meanings. UserInfix :: { String } UserInfix : userinfix { $1 } | '-' { "-" } | '<' { "<" } | '>' { ">" } FixDec :: { Fixity } FixDec : infixl { LeftAssoc } | infixr { RightAssoc } | infix { NonAssoc } Latex :: { Decl } Latex : latex '{' LatexDefs '}' { LatexDefs $3 } LatexDefs :: { [(Id,String)] } LatexDefs : Name '=' string { [($1,$3)] } | Name '=' string ',' LatexDefs { ($1,$3):$5 } DefTerm :: { (Id, [(RawTerm, Maybe Id)]) } DefTerm : Name ArgTerms { ($1, $2) } ArgTerms :: { [(RawTerm,Maybe Id)] } ArgTerms : { [] } | NoAppTerm ArgTerms { ($1,Nothing):$2 } | brackname '}' ArgTerms File Line { (RVar $4 $5 $1, Just $1):$3 } | brackname '=' Term '}' ArgTerms { ($3, Just $1):$5 } Datatype :: { Datatype } Datatype : data DataOpts Name DefinedData File Line { mkDatatype $5 $6 $3 $4 $2 } DefinedData :: { Either RawTerm ((RawTerm, [(Id, RawTerm)]), [ConParse]) } DefinedData : DType Constructors ';' { Right ($1,$2) } | ':' Type ';' { Left $2 } | ';' File Line { Left (RConst $2 $3 TYPE) } -- Currently just whether to generate an elim rule, this'll need to be -- a list of options if we ever expand this. DataOpts :: { [TyOpt] } DataOpts : { [] } | '[' DataOptList ']' { $2 } DataOptList :: { [TyOpt] } DataOptList : DataOpt { [$1] } | DataOpt ',' DataOptList { $1:$3 } DataOpt :: { TyOpt } DataOpt : noelim { NoElim } | collapsible { Collapsible } Name :: { Id } Name : name { $1 } | '(' UserInfix ')' { useropFn $2 } SimpleAppTerm :: { RawTerm } SimpleAppTerm : SimpleAppTerm File Line NoAppTerm %prec APP { RApp $2 $3 $1 $4 } | SimpleAppTerm ImplicitTerm '}' File Line %prec APP { RAppImp $4 $5 (fst $2) $1 (snd $2) } | Name File Line { RVar $2 $3 $1 } | Constant File Line { RConst $2 $3 $1 } | '_' { RPlaceholder } | empty File Line { RVar $2 $3 (UN "__Empty") } | unit File Line { RVar $2 $3 (UN "__Unit") } Term :: { RawTerm } Term : NoAppTerm { $1 } | hashbrack TypeTerm ')' { $2 } | Term File Line NoAppTerm %prec APP { RApp $2 $3 $1 $4 } | Term ImplicitTerm '}' File Line %prec APP { RAppImp $4 $5 (fst $2) $1 (snd $2) } | lazy Term File Line { RApp $3 $4 (RApp $3 $4 (RVar $3 $4 (UN "__lazy")) RPlaceholder) $2 } | '\\' Binds fatarrow Term %prec LAM { doBind Lam $2 $4 } | let LetBinds in Term { doLetBind $2 $4 } | InfixTerm { $1 } | if Term then Term else Term File Line { mkApp $7 $8 (RVar $7 $8 (UN "if_then_else")) [$2,$4,$6] } Binds :: { [(Id, RawTerm)] } Binds : Name MaybeType { [($1,$2)] } | Name MaybeType ',' Binds { ($1,$2):$4 } TypedBinds :: { [(Id, RawTerm)] } TypedBinds : TypedBind ',' TypedBinds { $1 ++ $3 } | TypedBind { $1 } TypedBind :: { [(Id, RawTerm)] } TypedBind : Name ':' Type { map ( \x -> (x,$3)) [$1] } Names :: { [Id] } Names : Name { [$1] } | Name ',' Names { $1:$3 } NameInts :: { [(Id, Int)] } NameInts : Name int { [($1,$2)] } | Name { [($1, 0)] } | Name ',' NameInts { ($1,0):$3 } | Name int ',' NameInts { ($1,$2):$4 } BrackNames :: { [Id] } BrackNames : brackname { [$1] } | brackname ',' Names { $1:$3 } NamesS :: { [Id] } NamesS : Name { [$1] } | Name NamesS { $1:$2 } LetBinds :: { [(Id, RawTerm, RawTerm)] } LetBinds : Name MaybeType '=' Term { [($1,$2,$4)] } | Name MaybeType '=' Term ',' LetBinds { ($1,$2,$4):$6 } ImplicitTerm :: { (Id, RawTerm) } ImplicitTerm : brackname File Line { ($1, RVar $2 $3 $1) } | brackname '=' Term { ($1, $3) } InfixTerm :: { RawTerm } InfixTerm : '-' Term File Line %prec NEG { RInfix $3 $4 Minus (RConst $3 $4 (Num 0)) $2 } -- | Term '+' Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 Plus $1 $3 } | Term '-' Term File Line { RUserInfix $4 $5 False "-" $1 $3 } -- | Term '*' Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 Times $1 $3 } -- | Term '/' Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 Divide $1 $3 } -- | Term and Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 OpAnd $1 $3 } | Term '&' Term File Line { mkApp $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "Pair")) [$1, $3] } -- | Term or Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 OpOr $1 $3 } -- | Term concat Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 Concat $1 $3 } -- | Term eq Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 OpEq $1 $3 } | Term '<' Term File Line { RUserInfix $4 $5 False "<" $1 $3 } -- | Term le Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 OpLEq $1 $3 } | Term '>' Term File Line { RUserInfix $4 $5 False ">" $1 $3 } -- | Term ge Term File Line { RInfix $4 $5 OpGEq $1 $3 } | Term arrow Term File Line { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Pi Ex Eager $1) $3 } | UserInfixTerm { $1 } | NoAppTerm '=' NoAppTerm File Line { RInfix $4 $5 JMEq $1 $3 } UserInfixTerm :: { RawTerm } UserInfixTerm : Term userinfix Term File Line { RUserInfix $4 $5 False $2 $1 $3 } Section :: { RawTerm } Section : '(' userinfix Term File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RUserInfix $4 $5 False $2 (RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0)) $3) } | '(' Term userinfix File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RUserInfix $4 $5 False $3 $2 (RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0))) } | '(' BuiltinOp Term File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RUserInfix $4 $5 False $2 (RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0)) $3) } | '(' Term BuiltinOp File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RUserInfix $4 $5 False $3 $2 (RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0))) } | '(' Term '-' File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RUserInfix $4 $5 False "-" $2 (RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0))) } -- Special cases for -> | '(' Term arrow File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RBind (MN "X" 1) (Pi Ex Eager $2) (RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0))) } | '(' arrow Term File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RBind (MN "X" 1) (Pi Ex Eager (RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0))) $3) } | '(' arrow File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RBind (MN "X" 1) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RBind (MN "X" 2) (Pi Ex Eager (RVar $3 $4 (MN "X" 0))) (RVar $3 $4 (MN "X" 1)))) } -- Special cases for pairing | '(' ',' File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (RBind (MN "X" 1) (Lam RPlaceholder) (pairDesugar $3 $4 (RVar $3 $4 (UN "mkPair")) [RVar $3 $4 (MN "X" 0), RVar $3 $4 (MN "X" 1)])) } | '(' Term ',' File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (pairDesugar $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "mkPair")) [$2, RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0)]) } | '(' ',' Term File Line ')' { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Lam RPlaceholder) (pairDesugar $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "mkPair")) [RVar $4 $5 (MN "X" 0), $3]) } BuiltinOp :: { String } BuiltinOp : '<' { "<" } | '>' { ">" } MaybeType :: { RawTerm } MaybeType : { RPlaceholder} | ':' TypeTerm { $2 } MaybeAType :: { RawTerm } MaybeAType : { RPlaceholder} | ':' TypeTerm { $2 } -- Term representing a type may begin with implicit argument list Type :: { RawTerm } Type : BrackNames MaybeAType '}' arrow Type { doBind (Pi Im Eager) (map (\x -> (x, $2)) $1) $5 } | TypeTerm { $1 } TypeTerm :: { RawTerm } TypeTerm : TypeTerm arrow TypeTerm { RBind (MN "X" 0) (Pi Ex Eager $1) $3 } | '(' TypedBinds ')' arrow TypeTerm { doBind (Pi Ex Eager) $2 $5 } | lazybracket TypedBinds ')' arrow TypeTerm { doBind (Pi Ex Lazy) $2 $5 } | '(' TypeTerm ')' { bracket $2 } | '(' TypeTerm '=' TypeTerm File Line ')' { RInfix $5 $6 JMEq $2 $4 } | SimpleAppTerm { $1 } | hashbrack Term ')' { $2 } | TypeTerm userinfix TypeTerm File Line { RUserInfix $4 $5 False $2 $1 $3 } | '(' TypeList ')' File Line { pairDesugar $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "Pair")) $2 } | SigmaType { $1 } SigmaType :: { RawTerm } SigmaType : '(' Name MaybeType stars TypeTerm ')' File Line { sigDesugar $7 $8 ($2, $3) $5 } -- | exists Name MaybeType fatarrow SimpleAppTerm File Line -- { sigDesugar $6 $7 ($2, $3) $5 } TypeList :: { [RawTerm] } : TypeTerm '&' TypeTerm { $1:$3:[] } | TypeTerm '&' TypeList { $1:$3 } NoAppTerm :: { RawTerm } NoAppTerm : Name File Line { RVar $2 $3 $1 } | return File Line { RReturn $2 $3 } | '(' Term ')' { bracket $2 } | '~' NoAppTerm { RPure $2 } | metavar { RMetavar $1 } | '!' Name File Line { RExpVar $3 $4 $2 } -- | '{' TypedBind '}' arrow NoAppTerm -- { doBind (Pi Im) $2 $5 } | Constant File Line { RConst $2 $3 $1 } | refl { RRefl } | empty File Line { RVar $2 $3 (UN "__Empty") } | unit File Line { RVar $2 $3 (UN "__Unit") } | '_' { RPlaceholder } | DoBlock { RDo $1 } | oid Term cid { RIdiom $2 } | '(' TermList ')' File Line { pairDesugar $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "mkPair")) $2 } -- | '[' TermList ']' File Line { pairDesugar $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "Exists")) $2 } -- | '(' TypeList ')' File Line { pairDesugar $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "Pair")) $2 } | SigmaType { $1 } | Section { $1 } | SigmaTerm { $1 } SigmaTerm :: { RawTerm } SigmaTerm : lpair Term ',' Term rpair File Line %prec PAIR { RApp $6 $7 (RAppImp $6 $7 (UN "a") (RVar $6 $7 (UN "Exists")) $2) $4 } | lpair Term rpair File Line %prec PAIR { RApp $4 $5 (RVar $4 $5 (UN "Exists")) $2 } TermList :: { [RawTerm] } : Term ',' Term { $1:$3:[] } | Term ',' TermList { $1:$3 } DoBlock :: { [Do] } DoBlock : do '{' DoBindings '}' { $3 } -- Next rule is a TMP HACK! So that we can open brackets then have a name immediately. | do brackname MaybeType leftarrow Term File Line ';' DoBindings '}' { DoBinding $6 $7 $2 $3 $5 : $9 } DoBindings :: { [Do] } DoBindings : DoBind DoBindings { $1:$2} | DoBind { [$1] } DoBind :: { Do } DoBind : Name MaybeType leftarrow Term File Line ';' { DoBinding $5 $6 $1 $2 $4 } | let Name MaybeType '=' Term File Line ';' { DoLet $6 $7 $2 $3 $5 } | Term File Line ';' { DoExp $2 $3 $1 } Constant :: { Constant } Constant : type { TYPE } | stringtype { StringType } | inttype { IntType } | chartype { CharType } | floattype { FloatType } | ptrtype { PtrType } | handletype { Builtin "Handle" } | locktype { Builtin "Lock" } | int { Num $1 } | char { Ch $1 } | string { Str $1 } | bool { Bo $1 } | float { Fl $1 } -- Whitespace separated term sequences; must be NoAppTerms since obviously -- application is space separated... Terms :: { [RawTerm] } Terms : { [] } | NoAppTerm Terms { $1:$2 } DType :: { (RawTerm, [(Id, RawTerm)]) } DType : ':' Type Using where { ($2, $3) } | '=' File Line { (RConst $2 $3 TYPE, []) } | VarList '=' File Line { (mkTyParams $3 $4 $1, []) } Using :: { [(Id, RawTerm)] } : { [] } | using '(' UseList ')' { $3 } DoUsing ::{ (Id,Id) } : do using '(' Name ',' Name ')' { ($4,$6) } Idiom ::{ (Id,Id) } : idiom '(' Name ',' Name ')' { ($3,$5) } Params :: { [(Id, RawTerm)] } : params '(' UseList ')' { $3 } UseList :: { [(Id, RawTerm)] } : Name ':' Type { [($1, $3)] } | Name ':' Type ',' UseList { ($1,$3):$5 } VarList :: { [Id] } VarList : Name { [$1] } | Name VarList { $1:$2 } Where : where { $1 } | '=' { $1 } Constructors :: { [ConParse] } Constructors : { [] } -- None | Constructor { [$1] } | Constructor '|' Constructors { $1:$3 } Constructor :: { ConParse } Constructor : Name CType { Full $1 $2 } | Name Terms { Simple $1 $2 } -- | Name { Simple $1 [] } CType :: { RawTerm } CType : ':' Type { $2 } Tactic :: { ITactic } Tactic : intro Names { Intro $2 } | intro { Intro [] } | refine Name { Refine $2 } | generalise Term { Generalise $2 } | reflp { ReflP } | rewrite Term { Rewrite False False $2 } | rewrite leftarrow Term { Rewrite False True $3 } | rewriteall Term { Rewrite True False $2 } | rewriteall leftarrow Term { Rewrite True True $3 } | compute { Compute } | unfold Name { Unfold $2 } | undo { Undo } | induction Term { Induction $2 } | fill Term { Fill $2 } | trivial { Trivial } | mktac Term { RunTactic $2 } | believe Term { Believe $2 } | use Term { Use $2 } | decide Term { Decide $2 } | abandon { Abandon } | qed { Qed } ProofScript :: { [ITactic] } ProofScript : proof '{' Tactics '}' { $3 } Tactics :: { [ITactic] } Tactics : Tactic ';' { [$1] } | Tactic ';' Tactics { $1:$3 } Line :: { LineNumber } : {- empty -} {% getLineNo } File :: { String } : {- empty -} %prec NONE {% getFileName } Ops :: { Fixities } : {- empty -} %prec NONE {% getOps } { data ConParse = Full Id RawTerm | Simple Id [RawTerm] parse :: String -> FilePath -> Result [Decl] parse s fn = do ds <- mkparse s fn 1 [] collectDecls ds processImports :: [Opt] -> [FilePath] -> Result [Decl] -> IO ([Decl], [FilePath]) processImports opts imped (Success ds) = pi imped [] ds where pi imps decls ((PInclude fp):xs) | fp `elem` imps = pi imps decls xs | otherwise = do f <- readLibFile defaultLibPath fp when (Verbose `elem` opts) $ putStrLn ("Reading " ++ fp) case parse f fp of Success t -> pi (fp:imps) decls (t++xs) Failure e f l -> fail $ f ++ ":" ++ show l ++ ":" ++ e pi imps decls ((Using t ds):xs) = do (ds',imps') <- pi imps [] ds pi imps' (decls++[Using t ds']) xs pi imps decls ((Params t ds):xs) = do (ds',imps') <- pi imps [] ds pi imps' (decls++[Params t ds']) xs pi imps decls ((DoUsing b r ds):xs) = do (ds',imps') <- pi imps [] ds pi imps' (decls++[DoUsing b r ds']) xs pi imps decls ((Idiom b r ds):xs) = do (ds',imps') <- pi imps [] ds pi imps' (decls++[Idiom b r ds']) xs pi imps decls (x:xs) = pi imps (decls++[x]) xs pi imps decls [] = return (decls, imps) processImports _ imped (Failure e f l) = fail $ show f ++ ":" ++ show l ++ ":" ++ show e parseTerm :: String -> Result RawTerm parseTerm s = mkparseTerm s "(input)" 0 [] parseTactic :: String -> Result ITactic parseTactic s = mkparseTactic s "(tactic)" 0 [] mkCon :: RawTerm -> ConParse -> (Id,RawTerm) mkCon _ (Full n t) = (n,t) mkCon ty (Simple n args) = (n, mkConTy args ty) where mkConTy [] ty = ty mkConTy (a:as) ty = RBind (MN "X" 0) (Pi Ex Eager a) (mkConTy as ty) mkDef file line (n, tms) = mkImpApp (RVar file line n) tms where mkImpApp f [] = f mkImpApp f ((tm,Just n):ts) = mkImpApp (RAppImp file line n f tm) ts mkImpApp f ((tm, Nothing):ts) = mkImpApp (RApp file line f tm) ts doBind :: (RawTerm -> RBinder) -> [(Id,RawTerm)] -> RawTerm -> RawTerm doBind b [] t = t doBind b ((x,ty):ts) tm = RBind x (b ty) (doBind b ts tm) doLetBind :: [(Id,RawTerm,RawTerm)] -> RawTerm -> RawTerm doLetBind [] t = t doLetBind ((x,ty,val):ts) tm = RBind x (RLet val ty) (doLetBind ts tm) mkTyApp :: String -> Int -> Id -> RawTerm -> RawTerm mkTyApp file line n ty = mkApp file line (RVar file line n) (getTyArgs ty) where getTyArgs (RBind n _ t) = (RVar file line n):(getTyArgs t) getTyArgs x = [] mkTyParams :: String -> Int -> [Id] -> RawTerm mkTyParams f l [] = RConst f l TYPE mkTyParams f l (x:xs) = RBind x (Pi Ex Eager (RConst f l TYPE)) (mkTyParams f l xs) mkDatatype :: String -> Int -> Id -> Either RawTerm ((RawTerm, [(Id, RawTerm)]), [ConParse]) -> [TyOpt] -> Datatype mkDatatype file line n (Right ((t, using), cons)) opts = Datatype n t (map (mkCon (mkTyApp file line n t)) cons) using opts file line mkDatatype file line n (Left t) opts = Latatype n t file line bracket (RUserInfix f l _ op x y) = RUserInfix f l True op x y bracket x = x pairDesugar :: String -> Int -> RawTerm -> [RawTerm] -> RawTerm pairDesugar file line pair [x,y] = mkApp file line pair [x,y] pairDesugar file line pair (x:y:xs) = pairDesugar file line pair ((mkApp file line pair [x,y]):xs) sigDesugar :: String -> Int -> (Id, RawTerm) -> RawTerm -> RawTerm sigDesugar file line (n, tm) sc = mkApp file line (RVar file line (UN "Sigma")) [tm, lam] where lam = RBind n (Lam tm) sc }