.\" Manpage for Idris. .\" Contact <> to correct errors or typos. .TH man 1 "06 August 2014" "" "Idris man page" .SH NAME idris -\ a general purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types. .SH SYNOPSIS idris [ options] [FILES] .SH DESCRIPTION Idris is a general purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types. Dependent types allow types to be predicated on values, meaning that some aspects of a program’s behaviour can be specified precisely in the type. It is compiled, with eager evaluation. Its features are influenced by Haskell and ML. + Full dependent types with dependent pattern matching + where clauses, with rule, simple case expressions + pattern matching let and lambda bindings + Type classes, monad comprehensions + do notation, idiom brackets + syntactic conveniences for lists, tuples, dependent pairs + Totality checking + Coinductive types + Indentation significant syntax, extensible syntax + Tactic based theorem proving (influenced by Coq) + Cumulative universes + Simple foreign function interface (to C) + Hugs style interactive environment It is important to note that Idris is first and foremost a research tool and project. Thus the tooling provided and resulting programs created should not necessarily be seen as production ready nor for industrial use. .SH OPTIONS --nobanner Suppress the banner -q,--quiet Quiet verbosity --log LEVEL Debugging log level -o,--output FILE Specify output file --total Require functions to be total by default --warnpartial Warn about undeclared partial functions --warnreach Warn about reachable but inaccessible arguments --link Display link flags --libdir Display library directory --include Display the includes flags -V,--verbose Loud verbosity --ibcsubdir FILE Write IBC files into sub directory -i,--idrispath ARG Add directory to the list of import paths --build IPKG Build package --install IPKG Install package --clean IPKG Clean package --mkdoc IPKG Generate IdrisDoc for package --checkpkg IPKG Check package only --testpkg IPKG Run tests for package -S,--codegenonly Do no further compilation of code generator output -c,--compileonly Compile to object files rather than an executable --mvn Create a maven project (for Java codegen) --codegen TARGET Select code generator: C, Java, bytecode -e,--eval EXPR Evaluate an expression without loading the REPL --execute Execute as idris --exec EXPR Execute as idris -X,--extension EXT Turn on language extension (TypeProviders or ErrorReflection) --target TRIPLE Select target triple (for llvm codegen) --cpu CPU Select target CPU e.g. corei7 or cortex-m3 (for LLVM codegen) --color,--colour Force coloured output --nocolor,--nocolour Disable coloured output -v,--version Print version information -h,--help Show this help text .SH SEE ALSO + The IDRIS web site (http://idris-lang.org/ + The IRC channel #idris, on chat.freenode.net + The wiki (https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev/wiki/) has further user provided information, in particular: – https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev/wiki/Manual – https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev/wiki/Language-Features .SH AUTHOR The Idris Community