module Data.Erased %access public %default total ||| The erasure monad. ||| ||| Used when explicit modelling of erasure in the type system is needed. data Erased : Type -> Type where ||| Construct an erased value from any value. Erase : .(x : a) -> Erased a implementation Functor Erased where map f (Erase x) = Erase (f x) implementation Applicative Erased where pure = Erase (<*>) (Erase f) (Erase x) = Erase (f x) implementation Monad Erased where (>>=) (Erase x) f = f x ||| Project the erased value out of the monad. ||| ||| This is usable only in types and other erased contexts, ||| where it won't cause erasure violations. unerase : Erased a -> a unerase (Erase x) = x