module Data.CoList %access public %default total ||| Idris will know that it always can produce a new element in finite time codata CoList : Type -> Type where Nil : CoList a (::) : a -> CoList a -> CoList a ||| Append two CoLists (++) : CoList a -> CoList a -> CoList a (++) [] right = right (++) (x::xs) right = x :: (xs ++ right) implementation Semigroup (CoList a) where (<+>) = (++) implementation Monoid (CoList a) where neutral = [] implementation Functor CoList where map f [] = [] map f (x::xs) = f x :: map f xs implementation Show a => Show (CoList a) where show xs = "[" ++ show' "" 20 xs ++ "]" where show' : String -> (n : Nat) -> (xs : CoList a) -> String show' acc Z _ = acc ++ "..." show' acc (S n) [] = acc show' acc (S n) [x] = acc ++ show x show' acc (S n) (x :: xs) = show' (acc ++ (show x) ++ ", ") n xs ||| Take the first `n` elements of `xs` ||| ||| If there are not enough elements, return the whole coList. ||| @ n how many elements to take ||| @ xs the coList to take them from takeCo : (n : Nat) -> (xs : CoList a) -> List a takeCo Z _ = [] takeCo (S n) [] = [] takeCo (S n) (x::xs) = x :: takeCo n xs ||| The unfoldr builds a list from a seed value. In some cases, unfoldr can undo a foldr operation. ||| ||| ``` idris example ||| unfoldr (\b => if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, b-1)) 10 ||| ``` ||| unfoldr : (a -> Maybe (a, a)) -> a -> CoList a unfoldr f x = case f x of Just (y, new_x) => y :: (unfoldr f new_x) _ => []