module Data.Hash import Data.Vect %access public %default total {- A general purpose Hashing library (not cryptographic) The core hash is djb2, which is very fast but does not have the best distribution Source: The salted version and the magic salt are copied from Haskell's bloomfilter library Source: -} ||| A type that can be hashed interface Hashable a where saltedHash64 : a -> Bits64 -> Bits64 -- value to hash, salt, hash ||| Computes a non cryptographic hash hash : Hashable a => a -> Bits64 hash x = saltedHash64 x 0x16fc397cf62f64d3 ||| Given a user provided salt, computes a non cryptographic hash. ||| This version is meant to mitigate hash-flooding DoS attacks. saltedHash : Hashable a => Bits64 -> a -> Bits64 saltedHash salt x = saltedHash64 x salt ||| Nth byte of a Bits64 private byte : Bits64 -> Bits64 -> Bits64 byte n w = prim__lshrB64 (prim__andB64 mask w) offset where offset = 8*n mask = prim__shlB64 0xff (the Bits64 offset) ||| Modulo of an integer, downsized to a Bits64 private mod64 : Integer -> Bits64 mod64 i = assert_total $ prim__truncBigInt_B64 (abs i `mod` 0xffffffffffffffff) implementation Hashable Bits64 where saltedHash64 w salt = foldr (\b,acc => (acc `prim__shlB64` 10) + acc + b) salt [byte (fromInteger n) w | n <- [7,6..0]] -- djb2 hash function. Not meant for crypto implementation Hashable Integer where saltedHash64 i = saltedHash64 (mod64 i) implementation Hashable () where saltedHash64 _ salt = salt implementation Hashable Bool where saltedHash64 True = saltedHash64 (the Bits64 1) saltedHash64 False = saltedHash64 (the Bits64 0) implementation Hashable Int where saltedHash64 w = saltedHash64 (prim__zextInt_B64 w) implementation Hashable Char where saltedHash64 w = saltedHash64 (the Int (cast w)) implementation Hashable Bits8 where saltedHash64 w = saltedHash64 (prim__zextB8_B64 w) implementation Hashable Bits16 where saltedHash64 w = saltedHash64 (prim__zextB16_B64 w) implementation Hashable Bits32 where saltedHash64 w = saltedHash64 (prim__zextB32_B64 w) implementation Hashable a => Hashable (Maybe a) where saltedHash64 Nothing salt = salt saltedHash64 (Just k) salt = saltedHash64 k salt implementation (Hashable a, Hashable b) => Hashable (a, b) where saltedHash64 (a,b) salt = saltedHash64 b (saltedHash64 a salt) implementation Hashable a => Hashable (List a) where saltedHash64 l salt = foldr (\c,acc => saltedHash64 c acc) salt l implementation Hashable a => Hashable (Vect n a) where saltedHash64 l salt = foldr (\c,acc => saltedHash64 c acc) salt l implementation Hashable String where saltedHash64 s = saltedHash64 (unpack s)