module Prelude.Foldable import Builtins import Prelude.Bool import Prelude.Basics import Prelude.Interfaces import Prelude.Algebra %access public export %default total ||| The `Foldable` interface describes how you can iterate over the ||| elements in a parameterised type and combine the elements ||| together, using a provided function, into a single result. ||| ||| @t The type of the 'Foldable' parameterised type. interface Foldable (t : Type -> Type) where ||| Successivly combine the elements in a parameterised type using ||| the provided function, starting with the element that is in the ||| final position i.e. the right-most position. ||| ||| @func The function used to 'fold' an element into the accumulated result. ||| @input The parameterised type. ||| @init The starting value the results are being combined into. foldr : (func : elem -> acc -> acc) -> (init : acc) -> (input : t elem) -> acc ||| The same as `foldr` but begins the folding from the element at ||| the initial position in the data structure i.e. the left-most ||| position. ||| ||| @func The function used to 'fold' an element into the accumulated result. ||| @input The parameterised type. ||| @init The starting value the results are being combined into. foldl : (func : acc -> elem -> acc) -> (init : acc) -> (input : t elem) -> acc foldl f z t = foldr (flip (.) . flip f) id t z ||| Combine each element of a structure into a monoid concat : (Foldable t, Monoid a) => t a -> a concat = foldr (<+>) neutral ||| Combine into a monoid the collective results of applying a function ||| to each element of a structure concatMap : (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m concatMap f = foldr ((<+>) . f) neutral ||| The conjunction of all elements of a structure containing ||| lazy boolean values. `and` short-circuits from left to right, ||| evaluating until either an element is `False` or no elements remain. and : Foldable t => t (Lazy Bool) -> Bool and = foldl (&&) True ||| The disjunction of all elements of a structure containing ||| lazy boolean values. `or` short-circuits from left to right, evaluating ||| either until an element is `True` or no elements remain. or : Foldable t => t (Lazy Bool) -> Bool or = foldl (||) False ||| The disjunction of the collective results of applying a ||| predicate to all elements of a structure. `any` short-circuits ||| from left to right. any : Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool any p = foldl (\x,y => x || p y) False ||| The disjunction of the collective results of applying a ||| predicate to all elements of a structure. `all` short-circuits ||| from left to right. all : Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool all p = foldl (\x,y => x && p y) True ||| Add together all the elements of a structure sum : (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a sum = foldr (+) 0 ||| Multiply together all elements of a structure product : (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a product = foldr (*) 1