{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, DeriveFunctor #-}

{-| TT is the core language of Idris. The language has:

   * Full dependent types

   * A hierarchy of universes, with cumulativity: Type : Type1, Type1 : Type2, ...

   * Pattern matching letrec binding

   * (primitive types defined externally)

   Some technical stuff:

   * Typechecker is kept as simple as possible - no unification, just a checker for incomplete terms.

   * We have a simple collection of tactics which we use to elaborate source
     programs with implicit syntax into fully explicit terms.

module Idris.Core.TT(module Idris.Core.TT, module Idris.Core.TC) where

import Idris.Core.TC

import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Error (Error(..))
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import Data.Binary hiding (get, put)
import Foreign.Storable (sizeOf)

import Util.Pretty hiding (Str)

data Option = TTypeInTType
            | CheckConv
  deriving Eq

-- | Source location. These are typically produced by the parser 'Idris.Parser.getFC'
data FC = FC { fc_fname :: String, -- ^ Filename
               fc_line :: Int, -- ^ Line number
               fc_column :: Int -- ^ Column number

-- | Ignore source location equality (so deriving classes do not compare FCs)
instance Eq FC where
  _ == _ = True

-- | FC with equality
newtype FC' = FC' { unwrapFC :: FC }

instance Eq FC' where
  FC' fc == FC' fc' = fcEq fc fc'
    where fcEq (FC n l c) (FC n' l' c') = n == n' && l == l' && c == c'

-- | Empty source location
emptyFC :: FC
emptyFC = fileFC ""

-- | Source location with file only
fileFC :: String -> FC
fileFC s = FC s 0 0

deriving instance Binary FC
deriving instance NFData FC

instance Sized FC where
  size (FC f l c) = 1 + length f

instance Show FC where
    show (FC f l c) = f ++ ":" ++ show l ++ ":" ++ show c

-- | Output annotation for pretty-printed name - decides colour
data NameOutput = TypeOutput | FunOutput | DataOutput

-- | Output annotations for pretty-printing
data OutputAnnotation = AnnName Name (Maybe NameOutput) (Maybe Type)
                      | AnnBoundName Name Bool
                      | AnnConstData
                      | AnnConstType
                      | AnnFC FC

-- | Used for error reflection
data ErrorReportPart = TextPart String
                     | NamePart Name
                     | TermPart Term
                     | SubReport [ErrorReportPart]
                       deriving (Show, Eq)

-- Please remember to keep Err synchronised with
-- Language.Reflection.Errors.Err in the stdlib!

-- | Idris errors. Used as exceptions in the compiler, but reported to users
-- if they reach the top level.
data Err' t 
          = Msg String
          | InternalMsg String
          | CantUnify Bool t t (Err' t) [(Name, t)] Int
               -- Int is 'score' - how much we did unify
               -- Bool indicates recoverability, True indicates more info may make
               -- unification succeed
          | InfiniteUnify Name t [(Name, t)]
          | CantConvert t t [(Name, t)]
          | CantSolveGoal t [(Name, t)]
          | UnifyScope Name Name t [(Name, t)]
          | CantInferType String
          | NonFunctionType t t
          | NotEquality t t
          | TooManyArguments Name
          | CantIntroduce t
          | NoSuchVariable Name
          | NoTypeDecl Name
          | NotInjective t t t
          | CantResolve t
          | CantResolveAlts [String]
          | IncompleteTerm t
          | UniverseError
          | ProgramLineComment
          | Inaccessible Name
          | NonCollapsiblePostulate Name
          | AlreadyDefined Name
          | ProofSearchFail (Err' t)
          | NoRewriting t
          | At FC (Err' t)
          | Elaborating String Name (Err' t)
          | ProviderError String
          | LoadingFailed String (Err' t)
          | ReflectionError [[ErrorReportPart]] (Err' t)
          | ReflectionFailed String (Err' t)
  deriving (Eq, Functor)

type Err = Err' Term

deriving instance NFData Err

instance Sized Err where
  size (Msg msg) = length msg
  size (InternalMsg msg) = length msg
  size (CantUnify _ left right err _ score) = size left + size right + size err
  size (InfiniteUnify _ right _) = size right
  size (CantConvert left right _) = size left + size right
  size (UnifyScope _ _ right _) = size right
  size (NoSuchVariable name) = size name
  size (NoTypeDecl name) = size name
  size (NotInjective l c r) = size l + size c + size r
  size (CantResolve trm) = size trm
  size (NoRewriting trm) = size trm
  size (CantResolveAlts _) = 1
  size (IncompleteTerm trm) = size trm
  size UniverseError = 1
  size ProgramLineComment = 1
  size (At fc err) = size fc + size err
  size (Elaborating _ n err) = size err
  size (ProviderError msg) = length msg
  size (LoadingFailed fn e) = 1 + length fn + size e
  size _ = 1

score :: Err -> Int
score (CantUnify _ _ _ m _ s) = s + score m
score (CantResolve _) = 20
score (NoSuchVariable _) = 1000
score (ProofSearchFail _) = 10000
score (CantSolveGoal _ _) = 10000
score (InternalMsg _) = -1
score _ = 0

instance Show Err where
    show (Msg s) = s
    show (InternalMsg s) = "Internal error: " ++ show s
    show (CantUnify _ l r e sc i) = "CantUnify " ++ show l ++ " " ++ show r ++ " "
                                      ++ show e ++ " in " ++ show sc ++ " " ++ show i
    show (CantSolveGoal g _) = "CantSolve " ++ show g
    show (Inaccessible n) = show n ++ " is not an accessible pattern variable"
    show (ProviderError msg) = "Type provider error: " ++ msg
    show (LoadingFailed fn e) = "Loading " ++ fn ++ " failed: (TT) " ++ show e
    show ProgramLineComment = "Program line next to comment"
    show (At f e) = show f ++ ":" ++ show e
    show _ = "Error"

instance Pretty Err OutputAnnotation where
  pretty (Msg m) = text m
  pretty (CantUnify _ l r e _ i) =
      text "Cannot unify" <+> colon <+> pretty l <+> text "and" <+> pretty r <+>
      nest nestingSize (text "where" <+> pretty e <+> text "with" <+> (text . show $ i))
  pretty (ProviderError msg) = text msg
  pretty err@(LoadingFailed _ _) = text (show err)
  pretty _ = text "Error"

instance Error Err where
  strMsg = InternalMsg

type TC = TC' Err

instance (Pretty a OutputAnnotation) => Pretty (TC a) OutputAnnotation where
  pretty (OK ok) = pretty ok
  pretty (Error err) =
    text "Error" <+> colon <+> pretty err

instance Show a => Show (TC a) where
    show (OK x) = show x
    show (Error str) = "Error: " ++ show str

tfail :: Err -> TC a
tfail e = Error e

failMsg :: String -> TC a
failMsg str = Error (Msg str)

trun :: FC -> TC a -> TC a
trun fc (OK a)    = OK a
trun fc (Error e) = Error (At fc e)

discard :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
discard f = f >> return ()

showSep :: String -> [String] -> String
showSep sep [] = ""
showSep sep [x] = x
showSep sep (x:xs) = x ++ sep ++ showSep sep xs

pmap f (x, y) = (f x, f y)

traceWhen True msg a = trace msg a
traceWhen False _  a = a

-- RAW TERMS ----------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Names are hierarchies of strings, describing scope (so no danger of
-- duplicate names, but need to be careful on lookup).
data Name = UN T.Text -- ^ User-provided name
          | NS Name [T.Text] -- ^ Root, namespaces
          | MN Int T.Text -- ^ Machine chosen names
          | NErased -- ^ Name of somethng which is never used in scope
          | SN SpecialName -- ^ Decorated function names
          | SymRef Int -- ^ Reference to IBC file symbol table (used during serialisation)
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

txt :: String -> T.Text
txt = T.pack

str :: T.Text -> String
str = T.unpack

tnull :: T.Text -> Bool
tnull = T.null

thead :: T.Text -> Char
thead = T.head

-- Smart constructors for names, using old String style
sUN :: String -> Name
sUN s = UN (txt s)

sNS :: Name -> [String] -> Name
sNS n ss = NS n (map txt ss)

sMN :: Int -> String -> Name
sMN i s = MN i (txt s)

deriving instance Binary Name
deriving instance NFData Name

data SpecialName = WhereN Int Name Name
                 | InstanceN Name [T.Text]
                 | ParentN Name T.Text
                 | MethodN Name
                 | CaseN Name
                 | ElimN Name
  deriving (Eq, Ord)
deriving instance Binary SpecialName
deriving instance NFData SpecialName

sInstanceN :: Name -> [String] -> SpecialName
sInstanceN n ss = InstanceN n (map T.pack ss)

sParentN :: Name -> String -> SpecialName
sParentN n s = ParentN n (T.pack s)

instance Sized Name where
  size (UN n)     = 1
  size (NS n els) = 1 + length els
  size (MN i n) = 1
  size _ = 1

instance Pretty Name OutputAnnotation where
  pretty n@(UN n') = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing) $ text (T.unpack n')
  pretty n@(NS un s) = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing) . noAnnotate $ pretty un
  pretty n@(MN i s) = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing) $
                      lbrace <+> text (T.unpack s) <+> (text . show $ i) <+> rbrace
  pretty n@(SN s) = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing) $ text (show s)

instance Pretty [Name] OutputAnnotation where
  pretty = encloseSep empty empty comma . map pretty

instance Show Name where
    show (UN n) = str n
    show (NS n s) = showSep "." (map T.unpack (reverse s)) ++ "." ++ show n
    show (MN _ u) | u == txt "underscore" = "_"
    show (MN i s) = "{" ++ str s ++ show i ++ "}"
    show (SN s) = show s
    show NErased = "_"

instance Show SpecialName where
    show (WhereN i p c) = show p ++ ", " ++ show c
    show (InstanceN cl inst) = showSep ", " (map T.unpack inst) ++ " instance of " ++ show cl
    show (MethodN m) = "method " ++ show m
    show (ParentN p c) = show p ++ "#" ++ T.unpack c
    show (CaseN n) = "case block in " ++ show n
    show (ElimN n) = "<<" ++ show n ++ " eliminator>>"

-- Show a name in a way decorated for code generation, not human reading
showCG :: Name -> String
showCG (UN n) = T.unpack n
showCG (NS n s) = showSep "." (map T.unpack (reverse s)) ++ "." ++ showCG n
showCG (MN _ u) | u == txt "underscore" = "_"
showCG (MN i s) = "{" ++ T.unpack s ++ show i ++ "}"
showCG (SN s) = showCG' s
  where showCG' (WhereN i p c) = showCG p ++ ":" ++ showCG c ++ ":" ++ show i
        showCG' (InstanceN cl inst) = '@':showCG cl ++ '$':showSep ":" (map T.unpack inst)
        showCG' (MethodN m) = '!':showCG m
        showCG' (ParentN p c) = showCG p ++ "#" ++ show c
        showCG' (CaseN c) = showCG c ++ "_case"
        showCG' (ElimN sn) = showCG sn ++ "_elim"
showCG NErased = "_"

-- |Contexts allow us to map names to things. A root name maps to a collection
-- of things in different namespaces with that name.
type Ctxt a = Map.Map Name (Map.Map Name a)
emptyContext = Map.empty

mapCtxt :: (a -> b) -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt b
mapCtxt = fmap . fmap

-- |Return True if the argument 'Name' should be interpreted as the name of a
-- typeclass.
tcname (UN xs) | T.null xs = False
               | otherwise = T.head xs == '@'
tcname (NS n _) = tcname n
tcname (SN (InstanceN _ _)) = True
tcname (SN (MethodN _)) = True
tcname (SN (ParentN _ _)) = True
tcname _ = False

implicitable (NS n _) = implicitable n
implicitable (UN xs) | T.null xs = False
                     | otherwise = isLower (T.head xs)
implicitable (MN _ _) = True
implicitable _ = False

nsroot (NS n _) = n
nsroot n = n

addDef :: Name -> a -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
addDef n v ctxt = case Map.lookup (nsroot n) ctxt of
                        Nothing -> Map.insert (nsroot n)
                                        (Map.insert n v Map.empty) ctxt
                        Just xs -> Map.insert (nsroot n)
                                        (Map.insert n v xs) ctxt

{-| Look up a name in the context, given an optional namespace.
   The name (n) may itself have a (partial) namespace given.

   Rules for resolution:

    - if an explicit namespace is given, return the names which match it. If none
      match, return all names.

    - if the name has has explicit namespace given, return the names which match it
      and ignore the given namespace.

    - otherwise, return all names.


lookupCtxtName :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]
lookupCtxtName n ctxt = case Map.lookup (nsroot n) ctxt of
                                  Just xs -> filterNS (Map.toList xs)
                                  Nothing -> []
    filterNS [] = []
    filterNS ((found, v) : xs)
        | nsmatch n found = (found, v) : filterNS xs
        | otherwise       = filterNS xs

    nsmatch (NS n ns) (NS p ps) = ns `isPrefixOf` ps
    nsmatch (NS _ _)  _         = False
    nsmatch looking   found     = True

lookupCtxt :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [a]
lookupCtxt n ctxt = map snd (lookupCtxtName n ctxt)

lookupCtxtExact :: Name -> Ctxt a -> Maybe a
lookupCtxtExact n ctxt = listToMaybe [ v | (nm, v) <- lookupCtxtName n ctxt, nm == n]

updateDef :: Name -> (a -> a) -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
updateDef n f ctxt
  = let ds = lookupCtxtName n ctxt in
        foldr (\ (n, t) c -> addDef n (f t) c) ctxt ds

toAlist :: Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]
toAlist ctxt = let allns = map snd (Map.toList ctxt) in
                concat (map (Map.toList) allns)

addAlist :: Show a => [(Name, a)] -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
addAlist [] ctxt = ctxt
addAlist ((n, tm) : ds) ctxt = addDef n tm (addAlist ds ctxt)

data NativeTy = IT8 | IT16 | IT32 | IT64
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)

instance Pretty NativeTy OutputAnnotation where
    pretty IT8  = text "Bits8"
    pretty IT16 = text "Bits16"
    pretty IT32 = text "Bits32"
    pretty IT64 = text "Bits64"

data IntTy = ITFixed NativeTy | ITNative | ITBig | ITChar
           | ITVec NativeTy Int
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

intTyName :: IntTy -> String
intTyName ITNative = "Int"
intTyName ITBig = "BigInt"
intTyName (ITFixed sized) = "B" ++ show (nativeTyWidth sized)
intTyName (ITChar) = "Char"
intTyName (ITVec ity count) = "B" ++ show (nativeTyWidth ity) ++ "x" ++ show count

data ArithTy = ATInt IntTy | ATFloat -- TODO: Float vectors
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
deriving instance NFData IntTy
deriving instance NFData NativeTy
deriving instance NFData ArithTy

instance Pretty ArithTy OutputAnnotation where
    pretty (ATInt ITNative) = text "Int"
    pretty (ATInt ITBig) = text "BigInt"
    pretty (ATInt ITChar) = text "Char"
    pretty (ATInt (ITFixed n)) = pretty n
    pretty (ATInt (ITVec e c)) = pretty e <> text "x" <> (text . show $ c)
    pretty ATFloat = text "Float"

nativeTyWidth :: NativeTy -> Int
nativeTyWidth IT8 = 8
nativeTyWidth IT16 = 16
nativeTyWidth IT32 = 32
nativeTyWidth IT64 = 64

{-# DEPRECATED intTyWidth "Non-total function, use nativeTyWidth and appropriate casing" #-}
intTyWidth :: IntTy -> Int
intTyWidth (ITFixed n) = nativeTyWidth n
intTyWidth ITNative = 8 * sizeOf (0 :: Int)
intTyWidth ITChar = error "IRTS.Lang.intTyWidth: Characters have platform and backend dependent width"
intTyWidth ITBig = error "IRTS.Lang.intTyWidth: Big integers have variable width"

data Const = I Int | BI Integer | Fl Double | Ch Char | Str String
           | B8 Word8 | B16 Word16 | B32 Word32 | B64 Word64
           | B8V (Vector Word8) | B16V (Vector Word16)
           | B32V (Vector Word32) | B64V (Vector Word64)
           | AType ArithTy | StrType
           | PtrType | BufferType | VoidType | Forgot
  deriving (Eq, Ord)
deriving instance Binary Const
deriving instance NFData Const

instance Sized Const where
  size _ = 1

instance Pretty Const OutputAnnotation where
  pretty (I i) = text . show $ i
  pretty (BI i) = text . show $ i
  pretty (Fl f) = text . show $ f
  pretty (Ch c) = text . show $ c
  pretty (Str s) = text s
  pretty (AType a) = pretty a
  pretty StrType = text "String"
  pretty BufferType = text "prim__UnsafeBuffer"
  pretty PtrType = text "Ptr"
  pretty VoidType = text "Void"
  pretty Forgot = text "Forgot"
  pretty (B8 w) = text . show $ w
  pretty (B16 w) = text . show $ w
  pretty (B32 w) = text . show $ w
  pretty (B64 w) = text . show $ w

data Raw = Var Name
         | RBind Name (Binder Raw) Raw
         | RApp Raw Raw
         | RType
         | RForce Raw
         | RConstant Const
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Sized Raw where
  size (Var name) = 1
  size (RBind name bind right) = 1 + size bind + size right
  size (RApp left right) = 1 + size left + size right
  size RType = 1
  size (RForce raw) = 1 + size raw
  size (RConstant const) = size const

instance Pretty Raw OutputAnnotation where
  pretty = text . show

deriving instance Binary Raw
deriving instance NFData Raw

-- The type parameter `b` will normally be something like `TT Name` or just
-- `Raw`. We do not make a type-level distinction between TT terms that happen
-- to be TT types and TT terms that are not TT types.
-- | All binding forms are represented in a uniform fashion. This type only represents
-- the types of bindings (and their values, if any); the attached identifiers are part
-- of the 'Bind' constructor for the 'TT' type.
data Binder b = Lam   { binderTy  :: !b {-^ type annotation for bound variable-}}
              | Pi    { binderTy  :: !b }
                {-^ A binding that occurs in a function type expression, e.g. @(x:Int) -> ...@ -}
              | Let   { binderTy  :: !b,
                        binderVal :: b {-^ value for bound variable-}}
                -- ^ A binding that occurs in a @let@ expression
              | NLet  { binderTy  :: !b,
                        binderVal :: b }
              | Hole  { binderTy  :: !b}
              | GHole { envlen :: Int,
                        binderTy  :: !b}
              | Guess { binderTy  :: !b,
                        binderVal :: b }
              | PVar  { binderTy  :: !b }
                -- ^ A pattern variable
              | PVTy  { binderTy  :: !b }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor)
deriving instance Binary Binder
deriving instance NFData Binder

instance Sized a => Sized (Binder a) where
  size (Lam ty) = 1 + size ty
  size (Pi ty) = 1 + size ty
  size (Let ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
  size (NLet ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
  size (Hole ty) = 1 + size ty
  size (GHole _ ty) = 1 + size ty
  size (Guess ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
  size (PVar ty) = 1 + size ty
  size (PVTy ty) = 1 + size ty

fmapMB :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Binder a -> m (Binder b)
fmapMB f (Let t v)   = liftM2 Let (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (NLet t v)  = liftM2 NLet (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (Guess t v) = liftM2 Guess (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (Lam t)     = liftM Lam (f t)
fmapMB f (Pi t)      = liftM Pi (f t)
fmapMB f (Hole t)    = liftM Hole (f t)
fmapMB f (GHole i t)   = liftM (GHole i) (f t)
fmapMB f (PVar t)    = liftM PVar (f t)
fmapMB f (PVTy t)    = liftM PVTy (f t)

raw_apply :: Raw -> [Raw] -> Raw
raw_apply f [] = f
raw_apply f (a : as) = raw_apply (RApp f a) as

raw_unapply :: Raw -> (Raw, [Raw])
raw_unapply t = ua [] t where
    ua args (RApp f a) = ua (a:args) f
    ua args t          = (t, args)

-- WELL TYPED TERMS ---------------------------------------------------------

-- | Universe expressions for universe checking
data UExp = UVar Int -- ^ universe variable
          | UVal Int -- ^ explicit universe level
  deriving (Eq, Ord)
deriving instance NFData UExp

instance Sized UExp where
  size _ = 1

-- We assume that universe levels have been checked, so anything external
-- can just have the same universe variable and we won't get any new
-- cycles.

instance Binary UExp where
    put x = return ()
    get = return (UVar (-1))

instance Show UExp where
    show (UVar x) | x < 26 = [toEnum (x + fromEnum 'a')]
                  | otherwise = toEnum ((x `mod` 26) + fromEnum 'a') : show (x `div` 26)
    show (UVal x) = show x
--     show (UMax l r) = "max(" ++ show l ++ ", " ++ show r ++")"

-- | Universe constraints
data UConstraint = ULT UExp UExp -- ^ Strictly less than
                 | ULE UExp UExp -- ^ Less than or equal to
  deriving Eq

instance Show UConstraint where
    show (ULT x y) = show x ++ " < " ++ show y
    show (ULE x y) = show x ++ " <= " ++ show y

type UCs = (Int, [UConstraint])

data NameType = Bound
              | Ref
              | DCon {nt_tag :: Int, nt_arity :: Int} -- ^ Data constructor
              | TCon {nt_tag :: Int, nt_arity :: Int} -- ^ Type constructor
  deriving (Show, Ord)
deriving instance Binary NameType
deriving instance NFData NameType

instance Sized NameType where
  size _ = 1

instance Pretty NameType OutputAnnotation where
  pretty = text . show

instance Eq NameType where
    Bound    == Bound    = True
    Ref      == Ref      = True
    DCon _ a == DCon _ b = (a == b) -- ignore tag
    TCon _ a == TCon _ b = (a == b) -- ignore tag
    _        == _        = False

-- | Terms in the core language. The type parameter is the type of
-- identifiers used for bindings and explicit named references;
-- usually we use @TT 'Name'@.
data TT n = P NameType n (TT n) -- ^ named references with type
            -- (P for "Parameter", motivated by McKinna and Pollack's
            -- Pure Type Systems Formalized)
          | V !Int -- ^ a resolved de Bruijn-indexed variable
          | Bind n !(Binder (TT n)) (TT n) -- ^ a binding
          | App !(TT n) (TT n) -- ^ function, function type, arg
          | Constant Const -- ^ constant
          | Proj (TT n) !Int -- ^ argument projection; runtime only
                             -- (-1) is a special case for 'subtract one from BI'
          | Erased -- ^ an erased term
          | Impossible -- ^ special case for totality checking
          | TType UExp -- ^ the type of types at some level
  deriving (Ord, Functor)
deriving instance Binary TT
deriving instance NFData TT

class TermSize a where
  termsize :: Name -> a -> Int

instance TermSize a => TermSize [a] where
    termsize n [] = 0
    termsize n (x : xs) = termsize n x + termsize n xs

instance TermSize (TT Name) where
    termsize n (P _ n' _)
       | n' == n = 1000000 -- recursive => really big
       | otherwise = 1
    termsize n (V _) = 1
    -- for `Bind` terms, we can erroneously declare a term
    -- "recursive => really big" if the name of the bound 
    -- variable is the same as the name we're using
    -- So generate a different name in that case.
    termsize n (Bind n' (Let t v) sc)
       = let rn = if n == n' then sMN 0 "noname" else n in
             termsize rn v + termsize rn sc
    termsize n (Bind n' b sc)
       = let rn = if n == n' then sMN 0 "noname" else n in
             termsize rn sc
    termsize n (App f a) = termsize n f + termsize n a
    termsize n (Proj t i) = termsize n t
    termsize n _ = 1

instance Sized a => Sized (TT a) where
  size (P name n trm) = 1 + size name + size n + size trm
  size (V v) = 1
  size (Bind nm binder bdy) = 1 + size nm + size binder + size bdy
  size (App l r) = 1 + size l + size r
  size (Constant c) = size c
  size Erased = 1
  size (TType u) = 1 + size u

instance Pretty a o => Pretty (TT a) o where
  pretty _ = text "test"

type EnvTT n = [(n, Binder (TT n))]

data Datatype n = Data { d_typename :: n,
                         d_typetag  :: Int,
                         d_type     :: (TT n),
                         d_cons     :: [(n, TT n)] }
  deriving (Show, Functor, Eq)

instance Eq n => Eq (TT n) where
    (==) (P xt x _)     (P yt y _)     = x == y
    (==) (V x)          (V y)          = x == y
    (==) (Bind _ xb xs) (Bind _ yb ys) = xs == ys && xb == yb
    (==) (App fx ax)    (App fy ay)    = ax == ay && fx == fy
    (==) (TType _)        (TType _)        = True -- deal with constraints later
    (==) (Constant x)   (Constant y)   = x == y
    (==) (Proj x i)     (Proj y j)     = x == y && i == j
    (==) Erased         _              = True
    (==) _              Erased         = True
    (==) _              _              = False

-- * A few handy operations on well typed terms:

-- | A term is injective iff it is a data constructor, type constructor,
-- constant, the type Type, pi-binding, or an application of an injective
-- term.
isInjective :: TT n -> Bool
isInjective (P (DCon _ _) _ _) = True
isInjective (P (TCon _ _) _ _) = True
isInjective (Constant _)       = True
isInjective (TType x)            = True
isInjective (Bind _ (Pi _) sc) = True
isInjective (App f a)          = isInjective f
isInjective _                  = False

-- | Count the number of instances of a de Bruijn index in a term
vinstances :: Int -> TT n -> Int
vinstances i (V x) | i == x = 1
vinstances i (App f a) = vinstances i f + vinstances i a
vinstances i (Bind x b sc) = instancesB b + vinstances (i + 1) sc
  where instancesB (Let t v) = vinstances i v
        instancesB _ = 0
vinstances i t = 0

-- | Replace the outermost (index 0) de Bruijn variable with the given term
instantiate :: TT n -> TT n -> TT n
instantiate e = subst 0 where
    subst i (V x) | i == x = e
    subst i (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap (subst i) b) (subst (i+1) sc)
    subst i (App f a) = App (subst i f) (subst i a)
    subst i (Proj x idx) = Proj (subst i x) idx
    subst i t = t

-- | As 'instantiate', but also decrement the indices of all de Bruijn variables
-- remaining in the term, so that there are no more references to the variable
-- that has been substituted.
substV :: TT n -> TT n -> TT n
substV x tm = dropV 0 (instantiate x tm) where
    dropV i (V x) | x > i = V (x - 1)
                  | otherwise = V x
    dropV i (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap (dropV i) b) (dropV (i+1) sc)
    dropV i (App f a) = App (dropV i f) (dropV i a)
    dropV i (Proj x idx) = Proj (dropV i x) idx
    dropV i t = t

-- | Replace all non-free de Bruijn references in the given term with references
-- to the name of their binding.
explicitNames :: TT n -> TT n
explicitNames (Bind x b sc) = let b' = fmap explicitNames b in
                                  Bind x b'
                                     (explicitNames (instantiate
                                        (P Bound x (binderTy b')) sc))
explicitNames (App f a) = App (explicitNames f) (explicitNames a)
explicitNames (Proj x idx) = Proj (explicitNames x) idx
explicitNames t = t

-- | Replace references to the given 'Name'-like id with references to
-- de Bruijn index 0.
pToV :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> TT n
pToV n = pToV' n 0
pToV' n i (P _ x _) | n == x = V i
pToV' n i (Bind x b sc)
-- We can assume the inner scope has been pToVed already, so continue to
-- resolve names from the *outer* scope which may happen to have the same id.
     | n == x    = Bind x (fmap (pToV' n i) b) sc
     | otherwise = Bind x (fmap (pToV' n i) b) (pToV' n (i+1) sc)
pToV' n i (App f a) = App (pToV' n i f) (pToV' n i a)
pToV' n i (Proj t idx) = Proj (pToV' n i t) idx
pToV' n i t = t

-- increase de Bruijn indices, as if a binder has been added
addBinder :: TT n -> TT n
addBinder t = ab 0 t
     ab top (V i) | i >= top = V (i + 1)
                  | otherwise = V i
     ab top (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap (ab top) b) (ab (top + 1) sc)
     ab top (App f a) = App (ab top f) (ab top a)
     ab top (Proj t idx) = Proj (ab top t) idx
     ab top t = t

-- | Convert several names. First in the list comes out as V 0
pToVs :: Eq n => [n] -> TT n -> TT n
pToVs ns tm = pToVs' ns tm 0 where
    pToVs' []     tm i = tm
    pToVs' (n:ns) tm i = pToV' n i (pToVs' ns tm (i+1))

-- | Replace de Bruijn indices in the given term with explicit references to
-- the names of the bindings they refer to. It is an error if the given term
-- contains free de Bruijn indices.
vToP :: TT n -> TT n
vToP = vToP' [] where
    vToP' env (V i) = let (n, b) = (env !! i) in
                          P Bound n (binderTy b)
    vToP' env (Bind n b sc) = let b' = fmap (vToP' env) b in
                                  Bind n b' (vToP' ((n, b'):env) sc)
    vToP' env (App f a) = App (vToP' env f) (vToP' env a)
    vToP' env t = t

-- | Replace every non-free reference to the name of a binding in
-- the given term with a de Bruijn index.
finalise :: Eq n => TT n -> TT n
finalise (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap finalise b) (pToV x (finalise sc))
finalise (App f a) = App (finalise f) (finalise a)
finalise t = t

-- Once we've finished checking everything about a term we no longer need
-- the type on the 'P' so erase it so save memory

pEraseType :: TT n -> TT n
pEraseType (P nt t _) = P nt t Erased
pEraseType (App f a) = App (pEraseType f) (pEraseType a)
pEraseType (Bind n b sc) = Bind n (fmap pEraseType b) (pEraseType sc)
pEraseType t = t

-- | As 'instantiate', but in addition to replacing @'V' 0@,
-- replace references to the given 'Name'-like id.
subst :: Eq n => n {-^ The id to replace -} ->
         TT n {-^ The replacement term -} ->
         TT n {-^ The term to replace in -} ->
         TT n
subst n v tm = instantiate v (pToV n tm)

-- If there are no Vs in the term (i.e. in proof state)
psubst :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> TT n -> TT n
psubst n v tm = s' tm where
   s' (P _ x _) | n == x = v
   s' (Bind x b sc) | n == x = Bind x (fmap s' b) sc
                    | otherwise = Bind x (fmap s' b) (s' sc)
   s' (App f a) = App (s' f) (s' a)
   s' (Proj t idx) = Proj (s' t) idx
   s' t = t

-- | As 'subst', but takes a list of (name, substitution) pairs instead
-- of a single name and substitution
substNames :: Eq n => [(n, TT n)] -> TT n -> TT n
substNames []             t = t
substNames ((n, tm) : xs) t = subst n tm (substNames xs t)

-- | Replaces all terms equal (in the sense of @(==)@) to
-- the old term with the new term.
substTerm :: Eq n => TT n {-^ Old term -} ->
             TT n {-^ New term -} ->
             TT n {-^ template term -}
             -> TT n
substTerm old new = st where
  st t | t == old = new
  st (App f a) = App (st f) (st a)
  st (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap st b) (st sc)
  st t = t

-- | Returns true if V 0 and bound name n do not occur in the term
noOccurrence :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> Bool
noOccurrence n t = no' 0 t
    no' i (V x) = not (i == x)
    no' i (P Bound x _) = not (n == x)
    no' i (Bind n b sc) = noB' i b && no' (i+1) sc
       where noB' i (Let t v) = no' i t && no' i v
             noB' i (Guess t v) = no' i t && no' i v
             noB' i b = no' i (binderTy b)
    no' i (App f a) = no' i f && no' i a
    no' i (Proj x _) = no' i x
    no' i _ = True

-- | Returns all names used free in the term
freeNames :: Eq n => TT n -> [n]
freeNames (P _ n _) = [n]
freeNames (Bind n (Let t v) sc) = nub $ freeNames v ++ (freeNames sc \\ [n])
                                        ++ freeNames t
freeNames (Bind n b sc) = nub $ freeNames (binderTy b) ++ (freeNames sc \\ [n])
freeNames (App f a) = nub $ freeNames f ++ freeNames a
freeNames (Proj x i) = nub $ freeNames x
freeNames _ = []

-- | Return the arity of a (normalised) type
arity :: TT n -> Int
arity (Bind n (Pi t) sc) = 1 + arity sc
arity _ = 0

-- | Deconstruct an application; returns the function and a list of arguments
unApply :: TT n -> (TT n, [TT n])
unApply t = ua [] t where
    ua args (App f a) = ua (a:args) f
    ua args t         = (t, args)

-- | Returns a term representing the application of the first argument
-- (a function) to every element of the second argument.
mkApp :: TT n -> [TT n] -> TT n
mkApp f [] = f
mkApp f (a:as) = mkApp (App f a) as

unList :: Term -> Maybe [Term]
unList tm = case unApply tm of
              (nil, [_]) -> Just []
              (cons, ([_, x, xs])) ->
                  do rest <- unList xs
                     return $ x:rest
              (f, args) -> Nothing

-- | Cast a 'TT' term to a 'Raw' value, discarding universe information and
-- the types of named references and replacing all de Bruijn indices
-- with the corresponding name. It is an error if there are free de
-- Bruijn indices.
forget :: TT Name -> Raw
forget tm = fe [] tm
    fe env (P _ n _) = Var n
    fe env (V i)     = Var (env !! i)
    fe env (Bind n b sc) = let n' = uniqueName n env in
                               RBind n' (fmap (fe env) b)
                                        (fe (n':env) sc)
    fe env (App f a) = RApp (fe env f) (fe env a)
    fe env (Constant c)
                     = RConstant c
    fe env (TType i)   = RType
    fe env Erased    = RConstant Forgot

-- | Introduce a 'Bind' into the given term for each element of the
-- given list of (name, binder) pairs.
bindAll :: [(n, Binder (TT n))] -> TT n -> TT n
bindAll [] t = t
bindAll ((n, b) : bs) t = Bind n b (bindAll bs t)

-- | Like 'bindAll', but the 'Binder's are 'TT' terms instead.
-- The first argument is a function to map @TT@ terms to @Binder@s.
-- This function might often be something like 'Lam', which directly
-- constructs a @Binder@ from a @TT@ term.
bindTyArgs :: (TT n -> Binder (TT n)) -> [(n, TT n)] -> TT n -> TT n
bindTyArgs b xs = bindAll (map (\ (n, ty) -> (n, b ty)) xs)

-- | Return a list of pairs of the names of the outermost 'Pi'-bound
-- variables in the given term, together with their types.
getArgTys :: TT n -> [(n, TT n)]
getArgTys (Bind n (Pi t) sc) = (n, t) : getArgTys sc
getArgTys _ = []

getRetTy :: TT n -> TT n
getRetTy (Bind n (PVar _) sc) = getRetTy sc
getRetTy (Bind n (PVTy _) sc) = getRetTy sc
getRetTy (Bind n (Pi _) sc)   = getRetTy sc
getRetTy sc = sc

uniqueNameFrom :: [Name] -> [Name] -> Name
uniqueNameFrom (s : supply) hs
       | s `elem` hs = uniqueNameFrom supply hs
       | otherwise   = s

uniqueName :: Name -> [Name] -> Name
uniqueName n hs | n `elem` hs = uniqueName (nextName n) hs
                | otherwise   = n

uniqueBinders :: [Name] -> TT Name -> TT Name
uniqueBinders ns (Bind n b sc)
    = let n' = uniqueName n ns in
          Bind n' (fmap (uniqueBinders (n':ns)) b) (uniqueBinders ns sc)
uniqueBinders ns (App f a) = App (uniqueBinders ns f) (uniqueBinders ns a)
uniqueBinders ns t = t

nextName (NS x s)    = NS (nextName x) s
nextName (MN i n)    = MN (i+1) n
nextName (UN x) = let (num', nm') = T.span isDigit (T.reverse x)
                      nm = T.reverse nm'
                      num = readN (T.reverse num') in
                          UN (nm `T.append` txt (show (num+1)))
    readN x | not (T.null x) = read (T.unpack x)
    readN x = 0
nextName (SN x) = SN (nextName' x)
    nextName' (WhereN i f x) = WhereN i f (nextName x)
    nextName' (CaseN n) = CaseN (nextName n)
    nextName' (MethodN n) = MethodN (nextName n)

type Term = TT Name
type Type = Term

type Env  = EnvTT Name

-- | an environment with de Bruijn indices 'normalised' so that they all refer to
-- this environment

newtype WkEnvTT n = Wk (EnvTT n)
type WkEnv = WkEnvTT Name

instance (Eq n, Show n) => Show (TT n) where
    show t = showEnv [] t

itBitsName IT8 = "Bits8"
itBitsName IT16 = "Bits16"
itBitsName IT32 = "Bits32"
itBitsName IT64 = "Bits64"

instance Show Const where
    show (I i) = show i
    show (BI i) = show i
    show (Fl f) = show f
    show (Ch c) = show c
    show (Str s) = show s
    show (B8 x) = show x
    show (B16 x) = show x
    show (B32 x) = show x
    show (B64 x) = show x
    show (B8V x) = "<" ++ intercalate "," (map show (V.toList x)) ++ ">"
    show (B16V x) = "<" ++ intercalate "," (map show (V.toList x)) ++ ">"
    show (B32V x) = "<" ++ intercalate "," (map show (V.toList x)) ++ ">"
    show (B64V x) = "<" ++ intercalate "," (map show (V.toList x)) ++ ">"
    show (AType ATFloat) = "Float"
    show (AType (ATInt ITBig)) = "Integer"
    show (AType (ATInt ITNative)) = "Int"
    show (AType (ATInt ITChar)) = "Char"
    show (AType (ATInt (ITFixed it))) = itBitsName it
    show (AType (ATInt (ITVec it c))) = itBitsName it ++ "x" ++ show c
    show StrType = "String"
    show BufferType = "prim__UnsafeBuffer"
    show PtrType = "Ptr"
    show VoidType = "Void"

showEnv :: (Eq n, Show n) => EnvTT n -> TT n -> String
showEnv env t = showEnv' env t False
showEnvDbg env t = showEnv' env t True

prettyEnv env t = prettyEnv' env t False
    prettyEnv' env t dbg = prettySe 10 env t dbg

    bracket outer inner p
      | inner > outer = lparen <> p <> rparen
      | otherwise     = p

    prettySe p env (P nt n t) debug =
      pretty n <+>
        if debug then
          lbracket <+> pretty nt <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <+> rbracket
    prettySe p env (V i) debug
      | i < length env =
        if debug then
          text . show . fst $ env!!i
          lbracket <+> text (show i) <+> rbracket
      | otherwise      = text "unbound" <+> text (show i) <+> text "!"
    prettySe p env (Bind n b@(Pi t) sc) debug
      | noOccurrence n sc && not debug =
          bracket p 2 $ prettySb env n b debug <> prettySe 10 ((n, b):env) sc debug
    prettySe p env (Bind n b sc) debug =
      bracket p 2 $ prettySb env n b debug <> prettySe 10 ((n, b):env) sc debug
    prettySe p env (App f a) debug =
      bracket p 1 $ prettySe 1 env f debug <+> prettySe 0 env a debug
    prettySe p env (Proj x i) debug =
      prettySe 1 env x debug <+> text ("!" ++ show i)
    prettySe p env (Constant c) debug = pretty c
    prettySe p env Erased debug = text "[_]"
    prettySe p env (TType i) debug = text "Type" <+> (text . show $ i)

    -- Render a `Binder` and its name
    prettySb env n (Lam t) = prettyB env "λ" "=>" n t
    prettySb env n (Hole t) = prettyB env "?defer" "." n t
    prettySb env n (Pi t) = prettyB env "(" ") ->" n t
    prettySb env n (PVar t) = prettyB env "pat" "." n t
    prettySb env n (PVTy t) = prettyB env "pty" "." n t
    prettySb env n (Let t v) = prettyBv env "let" "in" n t v
    prettySb env n (Guess t v) = prettyBv env "??" "in" n t v

    -- Use `op` and `sc` to delimit `n` (a binding name) and its type
    -- declaration
    -- e.g. "λx : Int =>" for the Lam case
    prettyB env op sc n t debug =
      text op <> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <> text sc

    -- Like `prettyB`, but handle the bindings that have values in addition
    -- to names and types
    prettyBv env op sc n t v debug =
      text op <> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <+> text "=" <+>
        prettySe 10 env v debug <> text sc

showEnv' env t dbg = se 10 env t where
    se p env (P nt n t) = show n
                            ++ if dbg then "{" ++ show nt ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ "}" else ""
    se p env (V i) | i < length env && i >= 0
                                    = (show $ fst $ env!!i) ++
                                      if dbg then "{" ++ show i ++ "}" else ""
                   | otherwise = "!!V " ++ show i ++ "!!"
    se p env (Bind n b@(Pi t) sc)
        | noOccurrence n sc && not dbg = bracket p 2 $ se 1 env t ++ " -> " ++ se 10 ((n,b):env) sc
    se p env (Bind n b sc) = bracket p 2 $ sb env n b ++ se 10 ((n,b):env) sc
    se p env (App f a) = bracket p 1 $ se 1 env f ++ " " ++ se 0 env a
    se p env (Proj x i) = se 1 env x ++ "!" ++ show i
    se p env (Constant c) = show c
    se p env Erased = "[__]"
    se p env Impossible = "[impossible]"
    se p env (TType i) = "Type " ++ show i

    sb env n (Lam t)  = showb env "\\ " " => " n t
    sb env n (Hole t) = showb env "? " ". " n t
    sb env n (GHole i t) = showb env "?defer " ". " n t
    sb env n (Pi t)   = showb env "(" ") -> " n t
    sb env n (PVar t) = showb env "pat " ". " n t
    sb env n (PVTy t) = showb env "pty " ". " n t
    sb env n (Let t v)   = showbv env "let " " in " n t v
    sb env n (Guess t v) = showbv env "?? " " in " n t v

    showb env op sc n t    = op ++ show n ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ sc
    showbv env op sc n t v = op ++ show n ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ " = " ++
                             se 10 env v ++ sc

    bracket outer inner str | inner > outer = "(" ++ str ++ ")"
                            | otherwise = str

-- | Check whether a term has any holes in it - impure if so
pureTerm :: TT Name -> Bool
pureTerm (App f a) = pureTerm f && pureTerm a
pureTerm (Bind n b sc) = notClassName n && pureBinder b && pureTerm sc where
    pureBinder (Hole _) = False
    pureBinder (Guess _ _) = False
    pureBinder (Let t v) = pureTerm t && pureTerm v
    pureBinder t = pureTerm (binderTy t)

    notClassName (MN _ c) | c == txt "class" = False
    notClassName _ = True

pureTerm _ = True

-- | Weaken a term by adding i to each de Bruijn index (i.e. lift it over i bindings)
weakenTm :: Int -> TT n -> TT n
weakenTm i t = wk i 0 t
  where wk i min (V x) | x >= min = V (i + x)
        wk i m (App f a)     = App (wk i m f) (wk i m a)
        wk i m (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (wkb i m b) (wk i (m + 1) sc)
        wk i m t = t
        wkb i m t           = fmap (wk i m) t

-- | Weaken an environment so that all the de Bruijn indices are correct according
-- to the latest bound variable

weakenEnv :: EnvTT n -> EnvTT n
weakenEnv env = wk (length env - 1) env
  where wk i [] = []
        wk i ((n, b) : bs) = (n, weakenTmB i b) : wk (i - 1) bs
        weakenTmB i (Let   t v) = Let (weakenTm i t) (weakenTm i v)
        weakenTmB i (Guess t v) = Guess (weakenTm i t) (weakenTm i v)
        weakenTmB i t           = t { binderTy = weakenTm i (binderTy t) }

-- | Weaken every term in the environment by the given amount
weakenTmEnv :: Int -> EnvTT n -> EnvTT n
weakenTmEnv i = map (\ (n, b) -> (n, fmap (weakenTm i) b))

-- | Gather up all the outer 'PVar's and 'Hole's in an expression and reintroduce
-- them in a canonical order
orderPats :: Term -> Term
orderPats tm = op [] tm
    op ps (Bind n (PVar t) sc) = op ((n, PVar t) : ps) sc
    op ps (Bind n (Hole t) sc) = op ((n, Hole t) : ps) sc
    op ps sc = bindAll (sortP ps) sc

    sortP ps = pick [] (reverse ps)

    namesIn (P _ n _) = [n]
    namesIn (Bind n b t) = nub $ nb b ++ (namesIn t \\ [n])
      where nb (Let   t v) = nub (namesIn t) ++ nub (namesIn v)
            nb (Guess t v) = nub (namesIn t) ++ nub (namesIn v)
            nb t = namesIn (binderTy t)
    namesIn (App f a) = nub (namesIn f ++ namesIn a)
    namesIn _ = []

    pick acc [] = reverse acc
    pick acc ((n, t) : ps) = pick (insert n t acc) ps

    insert n t [] = [(n, t)]
    insert n t ((n',t') : ps)
        | n `elem` (namesIn (binderTy t') ++
                      concatMap namesIn (map (binderTy . snd) ps))
            = (n', t') : insert n t ps
        | otherwise = (n,t):(n',t'):ps