module Prelude.Cast ||| Type class for transforming a instance of a data type to another type. class Cast from to where ||| Perform a cast operation. ||| ||| @orig The original type. cast : (orig : from) -> to -- String casts instance Cast String Int where cast = prim__fromStrInt instance Cast String Float where cast = prim__strToFloat instance Cast String Integer where cast = prim__fromStrBigInt -- Int casts instance Cast Int String where cast = prim__toStrInt instance Cast Int Float where cast = prim__toFloatInt instance Cast Int Integer where cast = prim__sextInt_BigInt instance Cast Int Char where cast = prim__intToChar -- Float casts instance Cast Float String where cast = prim__floatToStr instance Cast Float Int where cast = prim__fromFloatInt -- Integer casts instance Cast Integer String where cast = prim__toStrBigInt -- Char casts instance Cast Char Int where cast = prim__charToInt