#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "idris_rts.h" #include "idris_gc.h" #include "idris_bitstring.h" VM* init_vm(int stack_size, size_t heap_size, int max_threads, // not implemented yet int argc, char* argv[]) { VAL* valstack = malloc(stack_size*sizeof(VAL)); int* intstack = malloc(stack_size*sizeof(int)); double* floatstack = malloc(stack_size*sizeof(double)); VM* vm = malloc(sizeof(VM)); vm->valstack = valstack; vm->valstack_top = valstack; vm->valstack_base = valstack; vm->intstack = intstack; vm->intstack_ptr = intstack; vm->floatstack = floatstack; vm->floatstack_ptr = floatstack; vm->stack_max = valstack + stack_size; vm->heap = malloc(heap_size); vm->oldheap = NULL; vm->heap_next = vm->heap; vm->heap_end = vm->heap + heap_size; vm->heap_size = heap_size; vm->collections = 0; vm->allocations = 0; vm->heap_growth = heap_size; vm->ret = NULL; vm->reg1 = NULL; vm->inbox = malloc(1024*sizeof(VAL)); memset(vm->inbox, 0, 1024*sizeof(VAL)); vm->inbox_end = vm->inbox + 1024; vm->inbox_ptr = vm->inbox; vm->inbox_write = vm->inbox; pthread_mutex_init(&(vm->inbox_lock), NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&(vm->inbox_block), NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&(vm->alloc_lock), NULL); pthread_cond_init(&(vm->inbox_waiting), NULL); vm->max_threads = max_threads; vm->processes = 0; int i; // Assumption: there's enough space for this in the initial heap. vm->argv = malloc(argc*sizeof(VAL)); vm->argc = argc; for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { vm->argv[i] = MKSTR(vm, argv[i]); } return vm; } void terminate(VM* vm) { free(vm->inbox); free(vm->valstack); free(vm->intstack); free(vm->floatstack); free(vm->heap); free(vm->argv); if (vm->oldheap != NULL) { free(vm->oldheap); } pthread_mutex_destroy(&(vm -> inbox_lock)); pthread_mutex_destroy(&(vm -> inbox_block)); pthread_cond_destroy(&(vm -> inbox_waiting)); free(vm); } void idris_requireAlloc(VM* vm, size_t size) { if (!(vm -> heap_next + size < vm -> heap_end)) { idris_gc(vm); } int lock = vm->processes > 0; if (lock) { // not message passing pthread_mutex_lock(&vm->alloc_lock); } } void idris_doneAlloc(VM* vm) { int lock = vm->processes > 0; if (lock) { // not message passing pthread_mutex_unlock(&vm->alloc_lock); } } void* allocate(VM* vm, size_t size, int outerlock) { // return malloc(size); int lock = vm->processes > 0 && !outerlock; if (lock) { // not message passing pthread_mutex_lock(&vm->alloc_lock); } if ((size & 7)!=0) { size = 8 + ((size >> 3) << 3); } if (vm -> heap_next + size < vm -> heap_end) { vm->allocations += size + sizeof(size_t); void* ptr = (void*)(vm->heap_next + sizeof(size_t)); *((size_t*)(vm->heap_next)) = size + sizeof(size_t); vm -> heap_next += size + sizeof(size_t); memset(ptr, 0, size); if (lock) { // not message passing pthread_mutex_unlock(&vm->alloc_lock); } return ptr; } else { idris_gc(vm); if (lock) { // not message passing pthread_mutex_unlock(&vm->alloc_lock); } return allocate(vm, size, 0); } } /* Now a macro void* allocCon(VM* vm, int arity, int outer) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure) + sizeof(VAL)*arity, outer); SETTY(cl, CON); cl -> info.c.arity = arity; // cl -> info.c.tag = 42424242; // printf("%p\n", cl); return (void*)cl; } */ VAL MKFLOAT(VM* vm, double val) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 0); SETTY(cl, FLOAT); cl -> info.f = val; return cl; } VAL MKSTR(VM* vm, char* str) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure) + // Type) + sizeof(char*) + sizeof(char)*strlen(str)+1, 0); SETTY(cl, STRING); cl -> info.str = (char*)cl + sizeof(Closure); strcpy(cl -> info.str, str); return cl; } VAL MKPTR(VM* vm, void* ptr) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 0); SETTY(cl, PTR); cl -> info.ptr = ptr; return cl; } VAL MKFLOATc(VM* vm, double val) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 1); SETTY(cl, FLOAT); cl -> info.f = val; return cl; } VAL MKSTRc(VM* vm, char* str) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure) + // Type) + sizeof(char*) + sizeof(char)*strlen(str)+1, 1); SETTY(cl, STRING); cl -> info.str = (char*)cl + sizeof(Closure); strcpy(cl -> info.str, str); return cl; } VAL MKPTRc(VM* vm, void* ptr) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 1); SETTY(cl, PTR); cl -> info.ptr = ptr; return cl; } void PROJECT(VM* vm, VAL r, int loc, int arity) { int i; for(i = 0; i < arity; ++i) { LOC(i+loc) = r->info.c.args[i]; } } void SLIDE(VM* vm, int args) { int i; for(i = 0; i < args; ++i) { LOC(i) = TOP(i); } } void dumpStack(VM* vm) { int i = 0; VAL* root; for (root = vm->valstack; root < vm->valstack_top; ++root, ++i) { printf("%d: ", i); dumpVal(*root); if (*root >= (VAL)(vm->heap) && *root < (VAL)(vm->heap_end)) { printf("OK"); } printf("\n"); } printf("RET: "); dumpVal(vm->ret); printf("\n"); } void dumpVal(VAL v) { if (v==NULL) return; int i; if (ISINT(v)) { printf("%d ", (int)(GETINT(v))); return; } switch(GETTY(v)) { case CON: printf("%d[", TAG(v)); for(i = 0; i < ARITY(v); ++i) { dumpVal(v->info.c.args[i]); } printf("] "); break; case STRING: printf("STR[%s]", v->info.str); break; case FWD: printf("FWD "); dumpVal((VAL)(v->info.ptr)); break; default: printf("val"); } } VAL idris_castIntStr(VM* vm, VAL i) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure) + sizeof(char)*16, 0); SETTY(cl, STRING); cl -> info.str = (char*)cl + sizeof(Closure); sprintf(cl -> info.str, "%d", (int)(GETINT(i))); return cl; } VAL idris_castStrInt(VM* vm, VAL i) { char *end; i_int v = strtol(GETSTR(i), &end, 10); if (*end == '\0' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r') return MKINT(v); else return MKINT(0); } VAL idris_castFloatStr(VM* vm, VAL i) { Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure) + sizeof(char)*32, 0); SETTY(cl, STRING); cl -> info.str = (char*)cl + sizeof(Closure); sprintf(cl -> info.str, "%g", GETFLOAT(i)); return cl; } VAL idris_castStrFloat(VM* vm, VAL i) { return MKFLOAT(vm, strtod(GETSTR(i), NULL)); } VAL idris_concat(VM* vm, VAL l, VAL r) { char *rs = GETSTR(r); char *ls = GETSTR(l); // dumpVal(l); // printf("\n"); Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure) + strlen(ls) + strlen(rs) + 1, 0); SETTY(cl, STRING); cl -> info.str = (char*)cl + sizeof(Closure); strcpy(cl -> info.str, ls); strcat(cl -> info.str, rs); return cl; } VAL idris_strlt(VM* vm, VAL l, VAL r) { char *ls = GETSTR(l); char *rs = GETSTR(r); return MKINT((i_int)(strcmp(ls, rs) < 0)); } VAL idris_streq(VM* vm, VAL l, VAL r) { char *ls = GETSTR(l); char *rs = GETSTR(r); return MKINT((i_int)(strcmp(ls, rs) == 0)); } VAL idris_strlen(VM* vm, VAL l) { return MKINT((i_int)(strlen(GETSTR(l)))); } #define BUFSIZE 256 VAL idris_readStr(VM* vm, FILE* h) { // Modified from 'safe-fgets.c' in the gdb distribution. // (see http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/current/) char *line_ptr; char* line_buf = (char *) malloc (BUFSIZE); int line_buf_size = BUFSIZE; /* points to last byte */ line_ptr = line_buf + line_buf_size - 1; /* so we can see if fgets put a 0 there */ *line_ptr = 1; if (fgets (line_buf, line_buf_size, h) == 0) return MKSTR(vm, ""); /* we filled the buffer? */ while (line_ptr[0] == 0 && line_ptr[-1] != '\n') { /* Make the buffer bigger and read more of the line */ line_buf_size += BUFSIZE; line_buf = (char *) realloc (line_buf, line_buf_size); /* points to last byte again */ line_ptr = line_buf + line_buf_size - 1; /* so we can see if fgets put a 0 there */ *line_ptr = 1; if (fgets (line_buf + line_buf_size - BUFSIZE - 1, BUFSIZE + 1, h) == 0) return MKSTR(vm, ""); } VAL str = MKSTR(vm, line_buf); free(line_buf); return str; } VAL idris_strHead(VM* vm, VAL str) { return MKINT((i_int)(GETSTR(str)[0])); } VAL idris_strTail(VM* vm, VAL str) { return MKSTR(vm, GETSTR(str)+1); } VAL idris_strCons(VM* vm, VAL x, VAL xs) { char *xstr = GETSTR(xs); Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure) + strlen(xstr) + 2, 0); SETTY(cl, STRING); cl -> info.str = (char*)cl + sizeof(Closure); cl -> info.str[0] = (char)(GETINT(x)); strcpy(cl -> info.str+1, xstr); return cl; } VAL idris_strIndex(VM* vm, VAL str, VAL i) { return MKINT((i_int)(GETSTR(str)[GETINT(i)])); } VAL idris_strRev(VM* vm, VAL str) { char *xstr = GETSTR(str); Closure* cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure) + strlen(xstr) + 1, 0); SETTY(cl, STRING); cl -> info.str = (char*)cl + sizeof(Closure); int y = 0; int x = strlen(xstr); cl-> info.str[x+1] = '\0'; while(x>0) { cl -> info.str[y++] = xstr[--x]; } return cl; } typedef struct { VM* vm; // thread's VM VM* callvm; // calling thread's VM func fn; VAL arg; } ThreadData; void* runThread(void* arg) { ThreadData* td = (ThreadData*)arg; VM* vm = td->vm; VM* callvm = td->callvm; TOP(0) = td->arg; BASETOP(0); ADDTOP(1); td->fn(vm, NULL); callvm->processes--; free(td); terminate(vm); return NULL; } void* vmThread(VM* callvm, func f, VAL arg) { VM* vm = init_vm(callvm->stack_max - callvm->valstack, callvm->heap_size, callvm->max_threads, 0, NULL); vm->processes=1; // since it can send and receive messages pthread_t t; pthread_attr_t attr; // size_t stacksize; pthread_attr_init(&attr); // pthread_attr_getstacksize (&attr, &stacksize); // pthread_attr_setstacksize (&attr, stacksize*64); ThreadData *td = malloc(sizeof(ThreadData)); td->vm = vm; td->callvm = callvm; td->fn = f; td->arg = copyTo(vm, arg); callvm->processes++; pthread_create(&t, &attr, runThread, td); // usleep(100); return vm; } // VM is assumed to be a different vm from the one x lives on VAL copyTo(VM* vm, VAL x) { int i, ar; VAL* argptr; Closure* cl; if (x==NULL || ISINT(x)) { return x; } switch(GETTY(x)) { case CON: ar = CARITY(x); allocCon(cl, vm, CTAG(x), ar, 1); argptr = (VAL*)(cl->info.c.args); for(i = 0; i < ar; ++i) { *argptr = copyTo(vm, *((VAL*)(x->info.c.args)+i)); // recursive version argptr++; } break; case FLOAT: cl = MKFLOATc(vm, x->info.f); break; case STRING: cl = MKSTRc(vm, x->info.str); break; case BIGINT: cl = MKBIGMc(vm, x->info.ptr); break; case PTR: cl = MKPTRc(vm, x->info.ptr); break; case BITS8: cl = idris_b8CopyForGC(vm, x); break; case BITS16: cl = idris_b16CopyForGC(vm, x); break; case BITS32: cl = idris_b32CopyForGC(vm, x); break; case BITS64: cl = idris_b64CopyForGC(vm, x); break; default: assert(0); // We're in trouble if this happens... } return cl; } // Add a message to another VM's message queue void idris_sendMessage(VM* sender, VM* dest, VAL msg) { // FIXME: If GC kicks in in the middle of the copy, we're in trouble. // Probably best check there is enough room in advance. (How?) // Also a problem if we're allocating at the same time as the // destination thread (which is very likely) // Should the inbox be a different memory space? // So: we try to copy, if a collection happens, we do the copy again // under the assumption there's enough space this time. int gcs = dest->collections; pthread_mutex_lock(&dest->alloc_lock); VAL dmsg = copyTo(dest, msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&dest->alloc_lock); if (dest->collections>gcs) { // a collection will have invalidated the copy pthread_mutex_lock(&dest->alloc_lock); dmsg = copyTo(dest, msg); // try again now there's room... pthread_mutex_unlock(&dest->alloc_lock); } pthread_mutex_lock(&(dest->inbox_lock)); *(dest->inbox_write) = dmsg; dest->inbox_write++; if (dest->inbox_write >= dest->inbox_end) { dest->inbox_write = dest->inbox; } if (dest->inbox_write == dest->inbox_ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Inbox full"); // Maybe grow it instead... exit(-1); } // Wake up the other thread pthread_mutex_lock(&dest->inbox_block); pthread_cond_signal(&dest->inbox_waiting); pthread_mutex_unlock(&dest->inbox_block); // printf("Sending [signalled]...\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(dest->inbox_lock)); // printf("Sending [unlock]...\n"); } int idris_checkMessages(VM* vm) { VAL msg = *(vm->inbox_ptr); return (msg != NULL); } // block until there is a message in the queue VAL idris_recvMessage(VM* vm) { VAL msg; struct timespec timeout; int status; pthread_mutex_lock(&vm->inbox_block); msg = *(vm->inbox_ptr); while (msg == NULL) { // printf("No message yet\n"); // printf("Waiting [lock]...\n"); timeout.tv_sec = time (NULL) + 3; timeout.tv_nsec = 0; status = pthread_cond_timedwait(&vm->inbox_waiting, &vm->inbox_block, &timeout); (void)(status); //don't emit 'unused' warning // printf("Waiting [unlock]... %d\n", status); msg = *(vm->inbox_ptr); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&vm->inbox_block); if (msg != NULL) { pthread_mutex_lock(&(vm->inbox_lock)); *(vm->inbox_ptr) = NULL; vm->inbox_ptr++; if (vm->inbox_ptr >= vm->inbox_end) { vm->inbox_ptr = vm->inbox; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(vm->inbox_lock)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "No messages waiting"); exit(-1); } return msg; } int idris_numArgs(VM* vm) { return vm->argc; } VAL idris_getArg(VM* vm, int i) { return vm->argv[i]; } void stackOverflow() { fprintf(stderr, "Stack overflow"); exit(-1); }