module Control.Isomorphism import Syntax.PreorderReasoning import Data.Fin import Control.Category %default total %access public export ||| An isomorphism between two types data Iso : Type -> Type -> Type where MkIso : (to : a -> b) -> (from : b -> a) -> (toFrom : (y : b) -> to (from y) = y) -> (fromTo : (x : a) -> from (to x) = x) -> Iso a b -- Isomorphism properties ||| Isomorphism is Reflexive isoRefl : Iso a a isoRefl = MkIso id id (\x => Refl) (\x => Refl) ||| Isomorphism is transitive isoTrans : Iso a b -> Iso b c -> Iso a c isoTrans (MkIso to from toFrom fromTo) (MkIso to' from' toFrom' fromTo') = MkIso (\x => to' (to x)) (\y => from (from' y)) (\y => (to' (to (from (from' y)))) ={ cong (toFrom (from' y)) }= (to' (from' y)) ={ toFrom' y }= y QED) (\x => (from (from' (to' (to x)))) ={ cong (fromTo' (to x)) }= (from (to x)) ={ fromTo x }= x QED) Category Iso where id = isoRefl (.) = flip isoTrans ||| Isomorphism is symmetric isoSym : Iso a b -> Iso b a isoSym (MkIso to from toFrom fromTo) = MkIso from to fromTo toFrom -- Isomorphisms over sums ||| Disjunction is commutative eitherComm : Iso (Either a b) (Either b a) eitherComm = MkIso mirror mirror mirrorMirror mirrorMirror where mirrorMirror : (e : Either a' b') -> mirror (mirror e) = e mirrorMirror (Left x) = Refl mirrorMirror (Right x) = Refl ||| Disjunction is associative eitherAssoc : Iso (Either (Either a b) c) (Either a (Either b c)) eitherAssoc = MkIso eitherAssoc1 eitherAssoc2 ok1 ok2 where eitherAssoc1 : Either (Either a b) c -> Either a (Either b c) eitherAssoc1 (Left (Left x)) = Left x eitherAssoc1 (Left (Right x)) = Right (Left x) eitherAssoc1 (Right x) = Right (Right x) eitherAssoc2 : Either a (Either b c) -> Either (Either a b) c eitherAssoc2 (Left x) = Left (Left x) eitherAssoc2 (Right (Left x)) = Left (Right x) eitherAssoc2 (Right (Right x)) = Right x ok1 : (x : Either a (Either b c)) -> eitherAssoc1 (eitherAssoc2 x) = x ok1 (Left x) = Refl ok1 (Right (Left x)) = Refl ok1 (Right (Right x)) = Refl ok2 : (x : Either (Either a b) c) -> eitherAssoc2 (eitherAssoc1 x) = x ok2 (Left (Left x)) = Refl ok2 (Left (Right x)) = Refl ok2 (Right x) = Refl ||| Disjunction with false is a no-op eitherBotLeft : Iso (Either Void a) a eitherBotLeft = MkIso to from ok1 ok2 where to : Either Void a -> a to (Left x) = void x to (Right x) = x from : a -> Either Void a from = Right ok1 : (x : a) -> to (from x) = x ok1 x = Refl ok2 : (x : Either Void a) -> from (to x) = x ok2 (Left x) = void x ok2 (Right x) = Refl ||| Disjunction with false is a no-op eitherBotRight : Iso (Either a Void) a eitherBotRight = isoTrans eitherComm eitherBotLeft ||| Isomorphism is a congruence with regards to disjunction eitherCong : Iso a a' -> Iso b b' -> Iso (Either a b) (Either a' b') eitherCong {a = a} {a' = a'} {b = b} {b' = b'} (MkIso to from toFrom fromTo) (MkIso to' from' toFrom' fromTo') = MkIso (eitherMap to to') (eitherMap from from') ok1 ok2 where eitherMap : (c -> c') -> (d -> d') -> Either c d -> Either c' d' eitherMap f g (Left x) = Left (f x) eitherMap f g (Right x) = Right (g x) ok1 : (x : Either a' b') -> eitherMap to to' (eitherMap from from' x) = x ok1 (Left x) = cong (toFrom x) ok1 (Right x) = cong (toFrom' x) ok2 : (x : Either a b) -> eitherMap from from' (eitherMap to to' x) = x ok2 (Left x) = cong (fromTo x) ok2 (Right x) = cong (fromTo' x) ||| Isomorphism is a congruence with regards to disjunction on the left eitherCongLeft : Iso a a' -> Iso (Either a b) (Either a' b) eitherCongLeft i = eitherCong i isoRefl ||| Isomorphism is a congruence with regards to disjunction on the right eitherCongRight : Iso b b' -> Iso (Either a b) (Either a b') eitherCongRight i = eitherCong isoRefl i -- Isomorphisms over products ||| Conjunction is commutative pairComm : Iso (a, b) (b, a) pairComm = MkIso swap swap swapSwap swapSwap where swapSwap : (x : (a', b')) -> swap (swap x) = x swapSwap (x, y) = Refl ||| Conjunction is associative pairAssoc : Iso (a, (b, c)) ((a, b), c) pairAssoc = MkIso to from ok1 ok2 where to : (a, (b, c)) -> ((a, b), c) to (x, (y, z)) = ((x, y), z) from : ((a, b), c) -> (a, (b, c)) from ((x, y), z) = (x, (y, z)) ok1 : (x : ((a, b), c)) -> to (from x) = x ok1 ((x, y), z) = Refl ok2 : (x : (a, (b, c))) -> from (to x) = x ok2 (x, (y, z)) = Refl ||| Conjunction with truth is a no-op pairUnitRight : Iso (a, ()) a pairUnitRight = MkIso fst (\x => (x, ())) (\x => Refl) ok where ok : (x : (a, ())) -> (fst x, ()) = x ok (x, ()) = Refl ||| Conjunction with truth is a no-op pairUnitLeft : Iso ((), a) a pairUnitLeft = isoTrans pairComm pairUnitRight ||| Conjunction preserves falsehood pairBotLeft : Iso (Void, a) Void pairBotLeft = MkIso fst void (\x => void x) (\y => void (fst y)) ||| Conjunction preserves falsehood pairBotRight : Iso (a, Void) Void pairBotRight = isoTrans pairComm pairBotLeft ||| Isomorphism is a congruence with regards to conjunction pairCong : Iso a a' -> Iso b b' -> Iso (a, b) (a', b') pairCong {a = a} {a' = a'} {b = b} {b' = b'} (MkIso to from toFrom fromTo) (MkIso to' from' toFrom' fromTo') = MkIso to'' from'' iso1 iso2 where to'' : (a, b) -> (a', b') to'' (x, y) = (to x, to' y) from'' : (a', b') -> (a, b) from'' (x, y) = (from x, from' y) iso1 : (x : (a', b')) -> to'' (from'' x) = x iso1 (x, y) = rewrite toFrom x in rewrite toFrom' y in Refl iso2 : (x : (a, b)) -> from'' (to'' x) = x iso2 (x, y) = rewrite fromTo x in rewrite fromTo' y in Refl ||| Isomorphism is a congruence with regards to conjunction on the left pairCongLeft : Iso a a' -> Iso (a, b) (a', b) pairCongLeft i = pairCong i isoRefl ||| Isomorphism is a congruence with regards to conjunction on the right pairCongRight : Iso b b' -> Iso (a, b) (a, b') pairCongRight = pairCong isoRefl -- Distributivity of products over sums ||| Products distribute over sums distribLeft : Iso (Either a b, c) (Either (a, c) (b, c)) distribLeft = MkIso to from toFrom fromTo where to : (Either a b, c) -> Either (a, c) (b, c) to (Left x, y) = Left (x, y) to (Right x, y) = Right (x, y) from : Either (a, c) (b, c) -> (Either a b, c) from (Left (x, y)) = (Left x, y) from (Right (x, y)) = (Right x, y) toFrom : (x : Either (a, c) (b, c)) -> to (from x) = x toFrom (Left (x, y)) = Refl toFrom (Right (x, y)) = Refl fromTo : (x : (Either a b, c)) -> from (to x) = x fromTo (Left x, y) = Refl fromTo (Right x, y) = Refl ||| Products distribute over sums distribRight : Iso (a, Either b c) (Either (a, b) (a, c)) distribRight {a} {b} {c} = (pairComm `isoTrans` distribLeft) `isoTrans` eitherCong pairComm pairComm -- Enable preorder reasoning syntax over isomorphisms ||| Used for preorder reasoning syntax. Not intended for direct use. qed : (a : Type) -> Iso a a qed a = isoRefl ||| Used for preorder reasoning syntax. Not intended for direct use. step : (a : Type) -> Iso a b -> Iso b c -> Iso a c step a iso1 iso2 = isoTrans iso1 iso2 -- Isomorphisms over Maybe ||| Isomorphism is a congruence with respect to Maybe maybeCong : Iso a b -> Iso (Maybe a) (Maybe b) maybeCong {a} {b} (MkIso to from toFrom fromTo) = MkIso (map to) (map from) ok1 ok2 where ok1 : (y : Maybe b) -> map to (map from y) = y ok1 Nothing = Refl ok1 (Just x) = (Just (to (from x))) ={ cong (toFrom x) }= (Just x) QED ok2 : (x : Maybe a) -> map from (map to x) = x ok2 Nothing = Refl ok2 (Just x) = (Just (from (to x))) ={ cong (fromTo x) }= (Just x) QED ||| `Maybe a` is the same as `Either a ()` maybeEither : Iso (Maybe a) (Either a ()) maybeEither = MkIso to from iso1 iso2 where to : Maybe a -> Either a () to Nothing = Right () to (Just x) = Left x from : Either a () -> Maybe a from (Left x) = Just x from (Right ()) = Nothing iso1 : (x : Either a ()) -> to (from x) = x iso1 (Left x) = Refl iso1 (Right ()) = Refl iso2 : (y : Maybe a) -> from (to y) = y iso2 Nothing = Refl iso2 (Just x) = Refl ||| Maybe of void is just unit maybeVoidUnit : Iso (Maybe Void) () maybeVoidUnit = (Maybe Void) ={ maybeEither }= (Either Void ()) ={ eitherBotLeft }= () QED eitherMaybeLeftMaybe : Iso (Either (Maybe a) b) (Maybe (Either a b)) eitherMaybeLeftMaybe {a} {b} = (Either (Maybe a) b) ={ eitherCongLeft maybeEither }= (Either (Either a ()) b) ={ eitherAssoc }= (Either a (Either () b)) ={ eitherCongRight eitherComm }= (Either a (Either b ())) ={ isoSym eitherAssoc }= (Either (Either a b) ()) ={ isoSym maybeEither }= (Maybe (Either a b)) QED eitherMaybeRightMaybe : Iso (Either a (Maybe b)) (Maybe (Either a b)) eitherMaybeRightMaybe {a} {b} = (Either a (Maybe b)) ={ eitherComm }= (Either (Maybe b) a) ={ eitherMaybeLeftMaybe }= (Maybe (Either b a)) ={ maybeCong eitherComm }= (Maybe (Either a b)) QED -- Isomorphisms over Fin maybeIsoS : Iso (Maybe (Fin n)) (Fin (S n)) maybeIsoS = MkIso forth back fb bf where forth : Maybe (Fin n) -> Fin (S n) forth Nothing = FZ forth (Just x) = FS x back : Fin (S n) -> Maybe (Fin n) back FZ = Nothing back (FS x) = Just x bf : (x : Maybe (Fin n)) -> back (forth x) = x bf Nothing = Refl bf (Just x) = Refl fb : (y : Fin (S n)) -> forth (back y) = y fb FZ = Refl fb (FS x) = Refl finZeroBot : Iso (Fin 0) Void finZeroBot = MkIso (\x => void (uninhabited x)) (\x => void x) (\x => void x) (\x => void (uninhabited x)) eitherFinPlus : Iso (Either (Fin m) (Fin n)) (Fin (m + n)) eitherFinPlus {m = Z} {n=n} = (Either (Fin 0) (Fin n)) ={ eitherCongLeft finZeroBot }= (Either Void (Fin n)) ={ eitherBotLeft }= (Fin n) QED eitherFinPlus {m = S k} {n=n} = (Either (Fin (S k)) (Fin n)) ={ eitherCongLeft (isoSym maybeIsoS) }= (Either (Maybe (Fin k)) (Fin n)) ={ eitherMaybeLeftMaybe }= (Maybe (Either (Fin k) (Fin n))) ={ maybeCong eitherFinPlus }= (Maybe (Fin (k + n))) ={ maybeIsoS }= (Fin (S (k + n))) QED finPairTimes : Iso (Fin m, Fin n) (Fin (m * n)) finPairTimes {m = Z} {n=n} = (Fin Z, Fin n) ={ pairCongLeft finZeroBot }= (Void, Fin n) ={ pairBotLeft }= Void ={ isoSym finZeroBot }= (Fin Z) QED finPairTimes {m = S k} {n=n} = (Fin (S k), Fin n) ={ pairCongLeft (isoSym maybeIsoS) }= (Maybe (Fin k), Fin n) ={ pairCongLeft maybeEither }= (Either (Fin k) (), Fin n) ={ distribLeft }= (Either (Fin k, Fin n) ((), Fin n)) ={ eitherCong finPairTimes pairUnitLeft }= (Either (Fin (k * n)) (Fin n)) ={ eitherComm }= (Either (Fin n) (Fin (k * n))) ={ eitherFinPlus }= (Fin (n + (k * n))) QED