module Control.ST import Language.Reflection.Utils %default total infix 5 ::: {- A resource is a pair of a label and the current type stored there -} public export data Resource : Type where MkRes : label -> Type -> Resource %error_reverse public export (:::) : label -> Type -> Resource (:::) = MkRes export data Var = MkVar -- Phantom, just for labelling purposes {- Contexts for holding current resources states -} namespace Context public export data Context : Type where Nil : Context (::) : Resource -> Context -> Context public export (++) : Context -> Context -> Context (++) [] ys = ys (++) (x :: xs) ys = x :: xs ++ ys {- Proof that a label has a particular type in a given context -} public export data InState : lbl -> Type -> Context -> Type where Here : InState lbl st (MkRes lbl st :: rs) There : InState lbl st rs -> InState lbl st (r :: rs) {- Update an entry in a context with a new state -} public export updateCtxt : (ctxt : Context) -> InState lbl st ctxt -> Type -> Context updateCtxt (MkRes lbl _ :: rs) Here val = (MkRes lbl val :: rs) updateCtxt (r :: rs) (There x) ty = r :: updateCtxt rs x ty {- Remove an entry from a context -} public export drop : (ctxt : Context) -> (prf : InState lbl st ctxt) -> Context drop (MkRes lbl st :: rs) Here = rs drop (r :: rs) (There p) = r :: drop rs p {- Proof that a resource state (label/type) is in a context -} public export data ElemCtxt : Resource -> Context -> Type where HereCtxt : ElemCtxt a (a :: as) ThereCtxt : ElemCtxt a as -> ElemCtxt a (b :: as) public export %error_reduce dropEl : (ys: _) -> ElemCtxt x ys -> Context dropEl (x :: as) HereCtxt = as dropEl (x :: as) (ThereCtxt p) = x :: dropEl as p {- Proof that a variable name is in a context -} public export data VarInCtxt : Var -> Context -> Type where VarHere : VarInCtxt a (MkRes a st :: as) VarThere : VarInCtxt a as -> VarInCtxt a (b :: as) public export %error_reduce dropVarIn : (ys: _) -> VarInCtxt x ys -> Context dropVarIn ((MkRes x _) :: as) VarHere = as dropVarIn (x :: as) (VarThere p) = x :: dropVarIn as p public export data Composite : List Type -> Type where CompNil : Composite [] CompCons : (x : a) -> Composite as -> Composite (a :: as) namespace VarList public export data VarList : List Type -> Type where Nil : VarList [] (::) : Var -> VarList ts -> VarList (t :: ts) public export mkCtxt : VarList tys -> Context mkCtxt [] = [] mkCtxt {tys = (t :: ts)} (v :: vs) = (v ::: t) :: mkCtxt vs {- Proof that a context is a subset of another context -} public export data SubCtxt : Context -> Context -> Type where SubNil : SubCtxt [] [] InCtxt : (el : ElemCtxt x ys) -> SubCtxt xs (dropEl ys el) -> SubCtxt (x :: xs) ys Skip : SubCtxt xs ys -> SubCtxt xs (y :: ys) %hint public export subCtxtId : SubCtxt xs xs subCtxtId {xs = []} = SubNil subCtxtId {xs = (x :: xs)} = InCtxt HereCtxt subCtxtId public export subCtxtNil : SubCtxt [] xs subCtxtNil {xs = []} = SubNil subCtxtNil {xs = (x :: xs)} = Skip subCtxtNil {- Proof that every variable in the list appears once in the context -} public export data VarsIn : List Var -> Context -> Type where VarsNil : VarsIn [] [] InCtxtVar : (el : VarInCtxt x ys) -> VarsIn xs (dropVarIn ys el) -> VarsIn (x :: xs) ys SkipVar : VarsIn xs ys -> VarsIn xs (y :: ys) public export Uninhabited (ElemCtxt x []) where uninhabited HereCtxt impossible uninhabited (ThereCtxt _) impossible public export %error_reduce updateWith : (new : Context) -> (xs : Context) -> SubCtxt ys xs -> Context -- At the end, add the ones which were updated by the subctxt updateWith new [] SubNil = new updateWith new [] (InCtxt el z) = absurd el -- Don't add the ones which were consumed by the subctxt updateWith [] (x :: xs) (InCtxt el p) = updateWith [] (dropEl _ el) p updateWith (n :: ns) (x :: xs) (InCtxt el p) = n :: updateWith ns (dropEl _ el) p -- Do add the ones we didn't use in the subctxt updateWith new (x :: xs) (Skip p) = x :: updateWith new xs p public export getVarType : (xs : Context) -> VarInCtxt v xs -> Type getVarType ((MkRes v st) :: as) VarHere = st getVarType (b :: as) (VarThere x) = getVarType as x public export getCombineType : VarsIn ys xs -> List Type getCombineType VarsNil = [] getCombineType (InCtxtVar el y) = getVarType _ el :: getCombineType y getCombineType (SkipVar x) = getCombineType x public export dropCombined : VarsIn vs ctxt -> Context dropCombined {ctxt = []} VarsNil = [] dropCombined {ctxt} (InCtxtVar el y) = dropCombined y dropCombined {ctxt = (y :: ys)} (SkipVar x) = y :: dropCombined x public export combineVarsIn : (ctxt : Context) -> VarsIn (comp :: vs) ctxt -> Context combineVarsIn {comp} ctxt (InCtxtVar el x) = ((comp ::: Composite (getCombineType x)) :: dropCombined (InCtxtVar el x)) combineVarsIn (y :: ys) (SkipVar x) = y :: combineVarsIn ys x namespace Env public export data Env : Context -> Type where Nil : Env [] (::) : ty -> Env xs -> Env ((lbl ::: ty) :: xs) lookupEnv : InState lbl ty ctxt -> Env ctxt -> ty lookupEnv Here (x :: xs) = x lookupEnv (There p) (x :: xs) = lookupEnv p xs updateEnv : (prf : InState lbl ty ctxt) -> Env ctxt -> ty' -> Env (updateCtxt ctxt prf ty') updateEnv Here (x :: xs) val = val :: xs updateEnv (There p) (x :: xs) val = x :: updateEnv p xs val dropVal : (prf : InState lbl st ctxt) -> Env ctxt -> Env (drop ctxt prf) dropVal Here (x :: xs) = xs dropVal (There p) (x :: xs) = x :: dropVal p xs envElem : ElemCtxt x xs -> Env xs -> Env [x] envElem HereCtxt (x :: xs) = [x] envElem (ThereCtxt p) (x :: xs) = envElem p xs dropDups : Env xs -> (el : ElemCtxt x xs) -> Env (dropEl xs el) dropDups (y :: ys) HereCtxt = ys dropDups (y :: ys) (ThereCtxt p) = y :: dropDups ys p dropEntry : Env ctxt -> (prf : VarInCtxt x ctxt) -> Env (dropVarIn ctxt prf) dropEntry (x :: env) VarHere = env dropEntry (x :: env) (VarThere y) = x :: dropEntry env y dropVarsIn : Env ctxt -> (prf : VarsIn vs ctxt) -> Env (dropCombined prf) dropVarsIn [] VarsNil = [] dropVarsIn env (InCtxtVar el z) = dropVarsIn (dropEntry env el) z dropVarsIn (x :: env) (SkipVar z) = x :: dropVarsIn env z getVarEntry : Env ctxt -> (prf : VarInCtxt v ctxt) -> getVarType ctxt prf getVarEntry (x :: xs) VarHere = x getVarEntry (x :: env) (VarThere p) = getVarEntry env p mkComposite : Env ctxt -> (prf : VarsIn vs ctxt) -> Composite (getCombineType prf) mkComposite [] VarsNil = CompNil mkComposite env (InCtxtVar el z) = CompCons (getVarEntry env el) (mkComposite (dropEntry env el) z) mkComposite (x :: env) (SkipVar z) = mkComposite env z rebuildVarsIn : Env ctxt -> (prf : VarsIn (comp :: vs) ctxt) -> Env (combineVarsIn ctxt prf) rebuildVarsIn env (InCtxtVar el p) = mkComposite (dropEntry env el) p :: dropVarsIn env (InCtxtVar el p) rebuildVarsIn (x :: env) (SkipVar p) = x :: rebuildVarsIn env p {- Some things to make STrans interfaces look prettier -} infix 6 :-> public export data Action : Type -> Type where Stable : lbl -> Type -> Action ty Trans : lbl -> Type -> (ty -> Type) -> Action ty Remove : lbl -> Type -> Action ty Add : (ty -> Context) -> Action ty namespace Stable public export %error_reduce (:::) : lbl -> Type -> Action ty (:::) = Stable namespace Trans public export data Trans ty = (:->) Type Type public export %error_reduce (:::) : lbl -> Trans ty -> Action ty (:::) lbl (st :-> st') = Trans lbl st (const st') namespace DepTrans public export data DepTrans ty = (:->) Type (ty -> Type) public export %error_reduce (:::) : lbl -> DepTrans ty -> Action ty (:::) lbl (st :-> st') = Trans lbl st st' public export or : a -> a -> Either b c -> a or x y = either (const x) (const y) public export add : Type -> Action a add ty = Add (\var => [var ::: ty]) public export addIfRight : Type -> Action (Either a b) addIfRight ty = Add (either (const []) (\var => [var ::: ty])) public export addIfJust : Type -> Action (Maybe a) addIfJust ty = Add (maybe [] (\var => [var ::: ty])) public export kept : SubCtxt xs ys -> Context kept SubNil = [] kept (InCtxt el p) = kept p kept (Skip {y} p) = y :: kept p -- We can only use new/delete/read/write on things wrapped in State. Only an -- interface implementation should know that a thing is defined as State, -- so it's the only thing that's able to peek at the internals public export data State : Type -> Type where Value : ty -> State ty export data STrans : (m : Type -> Type) -> (ty : Type) -> Context -> (ty -> Context) -> Type where Pure : (result : ty) -> STrans m ty (out_fn result) out_fn Bind : STrans m a st1 st2_fn -> ((result : a) -> STrans m b (st2_fn result) st3_fn) -> STrans m b st1 st3_fn Lift : Monad m => m t -> STrans m t ctxt (const ctxt) New : (val : state) -> STrans m Var ctxt (\lbl => (lbl ::: state) :: ctxt) Delete : (lbl : Var) -> (prf : InState lbl st ctxt) -> STrans m () ctxt (const (drop ctxt prf)) DropSubCtxt : (prf : SubCtxt ys xs) -> STrans m (Env ys) xs (const (kept prf)) Split : (lbl : Var) -> (prf : InState lbl (Composite vars) ctxt) -> STrans m (VarList vars) ctxt (\ vs => mkCtxt vs ++ updateCtxt ctxt prf (State ())) Combine : (comp : Var) -> (vs : List Var) -> (prf : VarsIn (comp :: vs) ctxt) -> STrans m () ctxt (const (combineVarsIn ctxt prf)) Call : STrans m t sub new_f -> (ctxt_prf : SubCtxt sub old) -> STrans m t old (\res => updateWith (new_f res) old ctxt_prf) Read : (lbl : Var) -> (prf : InState lbl ty ctxt) -> STrans m ty ctxt (const ctxt) Write : (lbl : Var) -> (prf : InState lbl ty ctxt) -> (val : ty') -> STrans m () ctxt (const (updateCtxt ctxt prf ty')) export dropEnv : Env ys -> SubCtxt xs ys -> Env xs dropEnv [] SubNil = [] dropEnv [] (InCtxt idx rest) = absurd idx dropEnv (z :: zs) (InCtxt idx rest) = let [e] = envElem idx (z :: zs) in e :: dropEnv (dropDups (z :: zs) idx) rest dropEnv (z :: zs) (Skip p) = dropEnv zs p keepEnv : Env ys -> (prf : SubCtxt xs ys) -> Env (kept prf) keepEnv env SubNil = env keepEnv env (InCtxt el prf) = keepEnv (dropDups env el) prf keepEnv (z :: zs) (Skip prf) = z :: keepEnv zs prf -- Corresponds pretty much exactly to 'updateWith' rebuildEnv : Env new -> Env old -> (prf : SubCtxt sub old) -> Env (updateWith new old prf) rebuildEnv new [] SubNil = new rebuildEnv new [] (InCtxt el p) = absurd el rebuildEnv [] (x :: xs) (InCtxt el p) = rebuildEnv [] (dropDups (x :: xs) el) p rebuildEnv (e :: es) (x :: xs) (InCtxt el p) = e :: rebuildEnv es (dropDups (x :: xs) el) p rebuildEnv new (x :: xs) (Skip p) = x :: rebuildEnv new xs p runST : Env invars -> STrans m a invars outfn -> ((x : a) -> Env (outfn x) -> m b) -> m b runST env (Pure result) k = k result env runST env (Bind prog next) k = runST env prog (\prog', env' => runST env' (next prog') k) runST env (Lift action) k = do res <- action k res env runST env (New val) k = k MkVar (val :: env) runST env (Delete lbl prf) k = k () (dropVal prf env) runST env (DropSubCtxt prf) k = k (dropEnv env prf) (keepEnv env prf) runST env (Split lbl prf) k = let val = lookupEnv prf env env' = updateEnv prf env (Value ()) in k (mkVars val) (addToEnv val env') where mkVars : Composite ts -> VarList ts mkVars CompNil = [] mkVars (CompCons x xs) = MkVar :: mkVars xs addToEnv : (comp : Composite ts) -> Env xs -> Env (mkCtxt (mkVars comp) ++ xs) addToEnv CompNil env = env addToEnv (CompCons x xs) env = x :: addToEnv xs env runST env (Combine lbl vs prf) k = k () (rebuildVarsIn env prf) runST env (Call prog ctxt_prf) k = let env' = dropEnv env ctxt_prf in runST env' prog (\prog', envk => k prog' (rebuildEnv envk env ctxt_prf)) runST env (Read lbl prf) k = k (lookupEnv prf env) env runST env (Write lbl prf val) k = k () (updateEnv prf env val) export pure : (result : ty) -> STrans m ty (out_fn result) out_fn pure = Pure export (>>=) : STrans m a st1 st2_fn -> ((result : a) -> STrans m b (st2_fn result) st3_fn) -> STrans m b st1 st3_fn (>>=) = Bind export lift : Monad m => m t -> STrans m t ctxt (const ctxt) lift = Lift export new : (val : state) -> STrans m Var ctxt (\lbl => (lbl ::: State state) :: ctxt) new val = New (Value val) export delete : (lbl : Var) -> {auto prf : InState lbl (State st) ctxt} -> STrans m () ctxt (const (drop ctxt prf)) delete lbl {prf} = Delete lbl prf -- Keep only a subset of the current set of resources. Returns the -- environment corresponding to the dropped portion. export dropSubCtxt : {auto prf : SubCtxt ys xs} -> STrans m (Env ys) xs (const (kept prf)) dropSubCtxt {prf} = DropSubCtxt prf export split : (lbl : Var) -> {auto prf : InState lbl (Composite vars) ctxt} -> STrans m (VarList vars) ctxt (\ vs => mkCtxt vs ++ updateCtxt ctxt prf (State ())) split lbl {prf} = Split lbl prf export combine : (comp : Var) -> (vs : List Var) -> {auto prf : InState comp (State ()) ctxt} -> {auto var_prf : VarsIn (comp :: vs) ctxt} -> STrans m () ctxt (const (combineVarsIn ctxt var_prf)) combine comp vs {var_prf} = Combine comp vs var_prf export -- implicit ??? call : STrans m t sub new_f -> {auto ctxt_prf : SubCtxt sub old} -> STrans m t old (\res => updateWith (new_f res) old ctxt_prf) call prog {ctxt_prf} = Call prog ctxt_prf export read : (lbl : Var) -> {auto prf : InState lbl (State ty) ctxt} -> STrans m ty ctxt (const ctxt) read lbl {prf} = do Value x <- Read lbl prf pure x export write : (lbl : Var) -> {auto prf : InState lbl ty ctxt} -> (val : ty') -> STrans m () ctxt (const (updateCtxt ctxt prf (State ty'))) write lbl {prf} val = Write lbl prf (Value val) public export %error_reduce out_res : ty -> (as : List (Action ty)) -> Context out_res x [] = [] out_res x ((Stable lbl inr) :: xs) = (lbl ::: inr) :: out_res x xs out_res x ((Trans lbl inr outr) :: xs) = (lbl ::: outr x) :: out_res x xs out_res x ((Remove lbl inr) :: xs) = out_res x xs out_res x (Add outf :: xs) = outf x ++ out_res x xs public export %error_reduce in_res : (as : List (Action ty)) -> Context in_res [] = [] in_res ((Stable lbl inr) :: xs) = (lbl ::: inr) :: in_res xs in_res ((Trans lbl inr outr) :: xs) = (lbl ::: inr) :: in_res xs in_res ((Remove lbl inr) :: xs) = (lbl ::: inr) :: in_res xs in_res (Add outf :: xs) = in_res xs public export %error_reduce -- always evaluate this before showing errors ST : (m : Type -> Type) -> (ty : Type) -> List (Action ty) -> Type ST m ty xs = STrans m ty (in_res xs) (\result : ty => out_res result xs) -- Console IO is useful sufficiently often that let's have it here public export interface ConsoleIO (m : Type -> Type) where putStr : String -> STrans m () xs (const xs) getStr : STrans m String xs (const xs) export ConsoleIO IO where putStr str = lift (Interactive.putStr str) getStr = lift Interactive.getLine export run : Applicative m => ST m a [] -> m a run prog = runST [] prog (\res, env' => pure res) ||| runWith allows running an STrans program with an initial environment, ||| which must be consumed. ||| It's only allowed in the IO monad, because it's inherently unsafe, so ||| we don't want to be able to use it under a 'lift in just *any* ST program - ||| if we have access to an 'Env' we can easily duplicate it - so it's the ||| responsibility of an implementation of an interface in IO which uses it ||| to ensure that it isn't duplicated. export runWith : {ctxtf : _} -> Env ctxt -> STrans IO a ctxt (\res => ctxtf res) -> IO (res ** Env (ctxtf res)) runWith env prog = runST env prog (\res, env' => pure (res ** env')) export runPure : ST a [] -> a runPure prog = runST [] prog (\res, env' => res) %language ErrorReflection %error_handler export st_precondition : Err -> Maybe (List ErrorReportPart) st_precondition (CantSolveGoal `(SubCtxt ~sub ~all) _) = pure [TextPart "'call' is not valid here. ", TextPart "The operation has preconditions ", TermPart sub, TextPart " which is not a sub set of ", TermPart all] st_precondition (CantUnify _ tm1 tm2 _ _ _) = do reqPre <- getPreconditions tm1 gotPre <- getPreconditions tm2 reqPost <- getPostconditions tm1 gotPost <- getPostconditions tm2 pure $ [TextPart "Error in state transition:"] ++ renderPre gotPre reqPre ++ renderPost gotPost reqPost where getPreconditions : TT -> Maybe TT getPreconditions `(STrans ~m ~ret ~pre ~post) = Just pre getPreconditions _ = Nothing getPostconditions : TT -> Maybe TT getPostconditions `(STrans ~m ~ret ~pre ~post) = Just post getPostconditions _ = Nothing renderPre : TT -> TT -> List (ErrorReportPart) renderPre got req = [SubReport [TextPart "Operation has preconditions: ", TermPart req], SubReport [TextPart "States here are: ", TermPart got]] renderPost : TT -> TT -> List (ErrorReportPart) renderPost got req = [SubReport [TextPart "Operation has postconditions: ", TermPart req], SubReport [TextPart "Required result states here are: ", TermPart got]] st_precondition _ = Nothing