Module      : Idris.Options
Description : Compiler options for Idris.
Copyright   :
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : The Idris Community.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric, PatternGuards #-}

module Idris.Options where

import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import IRTS.CodegenCommon (OutputType)
import Network.Socket (PortNumber)

data Opt = Filename String
         | Quiet
         | NoBanner
         | ColourREPL Bool
         | Idemode
         | IdemodeSocket
         | IndentWith Int
         | IndentClause Int
         | ShowAll
         | ShowLibs
         | ShowLibDir
         | ShowDocDir
         | ShowIncs
         | ShowPkgs
         | ShowLoggingCats
         | NoBasePkgs
         | NoPrelude
         | NoBuiltins -- only for the really primitive stuff!
         | NoREPL
         | OLogging Int
         | OLogCats [LogCat]
         | Output String
         | Interface
         | TypeCase
         | TypeInType
         | DefaultTotal
         | DefaultPartial
         | WarnPartial
         | WarnReach
         | AuditIPkg
         | EvalTypes
         | NoCoverage
         | ErrContext
         | ShowImpl
         | Verbose Int
         | Port REPLPort -- ^ REPL TCP port
         | IBCSubDir String
         | ImportDir String
         | SourceDir String
         | PkgBuild String
         | PkgInstall String
         | PkgClean String
         | PkgCheck String
         | PkgREPL String
         | PkgDocBuild String -- IdrisDoc
         | PkgDocInstall String
         | PkgTest String
         | PkgIndex FilePath
         | WarnOnly
         | Pkg String
         | BCAsm String
         | DumpDefun String
         | DumpCases String
         | UseCodegen Codegen
         | CodegenArgs String
         | OutputTy OutputType
         | Extension LanguageExt
         | InterpretScript String
         | EvalExpr String
         | TargetTriple String
         | TargetCPU String
         | OptLevel Int
         | AddOpt Optimisation
         | RemoveOpt Optimisation
         | Client String
         | ShowOrigErr
         | AutoWidth -- ^ Automatically adjust terminal width
         | AutoSolve -- ^ Automatically issue "solve" tactic in old-style interactive prover
         | UseConsoleWidth ConsoleWidth
         | DumpHighlights
         | DesugarNats
         | NoElimDeprecationWarnings      -- ^ Don't show deprecation warnings for %elim
         | NoOldTacticDeprecationWarnings -- ^ Don't show deprecation warnings for old-style tactics
    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

data REPLPort = DontListen | ListenPort PortNumber
  deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

data Codegen = Via IRFormat String
             | Bytecode
    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

data LanguageExt = TypeProviders | ErrorReflection | UniquenessTypes
                 | DSLNotation   | ElabReflection  | FCReflection
                 | LinearTypes
  deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord, Generic)

data IRFormat = IBCFormat | JSONFormat deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

-- | How wide is the console?
data ConsoleWidth = InfinitelyWide -- ^ Have pretty-printer assume that lines should not be broken
                  | ColsWide Int   -- ^ Manually specified - must be positive
                  | AutomaticWidth -- ^ Attempt to determine width, or 80 otherwise
   deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

data HowMuchDocs = FullDocs | OverviewDocs

data OutputFmt = HTMLOutput | LaTeXOutput

data Optimisation = PETransform -- ^ partial eval and associated transforms
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

-- | Recognised logging categories for the Idris compiler.
-- @TODO add in sub categories.
data LogCat = IParse
            | IElab
            | ICodeGen
            | IErasure
            | ICoverage
            | IIBC
            deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

strLogCat :: LogCat -> String
strLogCat IParse    = "parser"
strLogCat IElab     = "elab"
strLogCat ICodeGen  = "codegen"
strLogCat IErasure  = "erasure"
strLogCat ICoverage = "coverage"
strLogCat IIBC      = "ibc"

codegenCats :: [LogCat]
codegenCats =  [ICodeGen]

parserCats :: [LogCat]
parserCats = [IParse]

elabCats :: [LogCat]
elabCats = [IElab]

loggingCatsStr :: String
loggingCatsStr = unlines
    [ (strLogCat IParse)
    , (strLogCat IElab)
    , (strLogCat ICodeGen)
    , (strLogCat IErasure)
    , (strLogCat ICoverage)
    , (strLogCat IIBC)

getFile :: Opt -> Maybe String
getFile (Filename s) = Just s
getFile _ = Nothing

getBC :: Opt -> Maybe String
getBC (BCAsm s) = Just s
getBC _ = Nothing

getOutput :: Opt -> Maybe String
getOutput (Output s) = Just s
getOutput _ = Nothing

getIBCSubDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
getIBCSubDir (IBCSubDir s) = Just s
getIBCSubDir _ = Nothing

getImportDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
getImportDir (ImportDir s) = Just s
getImportDir _ = Nothing

getSourceDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
getSourceDir (SourceDir s) = Just s
getSourceDir _ = Nothing

getPkgDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
getPkgDir (Pkg s) = Just s
getPkgDir _ = Nothing

getPkg :: Opt -> Maybe (Bool, String)
getPkg (PkgBuild s)   = Just (False, s)
getPkg (PkgInstall s) = Just (True, s)
getPkg _ = Nothing

getPkgClean :: Opt -> Maybe String
getPkgClean (PkgClean s) = Just s
getPkgClean _ = Nothing

getPkgREPL :: Opt -> Maybe String
getPkgREPL (PkgREPL s) = Just s
getPkgREPL _ = Nothing

getPkgCheck :: Opt -> Maybe String
getPkgCheck (PkgCheck s) = Just s
getPkgCheck _              = Nothing

-- | Returns None if given an Opt which is not PkgMkDoc
--   Otherwise returns Just x, where x is the contents of PkgMkDoc
getPkgMkDoc :: Opt                  -- ^ Opt to extract
            -> Maybe (Bool, String) -- ^ Result
getPkgMkDoc (PkgDocBuild  str)  = Just (False,str)
getPkgMkDoc (PkgDocInstall str) = Just (True,str)
getPkgMkDoc _              = Nothing

getPkgTest :: Opt          -- ^ the option to extract
           -> Maybe String -- ^ the package file to test
getPkgTest (PkgTest f) = Just f
getPkgTest _ = Nothing

getCodegen :: Opt -> Maybe Codegen
getCodegen (UseCodegen x) = Just x
getCodegen _ = Nothing

getCodegenArgs :: Opt -> Maybe String
getCodegenArgs (CodegenArgs args) = Just args
getCodegenArgs _ = Nothing

getConsoleWidth :: Opt -> Maybe ConsoleWidth
getConsoleWidth (UseConsoleWidth x) = Just x
getConsoleWidth _ = Nothing

getExecScript :: Opt -> Maybe String
getExecScript (InterpretScript expr) = Just expr
getExecScript _ = Nothing

getPkgIndex :: Opt -> Maybe FilePath
getPkgIndex (PkgIndex file) = Just file
getPkgIndex _ = Nothing

getEvalExpr :: Opt -> Maybe String
getEvalExpr (EvalExpr expr) = Just expr
getEvalExpr _ = Nothing

getOutputTy :: Opt -> Maybe OutputType
getOutputTy (OutputTy t) = Just t
getOutputTy _ = Nothing

getLanguageExt :: Opt -> Maybe LanguageExt
getLanguageExt (Extension e) = Just e
getLanguageExt _ = Nothing

getTriple :: Opt -> Maybe String
getTriple (TargetTriple x) = Just x
getTriple _ = Nothing

getCPU :: Opt -> Maybe String
getCPU (TargetCPU x) = Just x
getCPU _ = Nothing

getOptLevel :: Opt -> Maybe Int
getOptLevel (OptLevel x) = Just x
getOptLevel _ = Nothing

getOptimisation :: Opt -> Maybe (Bool,Optimisation)
getOptimisation (AddOpt p)    = Just (True,  p)
getOptimisation (RemoveOpt p) = Just (False, p)
getOptimisation _             = Nothing

getColour :: Opt -> Maybe Bool
getColour (ColourREPL b) = Just b
getColour _ = Nothing

getClient :: Opt -> Maybe String
getClient (Client x) = Just x
getClient _ = Nothing

-- Get the first valid port
getPort :: [Opt] -> Maybe REPLPort
getPort []            = Nothing
getPort (Port p : _ ) = Just p
getPort (_      : xs) = getPort xs

opt :: (Opt -> Maybe a) -> [Opt] -> [a]
opt = mapMaybe