{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-| Module : Idris.Colours Description : Support for colours within Idris. Copyright : License : BSD3 Maintainer : The Idris Community. -} module Idris.Colours ( IdrisColour(..) , ColourTheme(..) , defaultTheme , colouriseKwd, colouriseBound, colouriseImplicit, colourisePostulate , colouriseType, colouriseFun, colouriseData, colouriseKeyword , colourisePrompt, colourise, ColourType(..), hStartColourise, hEndColourise ) where import GHC.Generics (Generic) import System.Console.ANSI import System.IO (Handle) data IdrisColour = IdrisColour { colour :: Maybe Color , vivid :: Bool , underline :: Bool , bold :: Bool , italic :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) mkColour :: Color -> IdrisColour mkColour c = IdrisColour (Just c) True False False False data ColourTheme = ColourTheme { keywordColour :: IdrisColour , boundVarColour :: IdrisColour , implicitColour :: IdrisColour , functionColour :: IdrisColour , typeColour :: IdrisColour , dataColour :: IdrisColour , promptColour :: IdrisColour , postulateColour :: IdrisColour } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- | Idris's default console colour theme defaultTheme :: ColourTheme defaultTheme = ColourTheme { keywordColour = IdrisColour Nothing True False True False , boundVarColour = mkColour Magenta , implicitColour = IdrisColour (Just Magenta) True True False False , functionColour = mkColour Green , typeColour = mkColour Blue , dataColour = mkColour Red , promptColour = IdrisColour Nothing True False True False , postulateColour = IdrisColour (Just Green) True False True False } -- | Compute the ANSI colours corresponding to an Idris colour mkSGR :: IdrisColour -> [SGR] mkSGR (IdrisColour c v u b i) = fg c ++ [SetUnderlining SingleUnderline | u] ++ [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity | b] ++ [SetItalicized True | i] where fg Nothing = [] fg (Just c) = [SetColor Foreground (if v then Vivid else Dull) c] -- | Set the colour of a string using POSIX escape codes colourise :: IdrisColour -> String -> String colourise c str = setSGRCode (mkSGR c) ++ str ++ setSGRCode [Reset] -- | Start a colour on a handle, to support colour output on Windows hStartColourise :: Handle -> IdrisColour -> IO () hStartColourise h c = hSetSGR h (mkSGR c) -- | End a colour region on a handle hEndColourise :: Handle -> IdrisColour -> IO () hEndColourise h _ = hSetSGR h [Reset] -- | Set the colour of a string using POSIX escape codes, with trailing '\STX' denoting the end -- (required by Haskeline in the prompt string) colouriseWithSTX :: IdrisColour -> String -> String colouriseWithSTX (IdrisColour c v u b i) str = setSGRCode sgr ++ "\STX" ++ str ++ setSGRCode [Reset] ++ "\STX" where sgr = fg c ++ [SetUnderlining SingleUnderline | u] ++ [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity | b] ++ [SetItalicized True | i] fg Nothing = [] fg (Just c) = [SetColor Foreground (if v then Vivid else Dull) c] colouriseKwd :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colouriseKwd t = colourise (keywordColour t) colouriseBound :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colouriseBound t = colourise (boundVarColour t) colouriseImplicit :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colouriseImplicit t = colourise (implicitColour t) colouriseFun :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colouriseFun t = colourise (functionColour t) colouriseType :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colouriseType t = colourise (typeColour t) colouriseData :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colouriseData t = colourise (dataColour t) colourisePrompt :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colourisePrompt t = colouriseWithSTX (promptColour t) colouriseKeyword :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colouriseKeyword t = colourise (keywordColour t) colourisePostulate :: ColourTheme -> String -> String colourisePostulate t = colourise (postulateColour t) data ColourType = KeywordColour | BoundVarColour | ImplicitColour | FunctionColour | TypeColour | DataColour | PromptColour | PostulateColour deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)