||| Test some deriving features module Deriving %language ElabReflection -- NB: test disabled due to excess memory consumption import Pruviloj import Pruviloj.Derive.DecEq data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where Nil : Vect Z a (::) : a -> Vect n a -> Vect (S n) a total decVectEq : DecEq a => (xs, ys : Vect n a) -> Dec (xs = ys) %runElab (deriveDecEq `{decVectEq}) implementation DecEq a => DecEq (Vect n a) where decEq xs ys = decVectEq xs ys forgetProof : Dec a -> Bool forgetProof (Yes _) = True forgetProof (No _) = False test1 : (xs, ys : Vect n Nat) -> Bool test1 xs ys with (decEq xs ys) test1 xs xs | Yes Refl = True test1 xs ys | No _ = False -- Local Variables: -- idris-load-packages: ("pruviloj") -- End: