idris-1.3.1: Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types

MaintainerThe Idris Community.
Safe HaskellNone





data RFunArg Source #




Show RFunArg Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Idris.Reflection

data RFunClause a Source #


RMkFunClause a a 
RMkImpossibleClause a 
Show a => Show (RFunClause a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Idris.Reflection

data RFunDefn a Source #


RDefineFun Name [RFunClause a] 
Show a => Show (RFunDefn a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Idris.Reflection


showsPrec :: Int -> RFunDefn a -> ShowS #

show :: RFunDefn a -> String #

showList :: [RFunDefn a] -> ShowS #

data RTyDecl Source #


RDeclare Name [RFunArg] Raw 
Show RTyDecl Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Idris.Reflection

buildDatatypes :: IState -> Name -> [RDatatype] Source #

Build the reflected datatype definition(s) that correspond(s) to a provided unqualified name

buildFunDefns :: IState -> Name -> [RFunDefn Term] Source #

Build the reflected function definition(s) that correspond(s) to a provided unqualifed name

getArgs :: [PArg] -> Raw -> ([RFunArg], Raw) Source #

Apply Idris's implicit info to get a signature. The [PArg] should come from a lookup in idris_implicits on IState.

mkList :: Raw -> [Raw] -> Raw Source #

rawList :: Raw -> [Raw] -> Raw Source #

rawPair :: (Raw, Raw) -> (Raw, Raw) -> Raw Source #

reflect :: Term -> Raw Source #

Lift a term into its Language.Reflection.TT representation

reflectDatatype :: RDatatype -> Raw Source #

reflectEnv :: Env -> Raw Source #

Reflect the environment of a proof into a List (TTName, Binder TT)

reflectFC :: FC -> Raw Source #

Reflect a file context

reflectRaw :: Raw -> Raw Source #

Lift a term into its Language.Reflection.Raw representation

reflectTTQuote :: [Name] -> Term -> Raw Source #

Create a reflected TT term, but leave refs to the provided name intact

reflectTTQuotePattern :: [Name] -> Term -> ElabD () Source #

Convert a reflected term to a more suitable form for pattern-matching. In particular, the less-interesting bits are elaborated to _ patterns. This happens to NameTypes, universe levels, names that are bound but not used, and the type annotation field of the P constructor.

reflm :: String -> Name Source #

Prefix a name with the Language.Reflection namespace

reify :: IState -> Term -> ElabD PTactic Source #

Reify tactics from their reflected representation

reifyList :: (Term -> ElabD a) -> Term -> ElabD [a] Source #

reifyRaw :: Term -> ElabD Raw Source #

Reify raw terms from their reflected representation

reifyReportPart :: Term -> Either Err ErrorReportPart Source #

Attempt to reify a report part from TT to the internal representation. Not in Idris or ElabD monads because it should be usable from either.

reifyTT :: Term -> ElabD Term Source #

Reify terms from their reflected representation

tacN :: String -> Name Source #

Prefix a name with the Language.Reflection.Elab namespace