-- |
-- Module     : Data.AEq
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2010, Patrick Perry <patperry@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Patrick Perry <patperry@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- A type class for approximate and exact equalilty comparisons and instances 
-- for common data types.  
module Data.AEq (
    ) where

import Foreign.C.Types
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Complex
import Numeric.IEEE

infix  4  ===, ~==

class Eq a => AEq a where
    -- | A reliable way to test if two values are exactly equal.  For floating
    -- point values, this will consider @NaN@ to be (===) to @NaN@.
    (===) :: a -> a -> Bool
    (===) = (==)
    -- | An approximate equality comparison operator.  For @RealFloat@ values, 
    -- @(~==) x y =   (x == y)
    --             || (abs (x - y) < epsilon) 
    --             || (eqRel delta x y) 
    --             || (isNaN x && isNaN y)@.
    -- For Complex numbers, the if the real and imaginary parts are not
    -- approximately equal, the polar forms are compared, instead.
    (~==) :: a -> a -> Bool
    (~==) = (==)   
identicalRealFloat :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> Bool
identicalRealFloat x y = 
    (x == y) || (isNaN x && isNaN y)

approxEqRealFloat :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> Bool
approxEqRealFloat x y =
    (x == y) || (abs (x - y) < epsilon) || (eqRel delta x y) || (isNaN x && isNaN y)

identicalComplexFloat :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> Complex a -> Bool
identicalComplexFloat (x1 :+ y1) (x2 :+ y2) =
    (identicalRealFloat x1 x2) && (identicalRealFloat y1 y2)

approxEqComplexFloat :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> Complex a -> Bool
approxEqComplexFloat z1@(x1 :+ y1) z2@(x2 :+ y2) = let
    (r1,c1) = polar z1
    (r2,c2) = polar z2
    c  = min c1 c2
    c' = max c1 c2 in
    ((approxEqRealFloat x1 x2 && approxEqRealFloat y1 y2) 
     || ((approxEqRealFloat r1 r2) 
         && ((approxEqRealFloat c1 c2) || (approxEqRealFloat (c + 2 * pi) c'))))

instance AEq Float where
    (===) = identicalRealFloat
    (~==) = approxEqRealFloat
instance AEq Double where
    (===) = identicalRealFloat
    (~==) = approxEqRealFloat

instance (RealFloat a) => AEq (Complex a) where
    (===) = identicalComplexFloat
    (~==) = approxEqComplexFloat

instance AEq Bool where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq Char where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)
instance AEq Int where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq Int8 where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)
instance AEq Int16 where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)
instance AEq Int32 where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq Int64 where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq Integer where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq Ordering where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq Word where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq Word8 where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)
instance AEq Word16 where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)
instance AEq Word32 where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)
instance AEq Word64 where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq () where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)
instance AEq CChar where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CSChar where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CUChar where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CShort where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CUShort where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CInt where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CUInt where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CLong where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CULong where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CPtrdiff where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CSize where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CWchar where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CSigAtomic where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CLLong where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CULLong where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CIntPtr where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CUIntPtr where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CIntMax where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CUIntMax where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CClock where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CTime where
    (===) = (==)
    (~==) = (==)

instance AEq CFloat where
    (===) = identicalRealFloat
    (~==) = approxEqRealFloat
instance AEq CDouble where
    (===) = identicalRealFloat
    (~==) = approxEqRealFloat

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 610

 - CLDouble was removed[1] from GHC 6.12 but is due to return later[2].
 - [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2793
 - [2] http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3353
instance AEq CLDouble where
    (===) = identicalRealFloat
    (~==) = approxEqRealFloat


instance (AEq a, AEq b) => AEq (a,b) where
    (===) (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = ((===) a1 a2) && ((===) b1 b2)
    (~==) (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = ((~==) a1 a2) && ((~==) b1 b2)

instance (AEq a, AEq b, AEq c) => AEq (a,b,c) where
    (===) (a1,b1,c1) (a2,b2,c2) = ((===) a1 a2) && ((===) b1 b2) && ((===) c1 c2)
    (~==) (a1,b1,c1) (a2,b2,c2) = ((~==) a1 a2) && ((~==) b1 b2) && ((~==) c1 c2)

instance (AEq a, AEq b, AEq c, AEq d) => AEq (a,b,c,d) where
    (===) (a1,b1,c1,d1) (a2,b2,c2,d2) = ((===) a1 a2) && ((===) b1 b2) && ((===) c1 c2) && ((===) d1 d2)
    (~==) (a1,b1,c1,d1) (a2,b2,c2,d2) = ((~==) a1 a2) && ((~==) b1 b2) && ((~==) c1 c2) && ((~==) d1 d2)

instance (AEq a, AEq b, AEq c, AEq d, AEq e) => AEq (a,b,c,d,e) where
    (===) (a1,b1,c1,d1,e1) (a2,b2,c2,d2,e2) = ((===) a1 a2) && ((===) b1 b2) && ((===) c1 c2) && ((===) d1 d2) && ((===) e1 e2)
    (~==) (a1,b1,c1,d1,e1) (a2,b2,c2,d2,e2) = ((~==) a1 a2) && ((~==) b1 b2) && ((~==) c1 c2) && ((~==) d1 d2) && ((~==) e1 e2)

compareListsWith :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
compareListsWith _ [] [] = True
compareListsWith f (x:xs) (y:ys) = (f x y) && (compareListsWith f xs ys)
compareListsWith _ _ _ = False

instance (AEq a) => AEq [a] where
    (===) = compareListsWith (===)
    (~==) = compareListsWith (~==)

instance (AEq a) => AEq (Maybe a) where
    (===) Nothing  Nothing  = True
    (===) (Just x) (Just y) = (===) x y
    (===) _ _ = False
    (~==) Nothing  Nothing  = True
    (~==) (Just x) (Just y) = (~==) x y
    (~==) _ _ = False
instance (AEq a, AEq b) => AEq (Either a b) where
    (===) (Left a1)  (Left a2)  = (===) a1 a2
    (===) (Right b1) (Right b2) = (===) b1 b2
    (===) _ _ = False

    (~==) (Left a1)  (Left a2)  = (~==) a1 a2
    (~==) (Right b1) (Right b2) = (~==) b1 b2
    (~==) _ _ = False