# ihaskell-hvega View [Vega-Lite](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/) visualizations created by the `hvega` package in IHaskell notebooks. When used with Jupyter notebooks it relies on [Vega-Embed](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/usage/embed.html) to do the hard work of parsing and displaying the Vega Lite specification. If run in a Jupyter Lab then the native Vega support is used for displaying the Vega Lite specifications. I recommend using [Tweag I/O's jupyterWith environment](https://github.com/tweag/jupyterWith) to set this up, and have a rudimentary [`shell.nix` example](https://github.com/DougBurke/hvega/blob/master/notebooks/shell.nix) in the [notebooks directory](https://github.com/DougBurke/hvega/tree/master/notebooks). This code is released under the BSD3 license. # Current status If your visualization uses anything more modern than version 2 of the Vega-Lite specification (and possibly even version 2 features) then there is a good chance that it will not display correctly in IHaskell. This can differ depending on whether you are using the notebook or lab interface. For the lab interface I am waiting for support for custom mime-types to be released (it is in the master branch of IHaskell). For the notebook interface I gave up on trying to work through the JavaScript issues I came across.