# imm ## In a nutshell *imm* is a tool that does only one thing: it retrieves a list of RSS/Atom feeds, and executes arbitrary actions for each of them (e.g. sending a mail). Notably, *imm* makes it possible to use mail readers for feeds, for the sake of *I-want-the-mutt-of-feed-readers* zealots. *imm* is written and configured in *Haskell*. To get started, please consult documentation of `Imm.Boot` module. Informations about versions, dependencies, source repositories and contacts can be found in [hackage][1]. ## Rationale Following numerous RSS/Atom feeds needs organization and aggregation, which is usually accomplished through feed readers. Although there are a lot of those, some people still feel unsatisfied with the existing implementations. The expected features of a feed reader could be defined as follows: - it retrieves a bunch of items that have some attributes: an author, a date/time, a (possibly enriched) body; - items can be sorted, categorized, marked as read/unread, tagged, shared/forwarded; - items must be available from anywhere on the internet. Luckily, there's already a widespread solution that provides such features: mail readers. Considering that, *imm* can project the RSS/Atom paradigm onto the mail one; this way, all the existing tools that work on mails can be leveraged to work on RSS/Atom feeds as well, no wheel reinventing. [1]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/imm