-- Imparse
-- Text/Imparse/Compile/Haskell.hs
--   Compilation from an Imparse parser definition to a Haskell
--   implementation of a abstract syntax data type and Parsec
--   parser.


module Text.Imparse.Compile.Haskell

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (nub, (\\))
import Data.String.Utils (join, replace)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Compilation.Compile

import Text.Imparse.AbstractSyntax
import qualified Text.Imparse.Analysis as S

-- Helper functions.

toLowerFirst :: String -> String
toLowerFirst []     = []
toLowerFirst (c:cs) = toLower c : cs

-- Compilation to abstract syntax data type definition.

toAbstractSyntax :: String -> Parser a -> Compile String ()
toAbstractSyntax prefix p =
  do prefix <- return $ if prefix == "" then "" else prefix ++ "."
     raw $ "-- This module generated automatically by imparse.\n\n"
     raw $ "module " ++ prefix ++ "AbstractSyntax\n"
     raw "  where"
     newlines 2
     toDatatype p
     raw "--eof"

toDatatype :: Parser a -> Compile String ()
toDatatype (Parser _ _ ps) =
  let production :: Production a -> Compile String ()
      production (Production _ e css) =
        do raw "data "
           raw e
           raw " = "
           raw "  "
           choices $ concat [cs | Choices _ cs <- css]
           raw "deriving (Show, Eq)"
           newlines 2

      choices :: [Choice a] -> Compile String ()
      choices cs = case cs of
        [c]  -> 
          do choice c
        c:cs ->
          do choice c 
             raw "| "
             choices cs

      choice :: Choice a -> Compile String ()
      choice c = case c of
        Choice _ con _ es -> 
          do con <-
               case con of
                 Nothing  -> do { c <- fresh; return $ "C" ++ c }
                 Just con -> return con
             raw con
             mapM element es

      element :: Element a -> Compile String ()
      element e = case e of
        NonTerminal _ entity -> do { raw " "; raw entity }
        Many e _             -> do { raw " ["; elementNoSp e; raw "]" }
        May (Many e _)       -> do { raw " ["; elementNoSp e; raw "]" }
        May e                -> do { raw " (Maybe "; elementNoSp e; raw ")" }
        Indented w e         -> element e
        Terminal t           -> do { raw " "; terminal t }
        _                    -> do nothing

      elementNoSp :: Element a -> Compile String ()
      elementNoSp e = case e of
        NonTerminal _ entity -> do { raw entity }
        Many e  _            -> do { raw "["; element e; raw "]" }
        May (Many e _)       -> do { raw "["; element e; raw "]" }
        May e                -> do { raw "(Maybe "; elementNoSp e; raw ")" }
        _                    -> element e

      terminal :: Terminal -> Compile String ()
      terminal t = case t of
        StringLiteral  -> raw "String"
        NaturalLiteral -> raw "Integer"
        DecimalLiteral -> raw "Double"
        Identifier     -> raw "String"
        Constructor    -> raw "String"
        Flag           -> raw "String"
        RegExp _       -> raw "String"
        _              -> do nothing        

  in do mapM production ps

-- Compilation to rich reporting instance declarations.

toRichReport :: String -> Parser a -> Compile String ()
toRichReport prefix p =
  do raw $ "-- This module generated automatically by imparse.\n\n"
     prefix <- return $ if prefix == "" then "" else prefix ++ "."
     raw $ "module " ++ prefix ++ "Report"
     raw "  where"
     newlines 2
     raw "import qualified Text.RichReports as R"
     newlines 2
     raw $ "import " ++ prefix ++ "AbstractSyntax"
     newlines 2
     toReportFuns p
     raw "--eof"

toReportFuns :: Parser a -> Compile String ()
toReportFuns (Parser _ _ ps) =
  let production :: Production a -> Compile String ()
      production (Production _ e css) =
        do raw $ "instance R.ToReport " ++ e ++ " where"
           raw "report x = case x of"
           mapM choices css

      choices :: Choices a -> Compile String ()
      choices (Choices a cs) = case cs of
        []   -> do nothing
        c:cs -> do { choice c; newline; choices (Choices a cs) }

      choice :: Choice a -> Compile String ()
      choice c = case c of
        Choice _ con _ es -> 
          do con <-
               case con of
                 Nothing  -> do { c <- fresh; return $ "C" ++ c }
                 Just con -> return con
             ves <- return $ [("v" ++ show k, es!!k) | k <- [0..length es-1]]
             raw $ con ++ " " ++ join " " [v | (v,e) <- ves, isData e] ++ " -> "
             raw $ "R.Span [] [] $ [" ++ join ", " (catMaybes $ map element ves) ++ "]"

      element :: (String, Element a) -> Maybe String
      element (v,e) = case e of
        NonTerminal _ entity         -> Just $ "R.report " ++ v
        Many e' _                    -> element (v,e')
        May e'                       -> element (v,e')
        Indented w (May (Many e' _)) -> 
          maybe Nothing (\r -> Just $ "R.BlockIndent [] [] $ [R.Line [] [R.report vx] | vx <- " ++ v ++ "]") $ element (v,e')
        Indented w (Many e' _)       ->
          maybe Nothing (\r -> Just $ "R.BlockIndent [] [] $ [R.Line [] [R.report vx] | vx <- " ++ v ++ "]") $ element (v,e')
        Indented w e'                -> 
          maybe Nothing (\r -> Just $ "R.BlockIndent [] [] $ [" ++ r ++ "]") $ element (v,e')
        Terminal t                   -> Just $ terminal v t
        _                            -> Nothing

      terminal :: String -> Terminal -> String
      terminal v t = case t of
        Explicit s     -> "R.key \"" ++ s ++ "\""
        StringLiteral  -> "R.lit " ++ v
        NaturalLiteral -> "R.lit (show " ++ v ++ ")"
        DecimalLiteral -> "R.lit " ++ v
        Identifier     -> "R.var " ++ v
        Constructor    -> "R.Text " ++ v
        Flag           -> "R.Text " ++ v
        RegExp _       -> "R.Text " ++ v

  in do mapM production ps

-- Compilation to Parsec parser.

toParsec :: String -> Parser S.Analysis -> Compile String ()
toParsec prefix (p@(Parser _ _ ((Production _ eRoot _):_))) =
  do raw $ "-- This module generated automatically by imparse.\n\n"
     prefix <- return $ if prefix == "" then "" else prefix ++ "."
     raw $ "module " ++ prefix ++ "Parse\n  where\n"
     raw $ "import " ++ prefix ++ "AbstractSyntax"
     newlines 2

     reservedOpNames <- return $ nub $ S.infixPrefixOps p
     opLetters <- return $ nub $ concat reservedOpNames
     reservedNames <- return $ (nub [r | Explicit r <- terminals p]) \\ reservedOpNames

     raw "----------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Parser to convert concrete syntax to abstract syntax.\n\n"
     raw "import Text.Parsec\n"
     raw "import qualified Text.Parsec.Indent as PI (withBlock, runIndent)\n"
     raw "import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as PT\n"
     raw "import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as PE\n"
     raw "import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language as PL\n"
     raw "import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim as Prim\n\n"
     raw "import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy (StateT)\n"
     raw "import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)\n\n"
     raw "----------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Parsing functions to export.\n\n"
     raw $ "parseString :: String -> Either ParseError " ++ eRoot ++ "\n"
     raw "parseString s = PI.runIndent \"\" $ runParserT root () \"\" s\n\n"
     raw "----------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Parser state.\n\n"
     raw "type ParseState = StateT SourcePos Identity\n"
     raw "type ParseFor a = ParsecT [Char] () ParseState a\n\n"
     raw "----------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Parsec-specific configuration definitions and synonyms.\n\n"
     raw "langDef :: PL.GenLanguageDef String () ParseState\n"
     raw "langDef = PL.javaStyle\n"
     raw "  { PL.identStart        = oneOf \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmlnopqrstuvwxyz_\" -- Only lowercase.\n"
     raw "  , PL.identLetter       = alphaNum <|> oneOf \"_'\"\n"
     raw "  , PL.opStart           = PL.opLetter langDef\n"
     raw $ "  , PL.opLetter          = oneOf \"" ++ opLetters ++ "\"\n"
     raw $ "  , PL.reservedOpNames   = [" ++ join "," ["\"" ++ rO ++ "\"" | rO <- reservedOpNames] ++ "]\n"
     raw $ "  , PL.reservedNames     = [" ++ join "," ["\"" ++ rO ++ "\"" | rO <- reservedNames] ++ "]\n"
     raw "  , PL.commentLine       = \"#\"\n"
     raw "  }\n\n"
     raw "lang :: PT.GenTokenParser [Char] () ParseState\n"
     raw "lang = PT.makeTokenParser langDef\n\n"
     raw "whiteSpace = PT.whiteSpace lang\n"
     raw "symbol     = PT.symbol lang\n"
     raw "rO         = PT.reservedOp lang\n"
     raw "res        = PT.reserved lang\n"
     raw "identifier = PT.identifier lang\n"
     raw "natural    = PT.natural lang\n\n"
     raw "binary name f assoc = PE.Infix (do{PT.reservedOp lang name; return f}) assoc\n"
     raw "prefix name f       = PE.Prefix (do{PT.reservedOp lang name; return f})\n\n"
     raw "withIndent p1 p2 f = PI.withBlock f p1 p2\n\n"
     raw "con :: ParseFor String\n"
     raw "con = do { c <- oneOf \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\" ; cs <- option \"\" identifier ; return $ c:cs }\n\n"
     raw "flag :: ParseFor String\n"
     raw "flag = do { cs <- many1 (oneOf \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\") ; return cs }\n"
     raw "-- caps = do { cs <- many1 (oneOf \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\") ; return cs }\n\n"
     raw "(<?|>) p1 p2 = (try p1) <|> p2\n\n"
     raw "----------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Parser definition.\n\n"
     raw $ "root = do { whiteSpace ; r <- p" ++ eRoot ++ " ; eof ; return r }"
     newlines 2
     toParsecDefs p
     raw "--eof"

toParsecDefs :: Parser S.Analysis -> Compile String ()
toParsecDefs (Parser _ _ ps) =
  let production :: Production S.Analysis -> Compile String ()
      production (p@(Production _ e css)) =
        do raw $ "p" ++ e ++ " ="
           ( if S.ProductionInfixPrefixThenDeterministic `elem` S.tags p then
               do ops <- return $ join "," $
                           [     "[" 
                              ++ join "," 
                                   [ case es of
                                       [Terminal (Explicit op), _]    -> "prefix \"" ++ op ++ "\" " ++ con ++ ""
                                       [_, Terminal (Explicit op), _] -> "binary \"" ++ op ++ "\" " ++ con ++ " PE.AssocLeft"
                                   | Choice _ (Just con) asc es <- cs
                              ++ "]"
                           | Choices _ cs <- init css
                  raw $ " PE.buildExpressionParser [" ++ ops ++ "] ("
                  ( if ((length css > 1) || (or [length cs > 1 | Choices _ cs <- css])) then
                      do { newline ; raw "    " }
                      raw " "
                  choices $ last [cs | Choices _ cs <- css]
                  raw ")"
               do indent
                  ( if ((length css > 1) || (or [length cs > 1 | Choices _ cs <- css])) then
                      do { newline ; raw "    " }
                      raw " "
                  choices $ concat [cs | Choices _ cs <- css]

      choices :: [Choice S.Analysis] -> Compile String ()
      choices cs = case cs of
        [c]  -> 
          do choice c
             raw ""
        c:cs ->
          do choice c 
             raw "<|> "
             choices cs

      choice :: Choice S.Analysis -> Compile String ()
      choice (c@(Choice _ con _ es)) =
        if S.ChoiceIndentedSuffix `elem` S.tags c then
          do ves <- return $ init [("v" ++ show k, es!!k) | k <- [0..length es-1]]
             con <-
                case con of
                   Nothing  -> do { c <- fresh; return $ "C" ++ c }
                   Just con -> return con
             nt <- return $ (\(Indented w (Many (NonTerminal _ nt) _)) -> nt) $ last es
             raw $ "withIndent ("
             raw "do {"
             raw $ join "; " (map element ves)
             raw "; "
             raw $ "return $ (" ++ join ", " (catMaybes (map arg ves)) ++ ")"
             raw "}) "
             raw $ "p" ++ nt
             raw $ " (\\(" ++ (join ", " $ catMaybes (map arg ves)) ++ ") vs -> " ++ con ++ " " ++ join " " (catMaybes (map arg ves)) ++ " vs)"
          do ves <- return $ [("v" ++ show k, es!!k) | k <- [0..length es-1]]
             con <-
                case con of
                   Nothing  -> do { c <- fresh; return $ "C" ++ c }
                   Just con -> return con
             raw "do {"
             raw $ join "; " (map element ves)
             raw "; "
             raw $ "return $ " ++ con ++ " " ++ join " " (catMaybes (map arg ves))
             raw "}"

      element :: (String, Element S.Analysis) -> String
      element (v, e) = case e of
        NonTerminal _ nt            -> v ++ " <- p" ++ nt
        May (Many (NonTerminal _ nt) sep) ->
          let comb = maybe "many" (\_ -> "sepBy") sep
              suffix = maybe "" (\sep -> " (res \"" ++ sep ++ "\")") sep
          in v ++ " <- " ++ comb ++ " p" ++ nt ++ suffix
        Many (NonTerminal _ nt) sep ->
          let comb = maybe "many" (\_ -> "sepBy") sep
              suffix = maybe "" (\sep -> " (res \"" ++ sep ++ "\")") sep
          in v ++ " <- " ++ comb ++ "1" ++ " p" ++ nt ++ suffix
        May (NonTerminal _ nt)      -> v ++ " <- option p" ++ nt
        Indented False e'           -> element (v, e')
        Indented True e'            -> ""
        Terminal t                  -> terminal v t
        _                           -> ""

      arg :: (String, Element S.Analysis) -> Maybe String
      arg (v, e) = case e of
        NonTerminal _ nt -> Just v
        Many e' _        -> Just v
        May e'           -> Just v
        Indented _ e'    -> Just v
        Terminal t       -> argT v t
        _                -> Nothing

      argT :: String -> Terminal -> Maybe String
      argT v t = case t of
        Explicit s     -> Nothing
        StringLiteral  -> Just v
        NaturalLiteral -> Just v
        DecimalLiteral -> Just v
        Identifier     -> Just v
        Constructor    -> Just v
        Flag           -> Just v
        RegExp r       -> Nothing

      terminal :: String -> Terminal -> String
      terminal v t = case t of
        Explicit s     -> "res \"" ++ s ++ "\""
        StringLiteral  -> v ++ " <- literal"
        NaturalLiteral -> v ++ " <- natural"
        DecimalLiteral -> v ++ " <- decimal"
        Identifier     -> v ++ " <- identifier"
        Constructor    -> v ++ " <- con"
        Flag           -> v ++ " <- flag"
        RegExp r       -> "regexp"

  in do mapM production ps
