{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Typed deep embedding of simple C expressions
-- This is a subset of C expressions that only have simple non-compound and
-- non-pointed types, and that don't contain any control structures.
-- (Of course, nothing stops one from translating 'CExp' to something other than
-- C, but its constructors and set of supported types is inspired by C.)

module Language.Embedded.CExp where

import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Typeable

#if MIN_VERSION_syntactic(3,0,0)
import Language.Syntactic
import Language.Syntactic.Functional (Denotation)
import Language.Syntactic.TH
import Language.Syntactic

#if MIN_VERSION_syntactic(3,0,0)
import Data.TypeRep hiding (Typeable, gcast)
import Data.TypeRep.TH
import Data.TypeRep.Types.Basic
import Data.TypeRep.Types.Tuple
import Data.TypeRep.Types.IntWord

import Language.C.Quote.C
import Language.C.Syntax (Type, UnOp (..), BinOp (..), Exp (UnOp, BinOp))
import qualified Language.C.Syntax as C

import Language.C.Monad
import Language.Embedded.Expression

-- * Types

-- | Types supported by C
class (Show a, Eq a, Typeable a) => CType a
    cType :: MonadC m => proxy a -> m Type

instance CType Bool   where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdbool.h" >> return [cty| typename bool     |]
instance CType Int8   where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdint.h"  >> return [cty| typename int8_t   |]
instance CType Int16  where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdint.h"  >> return [cty| typename int16_t  |]
instance CType Int32  where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdint.h"  >> return [cty| typename int32_t  |]
instance CType Int64  where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdint.h"  >> return [cty| typename int64_t  |]
instance CType Word8  where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdint.h"  >> return [cty| typename uint8_t  |]
instance CType Word16 where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdint.h"  >> return [cty| typename uint16_t |]
instance CType Word32 where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdint.h"  >> return [cty| typename uint32_t |]
instance CType Word64 where cType _ = addSystemInclude "stdint.h"  >> return [cty| typename uint64_t |]

instance CType Float  where cType _ = return [cty| float |]
instance CType Double where cType _ = return [cty| double |]

#if MIN_VERSION_syntactic(3,0,0)
instance ShowClass CType where showClass _ = "CType"

pCType :: Proxy CType
pCType = Proxy

deriveWitness ''CType ''BoolType
deriveWitness ''CType ''FloatType
deriveWitness ''CType ''DoubleType
deriveWitness ''CType ''IntWordType

derivePWitness ''CType ''BoolType
derivePWitness ''CType ''FloatType
derivePWitness ''CType ''DoubleType
derivePWitness ''CType ''IntWordType

instance PWitness CType CharType t
instance PWitness CType ListType t
instance PWitness CType TupleType t
instance PWitness CType FunType t

-- | Return whether the type of the expression is a floating-point numeric type
isFloat :: forall a . CType a => CExp a -> Bool
isFloat a
    | t == typeOf (undefined :: Float)  = True
    | t == typeOf (undefined :: Double) = True
    | otherwise = False
    t = typeOf (undefined :: a)

-- | Return whether the type of the expression is a non-floating-point type
isExact :: CType a => CExp a -> Bool
isExact = not . isFloat

-- * Expressions

-- | Syntactic symbols for C
data Sym sig
    -- Function or literal
#if MIN_VERSION_syntactic(3,0,0)
    Fun  :: Signature sig => String -> Denotation sig -> Sym sig
    Fun  :: String -> Denotation sig -> Sym sig
    -- Unary operator
    UOp  :: UnOp -> (a -> b) -> Sym (a :-> Full b)
    -- Binary operator
    Op   :: BinOp -> (a -> b -> c) -> Sym (a :-> b :-> Full c)
    -- Type casting (ignored when generating code)
    Cast :: (a -> b) -> Sym (a :-> Full b)
    -- Conditional
    Cond :: Sym (Bool :-> a :-> a :-> Full a)
    -- Variable (only for compilation)
    Var  :: String -> Sym (Full a)

data T sig
    T :: CType (DenResult sig) => { unT :: Sym sig } -> T sig

-- | C expression
newtype CExp a = CExp {unCExp :: ASTF T a}

instance Syntactic (CExp a)
    type Domain (CExp a)   = T
    type Internal (CExp a) = a
    desugar = unCExp
    sugar   = CExp

type instance VarPred CExp = CType

evalSym :: Sym sig -> Denotation sig
evalSym (Fun _ a) = a
evalSym (UOp _ f) = f
evalSym (Op  _ f) = f
evalSym (Cast f)  = f
evalSym Cond      = \c t f -> if c then t else f
evalSym (Var v)   = error $ "evalCExp: cannot evaluate variable " ++ v

-- | Evaluate an expression
evalCExp :: CExp a -> a
evalCExp (CExp e) = go e
    go :: AST T sig -> Denotation sig
    go (Sym (T s)) = evalSym s
    go (f :$ a)    = go f $ go a

instance EvalExp CExp
    litExp a = CExp $ Sym $ T $ Fun (show a) a
    evalExp  = evalCExp

-- | Compile an expression
compCExp :: forall m a . MonadC m => CExp a -> m Exp
compCExp = simpleMatch (go . unT) . unCExp
    compCExp' :: ASTF T b -> m Exp
    compCExp' = compCExp . CExp

    go :: Sym sig -> Args (AST T) sig -> m Exp
    go (Var v) Nil = return [cexp| $id:v |]
    go (Fun lit _) Nil = case lit of
      "True"  -> addSystemInclude "stdbool.h" >> return [cexp| true |]
      "False" -> addSystemInclude "stdbool.h" >> return [cexp| false |]
      l       -> return [cexp| $id:l |]
    go (Fun fun _) args = do
      as <- sequence $ listArgs compCExp' args
      return [cexp| $id:fun($args:as) |]
    go (UOp op _) (a :* Nil) = do
      a' <- compCExp' a
      return $ UnOp op a' mempty
    go (Op op _) (a :* b :* Nil) = do
      a' <- compCExp' a
      b' <- compCExp' b
      return $ BinOp op a' b' mempty
    go (Cast f) (a :* Nil) = do
      a' <- compCExp' a
      return [cexp| $a' |]
    go Cond (c :* t :* f :* Nil) = do
      c' <- compCExp' c
      t' <- compCExp' t
      f' <- compCExp' f
      return $ C.Cond c' t' f' mempty

instance CompExp CExp
    varExp = CExp . Sym . T . Var . showVar
      where showVar v = 'v' : show v
    compExp  = compCExp
    compType = cType

-- | One-level constant folding: if all immediate sub-expressions are literals,
-- the expression is reduced to a single literal
constFold :: CExp a -> CExp a
constFold = CExp . match go . unCExp
    go :: T sig -> Args (AST T) sig -> AST T (Full (DenResult sig))
    go (T s) as = res
        e   = appArgs (Sym $ T s) as
        res = if and $ listArgs (isJust . viewLit . CExp) as
                then unCExp $ value $ evalCExp $ CExp e
                else e
  -- Deeper constant folding would require a way to witness `Show` for arbitrary
  -- sub-expressions. This is certainly doable, but seems to complicate things
  -- for not much gain (currently).

-- | Get the value of a literal expression
viewLit :: CExp a -> Maybe a
viewLit (CExp (Sym (T (Fun _ a)))) = Just a
viewLit _ = Nothing

castAST :: forall a b . Typeable b => ASTF T a -> Maybe (ASTF T b)
castAST a = simpleMatch go a
    go :: (DenResult sig ~ a) => T sig -> Args (AST T) sig -> Maybe (ASTF T b)
    go (T _) _ = gcast a

-- * User interface

-- | Create a named variable
variable :: CType a => String -> CExp a
variable = CExp . Sym . T . Var

-- | Construct a literal expression
value :: CType a => a -> CExp a
value a = CExp $ Sym $ T $ Fun (show a) a

true, false :: CExp Bool
true  = value True
false = value False

instance (Num a, CType a) => Num (CExp a)
    fromInteger = value . fromInteger

    a + b
      | Just 0 <- viewLit a, isExact a = b
      | Just 0 <- viewLit b, isExact a = a
      | otherwise = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Add (+)) a b

    a - b
      | Just 0 <- viewLit a, isExact a = negate b
      | Just 0 <- viewLit b, isExact a = a
      | a == b,              isExact a = 0
      | otherwise = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Sub (-)) a b

    a * b
      | Just 0 <- viewLit a, isExact a = value 0
      | Just 0 <- viewLit b, isExact a = value 0
      | Just 1 <- viewLit a, isExact a = b
      | Just 1 <- viewLit b, isExact a = a
      | otherwise = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Mul (*)) a b

    negate a = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ UOp Negate negate) a

    abs    = error "abs not implemented for CExp"
    signum = error "signum not implemented for CExp"

instance (Fractional a, CType a) => Fractional (CExp a)
    fromRational = value . fromRational
    a / b = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Div (/)) a b

    recip = error "recip not implemented for CExp"

-- | Integer division truncated toward zero
quot_ :: (Integral a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp a
quot_ a b
    | Just 0 <- viewLit a = 0
    | Just 1 <- viewLit b = a
    | a == b              = 1
    | otherwise           = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Div quot) a b

-- | Integer remainder satisfying
-- > (x `quot_` y)*y + (x #% y) == x
(#%) :: (Integral a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp a
a #% b
    | Just 0 <- viewLit a = 0
    | Just 1 <- viewLit b = 0
    | a == b              = 0
    | otherwise           = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Mod rem) a b

-- | Integral type casting
i2n :: (Integral a, Num b, CType b) => CExp a -> CExp b
i2n a = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Cast (fromInteger . toInteger)) a

-- | Boolean negation
not_ :: CExp Bool -> CExp Bool
not_ (CExp (nt :$ a))
    | Just (T (UOp Lnot _)) <- prj nt
    , Just a' <- castAST a = CExp a'
not_ a = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ UOp Lnot not) a

-- | Equality
(#==) :: (Eq a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool
a #== b
    | a == b, isExact a = true
    | otherwise         = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Eq (==)) a b

-- | In-equality
(#!=) :: (Eq a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool
a #!= b
    | a == b, isExact a = false
    | otherwise         = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Ne (/=)) a b

(#<) :: (Ord a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool
a #< b
    | a == b, isExact a = false
    | otherwise         = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Lt (<)) a b

(#>) :: (Ord a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool
a #> b
    | a == b, isExact a = false
    | otherwise         = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Gt (>)) a b

(#<=) :: (Ord a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool
a #<= b
    | a == b, isExact a = true
    | otherwise         = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Le (<=)) a b

(#>=) :: (Ord a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool
a #>= b
    | a == b, isExact a = true
    | otherwise         = constFold $ sugarSym (T $ Op Ge (>=)) a b

infix 4 #==, #!=, #<, #>, #<=, #>=

-- | Conditional expression
cond :: CType a
    => CExp Bool  -- ^ Condition
    -> CExp a     -- ^ True branch
    -> CExp a     -- ^ False branch
    -> CExp a
cond c t f
    | Just c' <- viewLit c = if c' then t else f
    | t == f = t
cond (CExp (nt :$ a)) t f
    | Just (T (UOp Lnot _)) <- prj nt
    , Just a' <- castAST a = cond (CExp a') f t
cond c t f = constFold $ sugarSym (T Cond) c t f

-- | Condition operator; use as follows:
-- > cond1 ? a $
-- > cond2 ? b $
-- > cond3 ? c $
-- >         default
(?) :: CType a
    => CExp Bool  -- ^ Condition
    -> CExp a     -- ^ True branch
    -> CExp a     -- ^ False branch
    -> CExp a
(?) = cond

infixl 1 ?

-- Instances

#if MIN_VERSION_syntactic(3,0,0)
deriveSymbol ''Sym

#if MIN_VERSION_syntactic(3,0,0)
instance Render Sym
    renderSym (Fun name _) = name
    renderSym (UOp op _)   = show op
    renderSym (Op op _)    = show op
    renderSym (Cast _)     = "cast"
    renderSym (Var v)      = v
    renderArgs = renderArgsSmart

instance Equality Sym
    equal = equalDefault
    hash  = hashDefault

instance StringTree Sym

instance Symbol T where symSig (T s) = symSig s

instance Render T
    renderSym (T s)     = renderSym s
    renderArgs as (T s) = renderArgs as s

instance Equality T
    equal (T s) (T t) = equal s t
    hash (T s)        = hash s

instance StringTree T
    stringTreeSym as (T s) = stringTreeSym as s


instance Semantic Sym
    semantics (Fun name f) = Sem name f
    semantics (UOp op f)   = Sem (show op) f
    semantics (Op op f)    = Sem (show op) f
    semantics (Cast f)     = Sem "cast" f
    semantics (Var v)      = Sem v undefined

instance Equality Sym
    equal    = equalDefault
    exprHash = exprHashDefault

instance Semantic T
    semantics (T s) = semantics s

instance Equality T
    equal (T s) (T t) = equal s t
    exprHash (T s)    = exprHash s


deriving instance Eq (CExp a)
  -- Must be placed here due to the sequential dependencies introduced by
  -- Template Haskell