{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}

-- Implicit CAD. Copyright (C) 2011, Christopher Olah (chris@colah.ca)
-- Released under the GNU GPL, see LICENSE

module Graphics.Implicit.Definitions where

-- a few imports for great evil :(
-- we want global IO refs.
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.VectorSpace       
import Control.Applicative       

-- Let's make things a bit nicer. 
-- Following math notation ℝ, ℝ², ℝ³...
type  = Float
type ℝ2 = (,)
type ℝ3 = (,,)

type  = Int

-- TODO: Find a better place for this
() :: InnerSpace a => a -> a -> Scalar a
() = (<.>)

-- TODO: Find a better way to do this?
class ComponentWiseMultable a where
    (*) :: a -> a -> a
    (/) :: a -> a -> a
instance ComponentWiseMultable ℝ2 where
    (x,y) * (x',y') = (x*x', y*y')
    (x,y) / (x',y') = (x/x', y/y')
instance ComponentWiseMultable ℝ3 where
    (x,y,z) * (x',y',z') = (x*x', y*y', z*z')
    (x,y,z) / (x',y',z') = (x/x', y/y', z/z')

-- nxn matrices
-- eg. M2 ℝ = M₂(ℝ)
type M2 a = ((a,a),(a,a))
type M3 a = ((a,a,a),(a,a,a),(a,a,a))

-- | A chain of line segments, as in SVG
-- eg. [(0,0), (0.5,1), (1,0)] ---> /\
type Polyline = [ℝ2]

-- | A triangle (a,b,c) = a trinagle with vertices a, b and c
type Triangle = (ℝ3, ℝ3, ℝ3)

-- | A triangle ((v1,n1),(v2,n2),(v3,n3)) has vertices v1, v2, v3
--   with corresponding normals n1, n2, and n3
type NormedTriangle = ((ℝ3, ℝ3), (ℝ3, ℝ3), (ℝ3, ℝ3))

-- | A triangle mesh is a bunch of triangles :)
type TriangleMesh = [Triangle]

-- | A normed triangle mesh is a bunch of normed trianlges!!
type NormedTriangleMesh = [NormedTriangle]

-- $ In Implicit CAD, we consider objects as functions
-- of `outwardness'. The boundary is 0, negative is the
-- interior and positive the exterior. The magnitude is
-- how far out or in.
-- For more details, refer to http://christopherolah.wordpress.com/2011/11/06/manipulation-of-implicit-functions-with-an-eye-on-cad/

-- | A 2D object
type Obj2 = (ℝ2 -> )

-- | A 3D object
type Obj3 = (ℝ3 -> )

-- | A 2D box
type Box2 = (ℝ2, ℝ2)

-- | A 3D box
type Box3 = (ℝ3, ℝ3)

-- | Boxed 2D object
type Boxed2 a = (a, Box2)

-- | Boxed 3D object
type Boxed3 a = (a, Box3)

type BoxedObj2 = Boxed2 Obj2
type BoxedObj3 = Boxed3 Obj3

-- | A symbolic 2D object format.
--   We want to have a symbolic object so that we can 
--   accelerate rendering & give ideal meshes for simple
--   cases.
data SymbolicObj2 =
	-- Primitives
	  RectR  ℝ2 ℝ2
	| Circle 
	| PolygonR  [ℝ2]
	-- (Rounded) CSG
	| Complement2 SymbolicObj2
	| UnionR2  [SymbolicObj2]
	| DifferenceR2  [SymbolicObj2]
	| IntersectR2  [SymbolicObj2]
	-- Simple transforms
	| Translate2 ℝ2 SymbolicObj2
	| Scale2 ℝ2 SymbolicObj2
	| Rotate2  SymbolicObj2
	-- Boundary mods
	| Outset2  SymbolicObj2
	| Shell2  SymbolicObj2
	-- Misc
	| EmbedBoxedObj2 BoxedObj2
	deriving Show

-- | A symbolic 3D format!

data SymbolicObj3 = 
	-- Primitives
	  Rect3R  ℝ3 ℝ3
	| Sphere 
	| Cylinder    -- h r1 r2
	-- (Rounded) CSG
	| Complement3 SymbolicObj3
	| UnionR3  [SymbolicObj3]
	| IntersectR3  [SymbolicObj3]
	| DifferenceR3  [SymbolicObj3]
	-- Simple transforms
	| Translate3 ℝ3 SymbolicObj3
	| Scale3 ℝ3 SymbolicObj3
	| Rotate3 (,,) SymbolicObj3
	| Rotate3V  ℝ3 SymbolicObj3
	-- Boundary mods
	| Outset3  SymbolicObj3
	| Shell3  SymbolicObj3
	-- Misc
	| EmbedBoxedObj3 BoxedObj3
	-- 2D based
	| ExtrudeR  SymbolicObj2 
	| ExtrudeRotateR   SymbolicObj2 
	| ExtrudeRM 
		                 -- rounding radius
		(Maybe ( -> ))  -- twist
		(Maybe ( -> ))  -- scale
		(Maybe ( -> ℝ2)) -- ranslate
		SymbolicObj2      -- object to extrude
		(Either  (ℝ2 -> )) -- height to extrude to
	| RotateExtrude
		                   -- Angle to sweep to
		(Maybe )           -- Loop or path (rounded corner)
		(Either ℝ2 ( -> ℝ2)) -- translate function
		SymbolicObj2      -- object to extrude
	| ExtrudeOnEdgeOf SymbolicObj2 SymbolicObj2
	deriving Show

-- | Rectilinear 2D set
type Rectilinear2 = [Box2]

-- | Rectilinear 2D set
type Rectilinear3 = [Box3]

-- | Make ALL the functions Showable!
--   This is very handy when testing functions in interactive mode...
instance Show (a -> b) where
	show f = "<function>"

-- | Now for something that makes me a bad person...
--   I promise I'll use it for good, not evil!
--   I don't want to reparse the program arguments 
--   everytime I want to know if XML errors are needed.

{-# NOINLINE xmlErrorOn #-}

xmlErrorOn :: IORef Bool
xmlErrorOn = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False

errorMessage :: Int -> String -> IO()
errorMessage line msg = do
		useXML <- readIORef xmlErrorOn
			msg' = "At line <line>" ++ show line ++ "</line>:" ++ msg
			-- dropXML inTag (x:xs)
			dropXML inQuote False ('"':xs) = '"':dropXML (not inQuote) False  xs
			dropXML True    _     ( x :xs) = x:dropXML True    False  xs
			dropXML False   False ('<':xs) =   dropXML False   True  xs
			dropXML False   True  ('>':xs) =   dropXML False   False xs
			dropXML inQuote True  ( _ :xs) =   dropXML inQuote True  xs
			dropXML inQuote False ( x :xs) = x:dropXML inQuote False xs
			dropXML _       _        []    = []
		if useXML 
			then putStrLn $ "<error>" ++ msg' ++ "</error>"
			else putStrLn $ dropXML False False $ msg'
		return ()