# ImplicitCAD Makefile. Build and test Implicitcad. ## This is the makefile if you are running cabal-install 1.24 or later. ## Locations of binaries used when running tests, or generating the images to go along with our README.md. # The location of stl2ps, from stltools, available from https://github.com/rsmith-nl/stltools/tree/develop stl2ps=/disk4/faikvm.com/stltools/stltools/stl2ps.py # The location of convert, from imagemagick convert=convert # The location of GHC, used to compile .hs examples. GHC=ghc GHCVERSION=$(shell ${GHC} --version | sed "s/.*version //") CABAL=cabal CABALVERSION=$(shell ${CABAL} --version | sed -n "s/.*install version \([0-9.]*\).*/\1/p") IMPLICITVERSION=$(shell cat implicit.cabal | sed -n "s/Version[: ]*\([0-9]*.*\)/\1/p") ARCHITECTURE=$(shell uname -m | sed "s/i[3-6]86/i386/" ) # FIXME: detect this on other OSes. OS=linux # new-style location root. must NOT have trailing slash BUILDROOT=dist-newstyle/build/${ARCHITECTURE}-${OS}/ghc-${GHCVERSION}/implicit-${IMPLICITVERSION} EXEBUILDROOT=${BUILDROOT}/x/ TESTBUILDROOT=${BUILDROOT}/t/ BENCHBUILDROOT=${BUILDROOT}/b/ exebin = ${EXEBUILDROOT}/$(1)/build/$(1)/$(1) exedir = ${EXEBUILDROOT}/$(1) # The location of the created extopenscad binary, for running shell based test cases. EXTOPENSCAD=extopenscad EXTOPENSCADBIN=$(call exebin,${EXTOPENSCAD}) EXTOPENSCADDIR=$(call exedir,${EXTOPENSCAD}) # The location of the implicitsnap binary, which listens for requests via http. The backend of the website. IMPLICITSNAP=implicitsnap IMPLICITSNAPBIN=$(call exebin,${IMPLICITSNAP}) IMPLICITSNAPDIR=$(call exedir,${IMPLICITSNAP}) # The location of the benchmark binary, for benchmarking some implicitcad internals. BENCHMARK=Benchmark BENCHMARKBIN=${BENCHBUILDROOT}/Benchmark/build/Benchmark/Benchmark BENCHMARKDIR=${BENCHBUILDROOT}/Benchmark # The location of the documentation generator. for documenting (some of) the extopenscad language. DOCGEN=docgen DOCGENBIN=$(call exebin,${DOCGEN}) DOCGENDIR=$(call exedir,${DOCGEN}) # The location of the parser benchmark binary, specifically for benchmarking implicitcad's parser. PARSERBENCH=${BENCHBUILDROOT}/parser-bench/build/parser-bench/parser-bench PARSERBENCHDIR=${BENCHBUILDROOT}/parser-bench # The location of the created test binary, for running haskell test cases. TESTSUITE=${TESTBUILDROOT}/test-implicit/build/test-implicit/test-implicit TESTSUITEDIR=${TESTBUILDROOT}/test-implicit # The location of it's source. TESTFILES=$(shell find tests/ -name '*.hs') ## Options used when calling ImplicitCAD. for testing, and for image generation. # Enable multiple CPU usage. # Use the parallel garbage collector. # spit out some performance statistics. RTSOPTS=+RTS -N -qg -t # The resolution to generate objects at. FIXME: what does this mean in human terms? RESOPTS=-r 50 SCADOPTS?=-q # Uncomment for profiling support. Note that you will need to recompile all of the libraries, as well. #PROFILING= --enable-profiling ## FIXME: escape this right # Uncomment for valgrind on the examples. #VALGRIND=valgrind --tool=cachegrind --cachegrind-out-file=$$each.cachegrind.`date +%s` LIBDIR=Graphics LIBFILES=$(shell find ${LIBDIR} -name '*.hs') LIBBUILDS=$(shell find ${LIBDIR} -name '*.hi' -o -name '*.o') LIBTARGET=${BUILDROOT}/build/Graphics/Implicit.o # don't try to compile implicitsnap unless the flag for compiling it has been set. MAYBEIMPLICITSNAPBIN=$(shell bash -c "[ -n \"$$([ -f cabal.project.local ] && cat cabal.project.local | sed -n '/flags: .*+implicitsnap.*/p')\" ] && echo ${IMPLICITSNAPBIN}" ) EXECTARGETS=$(EXTOPENSCADBIN) $(MAYBEIMPLICITSNAPBIN) $(BENCHMARKBIN) $(TESTSUITE) $(PARSERBENCH) $(DOCGENBIN) EXECBUILDDIRS=$(EXTOPENSCADDIR) $(IMPLICITSNAPDIR) $(BENCHMARKDIR) $(DOCGENDIR) TARGETS=$(EXECTARGETS) $(LIBTARGET) ROOT_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) # Options to GHC during compilation of our examples. EXAMPLEOPTS=-package linear -package show-combinators -package lens # Mark the below fake targets as unreal, so make will not get choked up if a file with one of these names is created. .PHONY: build install clean distclean nukeclean docs dist examples tests benchmarks benchmarkdir # Empty out the default suffix list, to make debugging output cleaner. .SUFFIXES: # Allow for us to (ab)use $$* in dependencies of rules. .SECONDEXPANSION: # Disable make's default builtin rules, to make debugging output cleaner. MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules # Build implicitcad binaries. build: ensureBootstrap $(TARGETS) # Ensure the haskell environment is sane ensureBootstrap: @if [ "${CABALVERSION}" = "" ] && [ ! -d ~/.cabal/store/ghc-${GHCVERSION}/package.db ] ; then { echo "please create ~/.cabal/store/ghc-${GHCVERSION}/package.db , to workaround a known cabal bug." ; error 1 ; } fi # Install implicitcad. install: build cabal install # Cleanup from using the rules in this file. clean: rm -f Examples/*.stl rm -f Examples/*.svg rm -f Examples/*.ps rm -f Examples/*.png rm -f Examples/example[0-9][0-9] rm -f Examples/*.hi rm -f Examples/*.o rm -f Examples/example*.cachegrind.* rm -f tests/*.stl rm -rf docs/parser.md rm -f ${TARGETS} rm -f ${LIBBUILDS} rm -f benchmarks rm -rf ${EXECBUILDDIRS} ${PARSERBENCHDIR} ${TESTSUITEDIR} rm -f ${BUILDROOT}/build/libHS* rm -f ${BUILDROOT}/cache/registration # Clean up before making a release. distclean: clean Setup ./Setup clean rm -f Setup Setup.hi Setup.o rm -rf dist rm -rf dist-newstyle rm -rf .stack-work rm -f cabal.project.local rm -f .ghc.environment.${ARCHITECTURE}-${OS}-${GHCVERSION} rm -f `find ./ -name "*~"` rm -f `find ./ -name "\#*\#"` # Destroy the current user's cabal/ghc environment. nukeclean: distclean rm -rf ~/.cabal/ ~/.ghc/ # Generate documentation. docs: $(DOCGEN) Setup ./Setup haddock $(DOCGEN) > docs/escad.md # Upload to hackage? dist: $(TARGETS) Setup ./Setup sdist # Generate examples. examples: $(EXTOPENSCADBIN) cd Examples && for each in `find ./ -name '*scad' -type f | sort`; do { echo $$each ; ../$(EXTOPENSCADBIN) $(SCADOPTS) $$each $(RTSOPTS); } done cd Examples && for each in `find ./ -name '*.hs' -type f | sort`; do { filename=$(basename "$$each"); filename="$${filename%.*}"; cd ..; $(GHC) $(EXAMPLEOPTS) Examples/$$filename.hs -o Examples/$$filename; cd Examples; echo $$filename; $$filename +RTS -t ; } done # Generate images from the examples, so we can upload the images to our website. images: examples cd Examples && for each in `find ./ -name '*.stl' -type f | sort`; do { filename=$(basename "$$each"); filename="$${filename%.*}"; if [ -e $$filename.transform ] ; then echo ${stl2ps} $$each $$filename.ps `cat $$filename.transform`; else ${stl2ps} $$each $$filename.ps; fi; ${convert} $$filename.ps $$filename.png; } done # Hspec parser tests. tests: $(TESTSUITE) $(TESTFILES) # cd tests && for each in `find ./ -name '*scad' -type f | sort`; do { ../$(EXTOPENSCADBIN) $$each ${RESOPTS} ${RTSOPTS}; } done $(TESTSUITE) benchmarkdir: [ ! -e benchmarks ] && bash -c 'rm -f benchmarks; ln -s `mktemp --tmpdir -d icad-XXX` benchmarks' || true benchmarks: $(BENCHMARKBIN) benchmarkdir cd benchmarks && ${ROOT_DIR}/${BENCHMARKBIN} # The ImplicitCAD library. $(LIBTARGET): $(LIBFILES) cabal new-build implicit # The parser test suite, since it's source is stored in a different location than the other binaries we build: ${TESTBUILDROOT}/test-implicit/build/test-implicit/test-implicit: $(TESTFILES) ${BUILDROOT}/setup-config $(LIBTARGET) $(LIBFILES) cabal new-build test-implicit # Build a binary target with cabal. ${EXEBUILDROOT}/%: programs/$$(word 1,$$(subst /, ,%)).hs ${BUILDROOT}/setup-config $(LIBTARGET) $(LIBFILES) cabal new-build $(word 1,$(subst /, ,$*)) touch $@ # Build a benchmark target with cabal. ${BENCHBUILDROOT}/%: programs/$$(word 1,$$(subst /, ,%)).hs ${BUILDROOT}/setup-config $(LIBTARGET) $(LIBFILES) cabal new-build $(word 1,$(subst /, ,$*)) # Prepare to build. ${BUILDROOT}/setup-config: implicit.cabal cabal new-update cabal new-install --only-dependencies --upgrade-dependencies --overwrite-policy=always $(PROFILING) cabal new-configure --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks $(PROFILING) # The setup command, used to perform administrative tasks (haddock, upload to hackage, clean, etc...). Setup: Setup.*hs ${BUILDROOT}/setup-config $(LIBTARGET) $(GHC) -O2 -Wall --make Setup -package Cabal touch $@