    Copyright 2011 Mario Blazevic

    This file is part of the Streaming Component Combinators (SCC) project.

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-- | This module defines the 'FactorialMonoid' class.

module Data.Monoid.Factorial (
   -- * Classes
   -- * Functions
   mbreak, mlength, mmap, mreverse, mtakeWhile, mdropWhile

import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)

-- | Class of monoids that can be split into irreducible factors, /i.e./, atoms or primes. The methods of this class
-- satisfy the following laws:
-- > mconcat . factors == id
-- > factors mempty == []
-- > all (\f-> factors f == [f]) (factors m)
-- > factors == unfoldr splitPrimePrefix == reverse . unfoldr (fmap swap . splitPrimeSuffix)
-- > primePrefix == maybe mempty fst . splitPrimePrefix
-- > primeSuffix == maybe mempty snd . splitPrimeSuffix
-- > mfoldl f f0 == foldl f f0 . factors
-- > mfoldr f f0 == foldr f f0 . factors
-- > mspan p m == (mconcat l, mconcat r) where (l, r) = span p (factors m)
-- A minimal instance definition must implement 'factors' or 'splitPrimePrefix'.
class Monoid m => FactorialMonoid m where
   -- | Returns a list of all prime factors; inverse of mconcat.
   factors :: m -> [m]
   -- | The prime prefix, 'mempty' if none.
   primePrefix :: m -> m
   -- | The prime suffix, 'mempty' if none.
   primeSuffix :: m -> m
   -- | Splits the argument into its prime prefix and the remaining suffix. Returns 'Nothing' for 'mempty'.
   splitPrimePrefix :: m -> Maybe (m, m)
   -- | Splits the argument into its prime suffix and the remaining prefix. Returns 'Nothing' for 'mempty'.
   splitPrimeSuffix :: m -> Maybe (m, m)
   -- | Like 'foldl' on the list of primes.
   mfoldl :: (a -> m -> a) -> a -> m -> a
   -- | Like 'foldr' on the list of primes.
   mfoldr :: (m -> a -> a) -> a -> m -> a
   -- | Like 'span' on the list of primes.
   mspan :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> (m, m)

   factors = List.unfoldr splitPrimePrefix
   primePrefix = maybe mempty fst . splitPrimePrefix
   primeSuffix = maybe mempty snd . splitPrimeSuffix
   splitPrimePrefix x = case factors x
                        of [] -> Nothing
                           prefix : rest -> Just (prefix, mconcat rest)
   splitPrimeSuffix x = case factors x
                        of [] -> Nothing
                           fs -> Just (mconcat (List.init fs), List.last fs)
   mfoldl f f0 = List.foldl f f0 . factors
   mfoldr f f0 = List.foldr f f0 . factors
   mspan p = mfoldr f (mempty, mempty)
      where f s (prefix, suffix) = if p s 
                                   then (mappend s prefix, suffix) 
                                   else (mempty, mappend s (mappend prefix suffix))

instance FactorialMonoid [x] where
   factors xs = List.map (:[]) xs
   primePrefix [] = []
   primePrefix (x:xs) = [x]
   primeSuffix [] = []
   primeSuffix xs = [List.last xs]
   splitPrimePrefix [] = Nothing
   splitPrimePrefix (x:xs) = Just ([x], xs)
   splitPrimeSuffix [] = Nothing
   splitPrimeSuffix xs = Just (split id xs)
      where split f last@[x] = (f [], last)
            split f (x:xs) = split (f . (x:)) xs
   mfoldl _ acc [] = acc
   mfoldl f acc (x:xs) = mfoldl f (f acc [x]) xs
   mfoldr _ f0 [] = f0
   mfoldr f f0 (x:xs) = f [x] (mfoldr f f0 xs)
   mspan f = List.span (f . (:[]))

instance FactorialMonoid ByteString where
   factors x = factorize (ByteString.length x) x
      where factorize 0 xs = []
            factorize n xs = x : factorize (pred n) xs'
              where (x, xs') = ByteString.splitAt 1 xs
   primePrefix = ByteString.take 1
   primeSuffix x = ByteString.drop (ByteString.length x - 1) x
   splitPrimePrefix x = if ByteString.null x then Nothing else Just (ByteString.splitAt 1 x)
   splitPrimeSuffix x = if ByteString.null x then Nothing else Just (ByteString.splitAt (ByteString.length x - 1) x)
   mfoldl f = ByteString.foldl f'
      where f' a byte = f a (ByteString.singleton byte)
   mfoldr f = ByteString.foldr f'
      where f' byte a = f (ByteString.singleton byte) a
   mspan f x = ByteString.splitAt (findIndex 0 x) x
      where findIndex i x | ByteString.null x = i
            findIndex i x = if f (ByteString.take 1 x) then findIndex (succ i) (ByteString.drop 1 x) else i

instance FactorialMonoid Text where
   factors = Text.chunksOf 1
   primePrefix = Text.take 1
   primeSuffix x = if Text.null x then Text.empty else Text.singleton (Text.last x)
   splitPrimePrefix x = if Text.null x then Nothing else Just (Text.splitAt 1 x)
   splitPrimeSuffix x = if Text.null x then Nothing else Just (Text.splitAt (Text.length x - 1) x)
   mfoldl f = Text.foldl f'
      where f' a char = f a (Text.singleton char)
   mfoldr f = Text.foldr f'
      where f' char a = f (Text.singleton char) a
   mspan f = Text.span (f . Text.singleton)

-- | A 'List.break' equivalent.
mbreak :: FactorialMonoid m => (m -> Bool) -> m -> (m, m)
mbreak = mspan . (not .)

-- | A 'List.length' equivalent.
mlength :: FactorialMonoid m => m -> Int
mlength = List.length . factors

-- | A 'List.map' equivalent.
mmap :: FactorialMonoid m => (m -> m) -> m -> m
mmap f = mconcat . List.map f . factors

-- | A 'List.reverse' equivalent.
mreverse :: FactorialMonoid m => m -> m
mreverse = mconcat . List.reverse . factors

-- | A 'List.takeWhile' equivalent.
mtakeWhile :: FactorialMonoid m => (m -> Bool) -> m -> m
mtakeWhile p = fst . mspan p

-- | A 'List.dropWhile' equivalent.
mdropWhile :: FactorialMonoid m => (m -> Bool) -> m -> m
mdropWhile p = snd . mspan p