{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Internal functions; typically unneeded by users.
-- One common case is defining certain Incremental instances.  Sometimes
-- instead of deriving an Incremental instance you want to always send new data
-- if it has changed.  This is easily supported with the `DPrim` type and
-- helper functions:
-- > import Data.Increments.Internal
-- >
-- > instance Incremental Foo where
-- >  type Increment Foo = DPrim Foo
-- >  changes = iprimDiff
-- >  applyChanges = iprimApply
-- This is especially useful with large types that do not change often, when
-- attempting to calculate the difference may be very expensive.
module Data.Increments.Internal (
  Incremental (..)
, Changed (..)
, IncrementalCnstr
-- * helpers for creating instances for primitive-ish types
, DPrim (..)
, iprimDiff
, iprimApply
) where

import Control.Arrow                         (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics

import Data.Beamable
import Data.Beamable.Internal

-- int types

instance Incremental Integer where
    type Increment Integer = DPrim Integer
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Int where
    type Increment Int = DPrim Int
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Int8 where
    type Increment Int8 = DPrim Int8
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Int16 where
    type Increment Int16 = DPrim Int16
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Int32 where
    type Increment Int32 = DPrim Int32
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Int64 where
    type Increment Int64 = DPrim Int64
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

-- Word types

instance Incremental Word where
    type Increment Word = DPrim Word
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Word8 where
    type Increment Word8 = DPrim Word8
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Word16 where
    type Increment Word16 = DPrim Word16
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Word32 where
    type Increment Word32 = DPrim Word32
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Word64 where
    type Increment Word64 = DPrim Word64
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

-- floating types

instance Incremental Float where
    type Increment Float = DPrim Float
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Double where
    type Increment Double = DPrim Double
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

-- other basic, non-derived instances

instance Eq x => Incremental [x] where
    type Increment [x] = DPrim [x]
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental Char where
    type Increment Char = DPrim Char
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental B.ByteString where
    type Increment B.ByteString = DPrim B.ByteString
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

instance Incremental BL.ByteString where
    type Increment BL.ByteString = DPrim BL.ByteString
    changes = iprimDiff
    applyChanges = iprimApply

-- derived instances

instance Changed () where
    didChange _ = False

instance Incremental ()
instance Incremental Ordering
instance Incremental Bool
instance (Incremental a, Changed (Increment a)) => Incremental (Maybe a)
instance (Incremental l, Incremental r, Changed (Increment l), Changed (Increment r))
         => Incremental (Either l r)

-- tuple instances

instance (IncrementalCnstr l, IncrementalCnstr r) => Incremental (l,r)
instance (IncrementalCnstr a, IncrementalCnstr b, IncrementalCnstr c) => Incremental (a,b,c)
instance (IncrementalCnstr a, IncrementalCnstr b, IncrementalCnstr c, IncrementalCnstr d) => Incremental (a,b,c,d)
instance (IncrementalCnstr a, IncrementalCnstr b, IncrementalCnstr c, IncrementalCnstr d, IncrementalCnstr e) => Incremental (a,b,c,d,e)
instance (IncrementalCnstr a, IncrementalCnstr b, IncrementalCnstr c, IncrementalCnstr d, IncrementalCnstr e, IncrementalCnstr f) => Incremental (a,b,c,d,e,f)
instance (IncrementalCnstr a, IncrementalCnstr b, IncrementalCnstr c, IncrementalCnstr d, IncrementalCnstr e, IncrementalCnstr f, IncrementalCnstr g) => Incremental (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- wrap primitive-ish types in DPrim, and send new values only if there's been
-- a change

data DPrim a =
    DPrim a
  | DPrim_NoChange
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

iprimDiff :: Eq a => a -> a -> DPrim a
iprimDiff a b
    | b == a    = DPrim_NoChange
    | otherwise = DPrim b

iprimApply :: a -> DPrim a -> a
iprimApply _ (DPrim a)        = a
iprimApply a (DPrim_NoChange) = a

instance Beamable a => Beamable (DPrim a)

instance Changed (DPrim a) where
    didChange (DPrim _)      = True
    didChange DPrim_NoChange = False

instance Monoid (DPrim a) where
    mempty = DPrim_NoChange
    mappend _l r@(DPrim{}) = r
    mappend l _            = l

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Main user-visible classes

-- | Determine if a Increment representation contains a real change.  Unchanging
-- changes may be omitted.
class Changed a where
    didChange :: a -> Bool

-- | Calculate differences between data structures.
class Incremental a where
    type Increment a :: *
    -- slightly bogus, this only works because the generic param p is
    -- instantiated to ().  Tough luck if that changes...
    type Increment a = GIncrement (Rep a) ()
    -- | generate the changes between the 'previous' and 'current' data
    changes :: a -> a -> Increment a
    default changes :: (Generic a, GIncremental (Rep a), GChanged (GIncrement (Rep a)), Increment a ~ GIncrement (Rep a) x) => a -> a -> Increment a
    changes a b = gchanges (from a) (from b)

    -- | Apply a changes to a value
    applyChanges :: a -> Increment a -> a
    default applyChanges :: (Generic a, GIncremental (Rep a), GChanged (GIncrement (Rep a)), Increment a ~ GIncrement (Rep a) x) => a -> Increment a -> a
    applyChanges a d_a = to $ gapplyChanges (from a) d_a

-- | A useful type constraint synonym for writing instances
type IncrementalCnstr a = (Incremental a, Changed (Increment a))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- proxy tagged types
-- could use Data.Tagged, but those don't have generic instances, and Tagged
-- has the parameters in the wrong order.

newtype P2 a p = P2 a
  deriving (Show, Generic)

instance Beamable a => Beamable (P2 a p)
instance Changed a => Changed (P2 a p) where
    didChange (P2 a)      = didChange a

data PSum a b p =
  | PSLeft  (GIncrement a p)
  | PSRight (GIncrement b p)
  | TLeft  (a p)
  | TRight (b p)
  deriving (Generic)

deriving instance (Show (a p), Show (b p), Show (GIncrement b p), Show (GIncrement a p)) => Show (PSum a b p)

instance Changed (PSum a b p) where
    didChange PSNeither = False
    didChange _ = True

data PProd a b p =
  | PPLeft  (a p)
  | PPRight (b p)
  | PProd   (a p) (b p)
  deriving (Show, Generic)

instance Changed (PProd a b p) where
    didChange PPNeither = False
    didChange _         = True

instance (Beamable (a p), Beamable (b p)) => Beamable (PProd a b p)
instance (Beamable (a p), Beamable (b p), Beamable (GIncrement a p), Beamable (GIncrement b p))
         => Beamable (PSum a b p)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- generic version of Changed

class GChanged a where
    g_didChange :: a p -> Bool

instance Changed a => GChanged (P2 a) where
    g_didChange (P2 a)     = didChange a

instance (GChanged (GIncrement a), GChanged (GIncrement b)) => GChanged (PSum a b) where
    g_didChange (PSLeft d)  = g_didChange d
    g_didChange (PSRight d) = g_didChange d
    g_didChange PSNeither   = False
    g_didChange _           = True

instance (GChanged a, GChanged b) => GChanged (PProd a b) where
    g_didChange (PProd a b) = g_didChange a || g_didChange b
    g_didChange (PPLeft a)  = g_didChange a
    g_didChange (PPRight b) = g_didChange b
    g_didChange PPNeither   = False

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- generic version of Incremental

class (GChanged (GIncrement f)) => GIncremental f where
    type GIncrement f :: * -> *
    gchanges :: f a -> f a -> GIncrement f a
    gapplyChanges :: f a -> GIncrement f a -> f a

instance GIncremental U1 where
    type GIncrement U1 = P2 ()
    gchanges U1 U1 = P2 ()
    gapplyChanges U1 (P2 ()) = U1

instance (GIncremental a, GIncremental b) => GIncremental (a :*: b) where
    type GIncrement (a :*: b) = PProd (GIncrement a) (GIncrement b)
    gchanges (a1 :*: b1) (a2 :*: b2) =
        let d_a = gchanges a1 a2
            d_b = gchanges b1 b2
        in case (g_didChange d_a, g_didChange d_b) of 
            (True, True  ) -> PProd  d_a d_b
            (True, False ) -> PPLeft d_a
            (False, True ) -> PPRight d_b
            (False, False) -> PPNeither
    gapplyChanges (a :*: b) (PProd d_a d_b) = gapplyChanges a d_a :*: gapplyChanges b d_b
    gapplyChanges (a :*: b) (PPLeft d_a)  = gapplyChanges a d_a :*: b
    gapplyChanges (a :*: b) (PPRight d_b) = a :*: gapplyChanges b d_b
    gapplyChanges (a :*: b) (PPNeither)   = a :*: b

instance (GIncremental a, GIncremental b) => GIncremental (a :+: b) where
    type GIncrement (a :+: b) = PSum a b
    gchanges (L1 a) (L1 b) = let d_a = gchanges a b
                           in if g_didChange d_a
                                  then PSLeft d_a
                                  else PSNeither
    gchanges (R1 a) (R1 b) = let d_b = gchanges a b
                           in if g_didChange d_b
                                  then PSRight d_b
                                  else PSNeither
    gchanges (L1 _) (R1 b) = TRight b
    gchanges (R1 _) (L1 b) = TLeft  b
    gapplyChanges (L1 a) (PSLeft  d)
        | g_didChange d = L1 $ gapplyChanges a d
        | otherwise   = L1 a
    gapplyChanges _ (TLeft a)        = L1 a
    gapplyChanges (R1 a) (PSRight d)
        | g_didChange d = R1 $ gapplyChanges a d
        | otherwise   = R1 a
    gapplyChanges _ (TRight a)       = R1 a
    gapplyChanges _ _                = error "Data.Increments: malformed Increment Rep"

newtype GIncrement_K1 a p = GIncrement_K1 (Increment a) deriving Generic

deriving instance (Show (Increment a)) => Show (GIncrement_K1 a p)

instance (Beamable (Increment a)) => Beamable (GIncrement_K1 a p)

instance Changed (Increment a) => Changed (GIncrement_K1 a p) where
    didChange (GIncrement_K1 a) = didChange a

instance Changed (Increment a) => GChanged (GIncrement_K1 a) where
    g_didChange (GIncrement_K1 a) = didChange a

instance (Incremental a, Changed (Increment a)) => GIncremental (K1 i a) where
    type GIncrement (K1 i a) = GIncrement_K1 a
    gchanges (K1 a) (K1 b) = GIncrement_K1 $ changes a b
    gapplyChanges (K1 a) (GIncrement_K1 d_a)     = K1 $ a `applyChanges` d_a

-- this instance used for datatypes with single constructor only
instance (GIncremental a, Datatype d, Constructor c) => GIncremental (M1 D d (M1 C c a)) where
    type GIncrement (M1 D d (M1 C c a)) = GIncrement a
    gchanges (M1 (M1 a)) (M1 (M1 b)) = gchanges a b
    gapplyChanges (M1 (M1 a)) d_a
        | g_didChange d_a = M1 (M1 (a `gapplyChanges` d_a))
        | otherwise       = M1 (M1 a)

-- this instance used for  datatypes with multiple constructors
instance (GIncremental a, Constructor c) => GIncremental (M1 C c a) where
    type GIncrement (M1 C c a) = GIncrement a
    gchanges (M1 a) (M1 b) = gchanges a b
    gapplyChanges (M1 a) d_a
        | g_didChange d_a = M1 (a `gapplyChanges` d_a)
        | otherwise       = M1 a

-- this instance is needed to avoid overlapping instances with (M1 D d (M1 C c a))
instance (Datatype d, GIncremental a, GIncremental b) => GIncremental (M1 D d (a :+: b) ) where
    type GIncrement (M1 D d (a :+: b)) = GIncrement (a :+: b)
    gchanges (M1 a) (M1 b) = gchanges a b
    gapplyChanges (M1 a) d_a
        | g_didChange d_a = M1 (a `gapplyChanges` d_a)
        | otherwise       = M1 a

instance (GIncremental a) => GIncremental (M1 S c a) where
    type GIncrement (M1 S c a) = GIncrement a
    gchanges (M1 a) (M1 b)   = gchanges a b
    gapplyChanges (M1 a) d_a
        | g_didChange d_a  = M1 (a `gapplyChanges` d_a)
        | otherwise        = M1 a

instance Beamable (U1 x) where
    beam U1 = beam ()
    unbeam  = first (\() -> U1) . unbeam
    typeSignR l U1 = typeSignR l ()

instance Beamable a => Beamable (K1 i a x) where
    beam (K1 a) = beam a
    unbeam = first K1 . unbeam
    typeSignR l (K1 a) = typeSignR l a

instance Beamable (a x) => Beamable (M1 s c a x) where
    beam (M1 a) = beam a
    unbeam      = first M1 . unbeam
    typeSignR l (M1 a) = typeSignR l a

instance (Beamable (a x), Beamable (b x)) => Beamable ((a :*: b) x) where
    beam (a :*: b) = beam (a,b)
    unbeam = first (uncurry (:*:)) . unbeam
    typeSignR l (a :*: b) = typeSignR l (a,b)

instance (Beamable (a x), Beamable (b x)) => Beamable ((a :+: b) x) where
    beam (L1 a) = beam (Left a :: Either (a x) (b x))
    beam (R1 b) = beam (Right b :: Either (a x) (b x))
    unbeam = first (either L1 R1) . unbeam
    typeSignR l (L1 a)= typeSignR l (Left a  :: Either (a x) (b x))
    typeSignR l (R1 a)= typeSignR l (Right a :: Either (a x) (b x))