-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tocqueville Group -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-TQ -- | 'Expr' compilation module Indigo.Internal.Expr.Compilation ( compileExpr , compileToExpr , ObjManipulationRes (..) , runObjectManipulation , nullaryOp , unaryOp , binaryOp , ternaryOp , nullaryOpFlat , unaryOpFlat , binaryOpFlat , ternaryOpFlat ) where import Data.Vinyl.Core (RMap(..)) import qualified Lorentz.ADT as L import qualified Lorentz.Instr as L import qualified Lorentz.Macro as L import Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Instr.Product (GetFieldType) import Indigo.Backend.Prelude import Indigo.Internal.Expr.Types import Indigo.Internal.Field import Indigo.Internal.Lookup (varActionGet) import Indigo.Internal.Object (IndigoObjectF(..), NamedFieldVar(..), castFieldConstructors, namedToTypedRec, pushNoRefMd, typedToNamedRec) import Indigo.Internal.State (GenCode(..), IndigoState(..), MetaData(..), iget, iput, usingIndigoState, (>>=)) import Indigo.Lorentz compileExpr :: forall a inp . Expr a -> IndigoState inp (a & inp) () compileExpr (C a) = do md <- iget iput $ GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) (L.push a) L.drop compileExpr (V v) = compileObjectF (\(NamedFieldVar fl) -> V fl) v compileExpr (Update m key val) = ternaryOp key val m L.update compileExpr (Add e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.add compileExpr (Sub e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.sub compileExpr (Mul e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.mul compileExpr (Div e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 (L.ediv # L.ifSome L.car (failUsing [mt|devision by zero|])) compileExpr (Mod e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 (L.ediv # L.ifSome L.cdr (failUsing [mt|devision by zero|])) compileExpr (Abs e) = unaryOp e L.abs compileExpr (Neg e) = unaryOp e L.neg compileExpr (Lsl e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.lsl compileExpr (Lsr e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.lsr compileExpr (Eq' e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.eq compileExpr (Neq e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.neq compileExpr (Lt e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.lt compileExpr (Le e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.le compileExpr (Gt e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.gt compileExpr (Ge e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.ge compileExpr (IsNat e) = unaryOp e L.isNat compileExpr (Int' e) = unaryOp e L.int compileExpr (And e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.and compileExpr (Or e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.or compileExpr (Xor e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.xor compileExpr (Not e) = unaryOp e L.not compileExpr (Fst e) = unaryOp e L.car compileExpr (Snd e) = unaryOp e L.cdr compileExpr (Pair e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.pair compileExpr (Some e) = unaryOp e L.some compileExpr None = nullaryOp L.none compileExpr (Right' e) = unaryOp e L.right compileExpr (Left' e) = unaryOp e L.left compileExpr (Pack e) = unaryOp e L.pack compileExpr (Unpack e) = unaryOp e L.unpack compileExpr Nil = nullaryOp L.nil compileExpr (Cons e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 L.cons compileExpr (Contract e) = unaryOp e L.contract compileExpr Self = nullaryOp L.self compileExpr (ContractAddress ec) = unaryOp ec L.address compileExpr (ContractCallingUnsafe epName addr) = unaryOp addr (L.contractCallingUnsafe epName) compileExpr (RunFutureContract con) = unaryOp con L.runFutureContract compileExpr (ConvertEpAddressToContract epAddr) = unaryOp epAddr L.epAddressToContract compileExpr (MakeView e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 (L.pair # L.wrapView) compileExpr (MakeVoid e1 e2) = binaryOp e1 e2 (L.pair # L.wrapVoid) compileExpr (Mem k c) = binaryOp k c L.mem compileExpr (Size s) = unaryOp s L.size compileExpr (UInsertNew l err k v store) = ternaryOp k v store $ ustoreInsertNew l (failUsing err) compileExpr (UInsert l k v store) = ternaryOp k v store $ ustoreInsert l compileExpr (UGet l ekey estore) = binaryOp ekey estore (ustoreGet l) compileExpr (UMem l ekey estore) = binaryOp ekey estore (ustoreMem l) compileExpr (UUpdate l ekey evalue estore) = ternaryOp ekey evalue estore (ustoreUpdate l) compileExpr (UDelete l ekey estore) = binaryOp ekey estore (ustoreDelete l) compileExpr (ObjMan fldAcc) = compileObjectManipulation fldAcc compileExpr (Construct fields) = IndigoState $ \md -> let cd = L.construct $ rmap (\e -> fieldCtor $ gcCode $ runIndigoState (compileExpr e) md) fields in GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) cd L.drop compileExpr (ConstructWithoutNamed fields) = IndigoState $ \md -> let fieldCtrs = castFieldConstructors @a $ rmap (fieldCtor . gcCode . usingIndigoState md . compileExpr) fields in GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) (L.construct @a fieldCtrs) L.drop compileExpr (Name _ e) = unaryOp e forcedCoerce_ compileExpr (UnName _ e) = unaryOp e forcedCoerce_ compileExpr (Slice ex1 ex2 ex3) = ternaryOp ex1 ex2 ex3 L.slice compileExpr (Cast ex) = unaryOp ex L.cast compileExpr (Concat ex1 ex2) = binaryOp ex1 ex2 L.concat compileExpr (Concat' ex) = unaryOp ex L.concat' compileExpr (ImplicitAccount kh) = unaryOp kh L.implicitAccount compileExpr Now = nullaryOp L.now compileExpr Sender = nullaryOp L.sender compileExpr Amount = nullaryOp L.amount compileExpr (CheckSignature pk sig bs) = ternaryOp pk sig bs L.checkSignature compileExpr (Sha256 c) = unaryOp c L.sha256 compileExpr (Sha512 c) = unaryOp c L.sha512 compileExpr (Blake2b c) = unaryOp c L.blake2B compileExpr (HashKey hk) = unaryOp hk L.hashKey compileExpr ChainId = nullaryOp L.chainId compileExpr Balance = nullaryOp L.balance compileExpr EmptySet = nullaryOp L.emptySet compileExpr (Get k m) = binaryOp k m L.get compileExpr EmptyMap = nullaryOp L.emptyMap compileExpr EmptyBigMap = nullaryOp L.emptyBigMap compileExpr (Exec inp lambda) = binaryOp inp lambda L.exec compileExpr (NonZero e) = unaryOp e L.nonZero -- | Convert arbitrary 'IndigoObjectF' into 'Expr', -- having converter for fields. objToExpr :: forall a f . (forall name . f name -> Expr (GetFieldType a name)) -> IndigoObjectF f a -> Expr a objToExpr _ (Cell refId) = V (Cell @a refId) objToExpr convExpr (Decomposed fields) = ConstructWithoutNamed $ namedToTypedRec @a convExpr fields -- | Compile 'IndigoObjectF' to a stack cell, -- having a function which compiles inner fields. compileObjectF :: forall a inp f . (forall name . f name -> Expr (GetFieldType a name)) -> IndigoObjectF f a -> IndigoState inp (a & inp) () compileObjectF _ (Cell ref) = do md@(MetaData s _) <- iget iput $ GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) (varActionGet @a ref s) L.drop compileObjectF conv obj = compileExpr $ objToExpr conv obj -- | Compile 'ObjectManipulation' datatype to a cell on the stack. -- This function leverages 'ObjManipulationRes' to put off actual field compilation. compileObjectManipulation :: forall a inp . ObjectManipulation a -> IndigoState inp (a & inp) () compileObjectManipulation fa = case runObjectManipulation fa of StillObject composite -> compileObjectF unNamedFieldExpr composite OnStack comp -> comp -- | 'ObjManipulationRes' represents a postponed compilation of -- 'ObjectManipulation' datatype. When 'ObjectManipulation' is being compiled -- we are trying to put off the generation of code for work with an object -- because we can just go to a deeper field without its "materialization" -- onto stack. data ObjManipulationRes inp a where StillObject :: ObjectExpr a -> ObjManipulationRes inp a OnStack :: IndigoState inp (a & inp) () -> ObjManipulationRes inp a -- | This function might look cumbersome -- but it basically either goes deeper to an inner field or generates Lorentz code. runObjectManipulation :: ObjectManipulation x -> ObjManipulationRes inp x runObjectManipulation (Object e) = exprToManRes e runObjectManipulation (ToField (v :: ObjectManipulation dt) (targetLb :: Label fname)) = case runObjectManipulation v of -- In case of decomposed fields, we just go deeper. StillObject (Decomposed fields) -> case fieldLens @dt @fname of -- If we access direct field, we just fetch it from fields TargetField lb _ -> exprToManRes $ unNamedFieldExpr (fetchField @dt lb fields) -- If we access deeper field, we fetch direct field and goes to the deeper field DeeperField lb _ -> let fe = unNamedFieldExpr $ fetchField @dt lb fields in runObjectManipulation (ToField (Object fe) targetLb) -- If stored object as cell on the stack, we get its field -- using 'sopToField', and since this moment 'ObjManipulationRes becomes -- a computation, not object anymore. StillObject (Cell refId) -> OnStack $ unaryOp (V $ Cell refId) (sopToField @dt (flSFO fieldLens) targetLb) -- If we already got into computation, we use 'sopToField' to fetch field. OnStack compLHS -> OnStack $ IndigoState $ \md -> let cd = gcCode $ runIndigoState compLHS md in GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) (cd # sopToField (flSFO fieldLens) targetLb) L.drop runObjectManipulation (SetField (ev :: ObjectManipulation dt) (targetLb :: Label fname) ef) = case runObjectManipulation ev of StillObject lhsObj@(Decomposed fields) -> case fieldLens @dt @fname of -- If we set direct field, we just reassign its value with new one. TargetField lb _ -> StillObject $ Decomposed $ assignField @dt lb (NamedFieldExpr ef) fields -- If we set deeper field, we need to call recursively -- from a direct field, and set a target field of direct field. -- Getting a new value of direct field, we set the direct field to this value. DeeperField (lb :: Label interm) _ -> let fe = unNamedFieldExpr (fetchField @dt lb fields) in -- Computing new value of direct field case runObjectManipulation (SetField (Object fe) targetLb ef) of -- If it's still object, we just reassign direct field with it. StillObject updField -> StillObject $ Decomposed $ assignField @dt lb (NamedFieldExpr $ objToExpr unNamedFieldExpr updField) fields -- Otherwise, we use power of 'L.setField' to set a new value. OnStack rhs -> setFieldOnStack (compileObjectF unNamedFieldExpr lhsObj) rhs (L.setField @dt @interm lb) -- If stored object is Cell on stack, we set its field -- using 'sopSetField', and since this moment 'ObjManipulationRes' becomes -- a computation, not object anymore. StillObject (Cell refId) -> OnStack $ binaryOp ef (V $ Cell refId) $ sopSetField (flSFO fieldLens) targetLb -- If we already got into computation, we use 'sopSetField' to set a field. OnStack compLHS -> setFieldOnStack compLHS (compileExpr ef) (sopSetField (flSFO $ fieldLens @dt) targetLb) where setFieldOnStack :: IndigoState inp (dt & inp) () -> IndigoState (dt & inp) (fld & dt & inp) () -> fld & dt & inp :-> dt & inp -> ObjManipulationRes inp dt setFieldOnStack lhs rhs setOp = OnStack $ IndigoState $ \md -> let GenCode _ md1 cdObj _cl1 = runIndigoState lhs md in let GenCode _ _md2 cdFld _cl2 = runIndigoState rhs md1 in GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) (cdObj # cdFld # setOp) L.drop -- | Convert an expression to 'ObjManipulationRes'. -- The function pattern matches on some specific cases -- of expression those compilation into a stack cell may be postponed. -- They include 'Decomposed' variables and 'ConstructWithoutNamed' expressions. -- -- This function can't be called for 'ObjMan' constructor, but we -- take care of it just in case. exprToManRes :: forall x inp . Expr x -> ObjManipulationRes inp x exprToManRes (ObjMan objMan) = runObjectManipulation objMan exprToManRes (ConstructWithoutNamed fields) = StillObject $ Decomposed $ typedToNamedRec @x NamedFieldExpr fields exprToManRes (V (Decomposed fields)) = StillObject $ Decomposed $ rmap (\(NamedFieldVar f) -> NamedFieldExpr $ V f) fields exprToManRes (V (Cell refId)) = StillObject $ Cell refId exprToManRes ex = OnStack $ compileExpr ex ternaryOp :: forall n m l ex1 ex2 ex3 res inp. (AreExprs ex1 ex2 n m, IsExpr ex3 l, KnownValue res) => ex1 -> ex2 -> ex3 -> n & m & l & inp :-> res & inp -> IndigoState inp (res & inp) () ternaryOp e1 e2 e3 opCode = IndigoState $ \md -> let GenCode _ md3 cd3 _cl3 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e3) md in let GenCode _ md2 cd2 _cl2 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e2) md3 in let GenCode _ _md1 cd1 _cl1 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e1) md2 in GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) (cd3 # cd2 # cd1 # opCode) L.drop binaryOp :: forall n m ex1 ex2 res inp . (AreExprs ex1 ex2 n m, KnownValue res) => ex1 -> ex2 -> n & m & inp :-> res & inp -> IndigoState inp (res & inp) () binaryOp e1 e2 opCode = IndigoState $ \md -> let GenCode _ md2 cd2 _cl2 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e2) md in let GenCode _ _md1 cd1 _cl1 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e1) md2 in GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) (cd2 # cd1 # opCode) L.drop unaryOp :: forall n ex res inp . (IsExpr ex n, KnownValue res) => ex -> n & inp :-> res & inp -> IndigoState inp (res & inp) () unaryOp e opCode = IndigoState $ \md -> let cd = gcCode $ runIndigoState (compileToExpr e) md in GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) (cd # opCode) L.drop nullaryOp :: KnownValue res => inp :-> res ': inp -> IndigoState inp (res ': inp) () nullaryOp lorentzInstr = IndigoState $ \md -> GenCode () (pushNoRefMd md) lorentzInstr L.drop ternaryOpFlat :: forall n m l ex1 ex2 ex3 inp. (AreExprs ex1 ex2 n m, IsExpr ex3 l) => ex1 -> ex2 -> ex3 -> n & m & l & inp :-> inp -> IndigoState inp inp () ternaryOpFlat e1 e2 e3 opCode = IndigoState $ \md -> let GenCode _ md3 cd3 _cl3 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e3) md in let GenCode _ md2 cd2 _cl2 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e2) md3 in let GenCode _ _md1 cd1 _cl1 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e1) md2 in GenCode () md (cd3 # cd2 # cd1 # opCode) L.nop binaryOpFlat :: forall n m ex1 ex2 inp . (AreExprs ex1 ex2 n m) => ex1 -> ex2 -> n & m & inp :-> inp -> IndigoState inp inp () binaryOpFlat e1 e2 opCode = IndigoState $ \md -> let GenCode _ md2 cd2 _cl2 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e2) md in let GenCode _ _md1 cd1 _cl1 = runIndigoState (compileToExpr e1) md2 in GenCode () md (cd2 # cd1 # opCode) L.nop unaryOpFlat :: forall n ex inp . (IsExpr ex n) => ex -> n & inp :-> inp -> IndigoState inp inp () unaryOpFlat e opCode = IndigoState $ \md -> let cd = gcCode $ runIndigoState (compileToExpr e) md in GenCode () md (cd # opCode) L.nop nullaryOpFlat :: inp :-> inp -> IndigoState inp inp () nullaryOpFlat lorentzInstr = IndigoState $ \md -> GenCode () md lorentzInstr L.nop compileToExpr :: ToExpr a => a -> IndigoState inp ((ExprType a) & inp) () compileToExpr = compileExpr . toExpr