-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tocqueville Group -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-TQ -- | List of functions that generate the files for 'FileGen'. module FileGen.Files ( main , basic , mainTest , basicTest , changelog , readme , gitignore , packageYaml , stackYaml , indigoSnapshotYaml , indigoDependenceSnapshotYaml ) where import Data.FileEmbed (embedStringFile) import Data.String.Interpolate (i) import Helper main :: Text main = [i|module Main ( main ) where import Universum import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty (Doc, linebreak) import Main.Utf8 (withUtf8) import Lorentz (DGitRevision(..)) import Lorentz.ContractRegistry import System.Environment (withProgName) import qualified Basic programInfo :: DGitRevision -> Opt.ParserInfo CmdLnArgs programInfo gitRev = Opt.info (Opt.helper <*> argParser contracts gitRev) $ mconcat [ Opt.fullDesc , Opt.progDesc "#{indigoDesc}" , Opt.header "#{indigoTitle}" , Opt.footerDoc $ Just usageDoc ] usageDoc :: Doc usageDoc = mconcat [ "You can use help for specific COMMAND", linebreak , "EXAMPLE:", linebreak , " #{indigoRunCommand} print --help", linebreak ] contracts :: ContractRegistry contracts = ContractRegistry $ Map.fromList [ "Basic" ?:: ContractInfo { ciContract = Basic.basicContractLorentz , ciIsDocumented = True , ciStorageParser = Just (pure Basic.emptyStorage) , ciStorageNotes = Nothing } ] main :: IO () main = withUtf8 $ withProgName "#{indigoRunCommand}" $ do cmdLnArgs <- Opt.execParser (programInfo DGitRevisionUnknown) runContractRegistry contracts cmdLnArgs `catchAny` (die . displayException) |] basic :: Text basic = [i|module Basic ( basicContractLorentz , emptyStorage ) where import Indigo import Lorentz.Run (Contract) basicContractLorentz :: Contract Integer Integer basicContractLorentz = defaultContract $ compileIndigoContract basicContract basicContract :: IndigoContract Integer Integer basicContract param = defContract do storage += param emptyStorage :: Integer emptyStorage = 0 int storage :: HasStorage Integer => Var Integer storage = storageVar |] basicTest :: Text basicTest = [i|module Test.Basic ( unit_updates_storage_properly ) where import Basic (basicContractLorentz) import Lorentz import Lorentz.Test import Michelson.Test.Integrational import Michelson.Typed.Convert import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion) unit_updates_storage_properly :: Assertion unit_updates_storage_properly = integrationalTestExpectation $ do contractAddr <- originate (convertContract $ compileLorentzContract basicContractLorentz) "basic" (untypeValue $ toVal (10 :: Integer)) (zeroMutez) let txData = TxData { tdSenderAddress = genesisAddress , tdParameter = TxTypedParam $ toVal (90 :: Integer) , tdEntrypoint = DefEpName , tdAmount = zeroMutez } transfer txData contractAddr expectStorageConst contractAddr $ untypeValue $ toVal (100 :: Integer) |] mainTest :: Text mainTest = "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF tasty-discover #-}\n" changelog :: Text -> Text changelog projectName = [i|# Changelog for #{projectName} ## Unreleased changes |] readme :: Text -> Text readme projectName = [i|# #{projectName} |] gitignore :: Text gitignore = unlines [ ".stack-work/" , "*~" ] packageYaml :: Text -> Text packageYaml projectName = [i|name: #{projectName} version: github: "githubuser/#{projectName}" author: "Author name here" maintainer: "example@example.com" copyright: "2020 Author name here" extra-source-files: - README.md - ChangeLog.md description: Please see the README on GitHub at verbatim: cabal-version: 2.2 default-extensions: - AllowAmbiguousTypes - BangPatterns - BlockArguments - ConstraintKinds - DataKinds - DefaultSignatures - DeriveAnyClass - DeriveDataTypeable - DeriveFoldable - DeriveFunctor - DeriveGeneric - DeriveTraversable - DerivingStrategies - DerivingVia - EmptyCase - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - GADTs - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - LambdaCase - MultiParamTypeClasses - MultiWayIf - NamedFieldPuns - NegativeLiterals - NumDecimals - OverloadedLabels - OverloadedStrings - PatternSynonyms - PolyKinds - QuasiQuotes - RankNTypes - RecordWildCards - RecursiveDo - ScopedTypeVariables - StandaloneDeriving - StrictData - TemplateHaskell - TupleSections - TypeApplications - TypeFamilies - TypeOperators - UndecidableInstances - UndecidableSuperClasses - ViewPatterns dependencies: - name: base version: ">= 4.7 && < 5" ghc-options: - -Weverything - -Wno-missing-exported-signatures - -Wno-missing-import-lists - -Wno-missed-specialisations - -Wno-all-missed-specialisations - -Wno-unsafe - -Wno-safe - -Wno-missing-local-signatures - -Wno-monomorphism-restriction - -Wno-implicit-prelude library: source-dirs: src default-extensions: [ RebindableSyntax ] ghc-options: [ -Wno-unused-do-bind ] generated-other-modules: - Paths_#{useUnderscore projectName} dependencies: - containers - fmt - indigo - lorentz - morley - text executables: #{projectName}: main: Main.hs source-dirs: app dependencies: - #{projectName} - containers - morley - lorentz - indigo - optparse-applicative - universum - with-utf8 tests: #{projectName}-test: main: Main.hs source-dirs: test build-tools: tasty-discover:tasty-discover ghc-options: - -threaded - -eventlog - -rtsopts - '"-with-rtsopts=-N -A64m -AL256m"' dependencies: - #{projectName} - cleveland - containers - fmt - hspec - hspec-expectations - HUnit - lorentz - morley - tasty - tasty-hspec - tasty-hunit-compat |] stackYaml :: Text stackYaml = [i|resolver: indigo-dependence-snapshot.yaml packages: - . nix: packages: [zlib] |] indigoSnapshotYaml :: Text indigoSnapshotYaml = $(embedStringFile "./snapshots/indigo-snapshot.yaml") indigoDependenceSnapshotYaml :: Text indigoDependenceSnapshotYaml = $(embedStringFile "./snapshots/indigo-dependence-snapshot.yaml")