infernu- Type inference and checker for JavaScript (experimental)

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




newtype Fix f Source




unFix :: f (Fix f)


Substable Type

applySubst for Types >>> applySubst (Map.fromList [(0, Fix $ TBody TNumber)]) (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0) Fix (TBody TNumber) >>> applySubst (Map.fromList [(0, Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd Nothing)]) (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0) Fix (TRow (TRowEnd Nothing)) >>> applySubst (Map.fromList [(0, Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd Nothing)]) (Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd $ Just $ RowTVar 0) Fix (TRow (TRowEnd Nothing)) >>> applySubst (Map.fromList [(0, Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd Nothing)]) (Fix $ TRow $ TRowProp "bla" (schemeEmpty $ Fix $ TBody TString) (TRowEnd $ Just $ RowTVar 0)) Fix (TRow (TRowProp "bla" (TScheme {schemeVars = [], schemeType = TQual {qualPred = [], qualType = Fix (TBody TString)}}) (TRowEnd Nothing)))

VarNames Type

VarNames instance for Type t

>>> freeTypeVars (Fix $ TBody TNumber)
fromList []
>>> freeTypeVars (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0)
fromList [0]
>>> freeTypeVars (Fix $ TFunc [Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0] (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 1))
fromList [0,1]
>>> freeTypeVars (Fix $ TFunc [] (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 1))
fromList [1]
>>> freeTypeVars $ (Fix $ (TRow (TRowEnd (Just $ RowTVar 3))) :: Type)
fromList [3]
Pretty Type 
Eq (f (Fix f)) => Eq (Fix f) 
Ord (f (Fix f)) => Ord (Fix f) 
Show (f (Fix f)) => Show (Fix f) 
Substable (TRowList Type) 
VarNames (FType (Fix FType)) 
Pretty [Type] 
Pretty (FType Type) 

fmapReplace :: (Functor f, Eq (f a)) => (f a -> f b -> a -> b) -> f a -> f b -> f a -> f b Source

replaceFix :: (Functor f, Eq (f (Fix f))) => f (Fix f) -> f (Fix f) -> Fix f -> Fix f Source

fixToList :: Foldable t => Fix t -> [Fix t] Source

Flattens a fix-type to a list of all tree nodes

>>> fixToList $ (Fix $ TCons TArray [Fix $ TCons TArray [Fix $ TBody TNumber]])
[Fix (TCons TArray [Fix (TCons TArray [Fix (TBody TNumber)])]),Fix (TCons TArray [Fix (TBody TNumber)]),Fix (TBody TNumber)]
>>> fixToList $ (Fix $ TRow $ TRowProp "x" (TScheme [] $ Fix $ TBody TNumber) (TRowEnd Nothing))
[Fix (TRow (TRowProp "x" (TScheme {schemeVars = [], schemeType = Fix (TBody TNumber)}) (TRowEnd Nothing))),Fix (TBody TNumber)]