{-# LANGUAGE CPP           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Infernu.Unify
       (unify, unifyAll, unifyl, unifyRowPropertyBiased, unifyPredsL, unifyPending)

import           Control.Monad        (forM, forM_, when, unless)
import           Data.List            (intercalate)

import           Data.Either          (rights)
import           Data.Map.Lazy        (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy        as Map
import           Data.Maybe           (catMaybes, mapMaybe)

import           Data.Set             (Set)
import qualified Data.Set             as Set
import           Prelude              hiding (foldl, foldr, mapM, sequence)

import           Infernu.Prelude
import           Infernu.Builtins.Array (arrayRowType)
import           Infernu.Builtins.Regex (regexRowType)
import           Infernu.Builtins.String (stringRowType)
import           Infernu.Decycle
import           Infernu.InferState
import           Infernu.Lib          (matchZip)
import           Infernu.Log
import           Infernu.Pretty
import           Infernu.Types


tryMakeRow :: FType Type -> Infer (Maybe (TRowList Type))
tryMakeRow (TCons TArray [t]) = Just <$> arrayRowType t
tryMakeRow (TBody TRegex) = Just <$> regexRowType
tryMakeRow (TBody TString) = Just <$> stringRowType
tryMakeRow _ = return Nothing


type UnifyF = Source -> Type -> Type -> Infer ()

unify :: UnifyF
unify = decycledUnify

-- | Unifies given types, using the namedTypes from the infer state
-- >>> let p = emptySource
-- >>> let u x y = runInfer $ unify p x y >> getMainSubst
-- >>> let du x y = unify p x y >> getMainSubst
-- >>> let fromRight (Right x) = x
-- >>> u (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0) (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 1)
-- Right (fromList [(0,Fix (TBody (TVar 1)))])
-- >>> u (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 1) (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0)
-- Right (fromList [(1,Fix (TBody (TVar 0)))])
-- >>> u (Fix $ TBody $ TNumber) (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0)
-- Right (fromList [(0,Fix (TBody TNumber))])
-- >>> u (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0) (Fix $ TBody $ TNumber)
-- Right (fromList [(0,Fix (TBody TNumber))])
-- >>> u (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0) (Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd $ Just $ RowTVar 1)
-- Right (fromList [(0,Fix (TRow (TRowEnd (Just (RowTVar 1)))))])
-- >>> u (Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0) (Fix $ TRow $ TRowProp "x" (schemeEmpty $ Fix $ TBody TNumber) (TRowEnd $ Just $ RowTVar 1))
-- Right (fromList [(0,Fix (TRow (TRowProp "x" (TScheme {schemeVars = [], schemeType = TQual {qualPred = [], qualType = Fix (TBody TNumber)}}) (TRowEnd (Just (RowTVar 1))))))])
-- >>> let row1 z = (Fix $ TRow $ TRowProp "x" (schemeEmpty $ Fix $ TBody TNumber) (TRowEnd z))
-- >>> let sCloseRow = fromRight $ u (row1 $ Just $ RowTVar 1) (row1 Nothing)
-- >>> pretty $ applySubst sCloseRow (row1 $ Just $ RowTVar 1)
-- "{x: Number}"
-- Simple recursive type:
-- >>> let tvar0 = Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0
-- >>> let tvar3 = Fix $ TBody $ TVar 3
-- >>> let recRow = Fix $ TRow $ TRowProp "x" (schemeEmpty tvar0) $ TRowProp "y" (schemeEmpty tvar3) (TRowEnd $ Just $ RowTVar 2)
-- >>> let s = fromRight $ u tvar0 recRow
-- >>> s
-- fromList [(0,Fix (TCons (TName (TypeId 1)) [Fix (TBody (TVar 2)),Fix (TBody (TVar 3))]))]
-- >>> applySubst s tvar0
-- Fix (TCons (TName (TypeId 1)) [Fix (TBody (TVar 2)),Fix (TBody (TVar 3))])
-- >>> :{
-- pretty $ runInfer $ do
--     s <- du tvar0 recRow
--     let (Fix (TCons (TName n1) targs1)) = applySubst s tvar0
--     t <- unrollName p n1 targs1
--     return t
-- :}
-- "{x: <Named Type: mu 'B'. c d>, y: d, ..c}"
-- Unifying a rolled recursive type with its (unequal) unrolling should yield a null subst:
-- >>> :{
-- runInfer $ do
--     s <-  du tvar0 recRow
--     let rolledT = applySubst s tvar0
--     let (Fix (TCons (TName n1) targs1)) = rolledT
--     unrolledT <- unrollName p n1 targs1
--     du rolledT unrolledT
--     return (rolledT == unrolledT)
-- :}
-- Right False
-- >>> :{
-- pretty $ runInfer $ do
--     du tvar0 recRow
--     let tvar4 = Fix . TBody . TVar $ 4
--         tvar5 = Fix . TBody . TVar $ 5
--     s2 <- du recRow (Fix $ TRow $ TRowProp "x" (schemeEmpty tvar4) $ TRowProp "y" (schemeEmpty tvar5) (TRowEnd Nothing))
--     return $ applySubst s2 recRow
-- :}
-- "{x: <Named Type: mu 'B'. {} f>, y: f}"
-- >>> let rec2 = Fix $ TCons TFunc [recRow, Fix $ TBody TNumber]
-- >>> :{
-- pretty $ runInfer $ do
--     s1 <- du tvar0 rec2
--     return $ applySubst s1 $ qualEmpty rec2
-- :}
-- "(this: {x: <Named Type: mu 'B'. c d>, y: d, ..c} -> TNumber)"
-- >>> :{
-- runInfer $ do
--     s1 <- du tvar0 rec2
--     s2 <- du tvar0 rec2
--     return $ (applySubst s1 (qualEmpty rec2) == applySubst s2 (qualEmpty rec2))
-- :}
-- Right True
-- Test generalization/instantiation of recursive types
-- >>> :{
-- pretty $ runInfer $ do
--     s1 <- du tvar0 rec2
--     generalize (ELit "bla" LitUndefined) Map.empty $ applySubst s1 $ qualEmpty rec2
-- :}
-- "forall c d. (this: {x: <Named Type: mu 'B'. c d>, y: d, ..c} -> TNumber)"
-- >>> :{
-- putStrLn $ fromRight $ runInfer $ do
--     s1 <- du tvar0 rec2
--     tscheme <- generalize (ELit "bla" LitUndefined) Map.empty $ applySubst s1 $ qualEmpty rec2
--     Control.Monad.forM_ [1,2..10] $ const fresh
--     t1 <- instantiate tscheme
--     t2 <- instantiate tscheme
--     unrolledT1 <- unrollName p (TypeId 1) [Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd Nothing]
--     return $ concat $ Data.List.intersperse "\n"
--                           [ pretty tscheme
--                           , pretty t1
--                           , pretty t2
--                           , pretty unrolledT1
--                           ]
-- :}
-- forall c d. (this: {x: <Named Type: mu 'B'. c d>, y: d, ..c} -> TNumber)
-- (this: {x: <Named Type: mu 'B'. m n>, y: n, ..m} -> TNumber)
-- (this: {x: <Named Type: mu 'B'. o p>, y: p, ..o} -> TNumber)
-- (this: {x: <Named Type: mu 'B'. {} d>, y: d} -> TNumber)
decycledUnify :: UnifyF
decycledUnify = decycle3 unify''

unlessEq :: (Monad m, Eq a) => a -> a -> m () -> m ()
unlessEq x y = unless (x == y)

mkTypeErrorMessage :: Pretty a => a -> a -> Maybe TypeError -> [Char]
mkTypeErrorMessage t1 t2 mte =
    concat [ "\n"
           , "  Failed unifying:  "
           , prettyTab 6 t1
           , "\n"
           , "             With:  "
           , prettyTab 6 t2
           , case mte of
                 Nothing -> ""
                         --   "             With:  "
                 Just te -> "\n          Because:  " ++ prettyTab 2 (message te)
unify'' :: Maybe UnifyF -> UnifyF
unify'' Nothing _ t1 t2 = traceLog $ "breaking infinite recursion cycle, when unifying: " ++ pretty t1 ++ " ~ " ++ pretty t2
unify'' (Just recurse) a t1 t2 =
  do traceLog $ "unifying: " ++ pretty t1 ++ " ~ " ++ pretty t2
     s <- getMainSubst
     let t1' = unFix $ applySubst s t1
         t2' = unFix $ applySubst s t2
     traceLog $ "unifying (substed): " ++ pretty t1 ++ " ~ " ++ pretty t2
     let wrap' te = TypeError { source = source te,
                                message = mkTypeErrorMessage t1 t2 (Just te)
     mapError wrap' $ unify' recurse a t1' t2'

unificationError :: (VarNames x, Pretty x) => Source -> x -> x -> Infer b
unificationError pos x y = throwError pos $ mkTypeErrorMessage a b Nothing
  where [a, b] = minifyVars [x, y]

assertNoPred :: QualType -> Infer Type
assertNoPred q =
    do  unless (null $ qualPred q) $ fail $ "Assertion failed: pred in " ++ pretty q
        return $ qualType q

-- | Main unification function
unify' :: UnifyF -> Source -> FType (Fix FType) -> FType (Fix FType) -> Infer ()

-- | Type variables
unify' _ a (TBody (TVar n)) t = varBind a n (Fix t)
unify' _ a t (TBody (TVar n)) = varBind a n (Fix t)

-- -- | undefined
-- unify' _ _ (TBody TUndefined) _ = return () -- TODO verify this is ok. undefined being treated as "bottom" type here.

-- | Two simple types
unify' _ a (TBody x) (TBody y) = unlessEq x y $ unificationError a x y

-- | Two recursive types
unify' recurse a t1@(TCons (TName n1) targs1) t2@(TCons (TName n2) targs2) =
    if n1 == n2
    then case matchZip targs1 targs2 of
             Nothing -> unificationError a t1 t2
             Just targs -> unifyl recurse a targs
        do let unroll' = unrollName a
           t1' <- unroll' n1 targs1
           t2' <- unroll' n2 targs2
           -- TODO don't ignore qual preds...
           mapM_ assertNoPred [t1', t2']
           recurse a (qualType t1') (qualType t2')

-- | A recursive type and another type
unify' recurse a (TCons (TName n1) targs1) t2 =
    unrollName a n1 targs1
    >>= assertNoPred
    >>= flip (recurse a) (Fix t2)
unify' recurse a t1 (TCons (TName n2) targs2) =
    unrollName a n2 targs2
    >>= assertNoPred
    >>= recurse a (Fix t1)

-- | A type constructor vs. a simple type
unify' _ a t1@(TBody _) t2@(TCons _ _) = unificationError a t1 t2
unify' _ a t1@(TCons _ _) t2@(TBody _) = unificationError a t1 t2
-- | A function vs. a simple type
unify' _ a t1@(TBody _) t2@(TFunc _ _) = unificationError a t1 t2
unify' _ a t1@(TFunc _ _) t2@(TBody _) = unificationError a t1 t2

-- | A function vs. a type constructor                                         
unify' _ a t1@(TFunc _ _) t2@(TCons _ _) = unificationError a t1 t2
unify' _ a t1@(TCons _ _) t2@(TFunc _ _) = unificationError a t1 t2

-- | Two type constructors
unify' recurse a t1@(TCons n1 ts1) t2@(TCons n2 ts2) =
  do  when (n1 /= n2) $ unificationError a t1 t2
      case matchZip ts1 ts2 of
        Nothing -> unificationError a t1 t2
        Just ts -> unifyl recurse a ts

-- | Two functions
unify' recurse a t1@(TFunc ts1 tres1) t2@(TFunc ts2 tres2) =
    case matchZip ts1 ts2 of
        Nothing -> unificationError a t1 t2
        Just ts -> do  loop' ts
                       recurse a tres2 tres1

            where loop' [] = return ()
                  -- This allows passing any value as a function's argument which should have type
                  -- 'undefined' added to deal with 'this' being inferred to be 'undefined' if a
                  -- function is ever called without a 'this'.  allows us to call standalone
                  -- functions even when as a method dispatch (obj.f) that DOES pass a non-undefined
                  -- 'this'.
                  loop' ((Fix (TBody TUndefined), _):ts') = loop' ts'
                  loop' ((x,y):ts') =
                      do  recurse a x y
                          loop' ts'
-- | Type constructor vs. row type
unify' r a (TRow tRowList) t2@(TCons _ _)  = unifyTryMakeRow r a True  tRowList t2
unify' r a t1@(TCons _ _)  (TRow tRowList) = unifyTryMakeRow r a False tRowList t1
unify' r a (TRow tRowList) t2@(TBody _)    = unifyTryMakeRow r a True  tRowList t2
unify' r a t1@(TBody _)   (TRow tRowList)  = unifyTryMakeRow r a False tRowList t1
unify' r a (TRow tRowList) t2@(TFunc _ _)  = unifyTryMakeRow r a True  tRowList t2
unify' r a t1@(TFunc _ _)  (TRow tRowList) = unifyTryMakeRow r a False tRowList t1

-- | Two row types
-- TODO: un-hackify!
unify' recurse a t1@(TRow row1) t2@(TRow row2) =
  unlessEq t1 t2 $ do
     let (m2, r2) = flattenRow row2
         names2 = Set.fromList $ Map.keys m2
         (m1, r1) = flattenRow row1
         names1 = Set.fromList $ Map.keys m1
         commonNames = Set.toList $ names1 `Set.intersection` names2

         --namesToTypes :: Map EPropName (TScheme t) -> [EPropName] -> [t]
         -- TODO: This ignores quantified variables in the schemes.
         -- It should be AT LEAST alpha-equivalence below (in the unifyl)
         namesToTypes m = mapMaybe $ flip Map.lookup m

         --commonTypes :: [(Type, Type)]
         commonTypes = zip (namesToTypes m1 commonNames) (namesToTypes m2 commonNames)

     forM_ commonTypes $ \(ts1, ts2) -> unifyRowPropertyBiased' recurse a (unificationError a ts1 ts2) (ts1, ts2)
     r <- RowTVar <$> fresh
     unifyRows recurse a r (t1, names1, m1) (t2, names2, r2)
     unifyRows recurse a r (t2, names2, m2) (t1, names1, r1)

unifyTryMakeRow :: UnifyF -> Source -> Bool -> TRowList Type -> FType Type -> Infer ()
unifyTryMakeRow r a leftBiased tRowList t2 =
  do let tRow = TRow tRowList
     res <- tryMakeRow t2
     case res of
      Nothing -> unificationError a tRow t2
      Just rowType -> if leftBiased
                      then r a (Fix tRow) (Fix $ TRow rowType)
                      else r a (Fix $ TRow rowType) (Fix tRow)

unifyRowPropertyBiased :: Source -> Infer () -> (TypeScheme, TypeScheme) -> Infer ()
unifyRowPropertyBiased = unifyRowPropertyBiased' unify

-- | TODO: This hacky piece of code implements a simple 'subtyping' relation between
-- type schemes.  The logic is that if the LHS type is "more specific" than we allow
-- unifying with the RHS.  Instead of actually checking properly for subtyping
-- (including co/contra variance, etc.) we allow normal unification in two cases,
-- and fail all others:
-- 1. If the LHS is not quanitified at all
-- 2. If the LHS is a function type quantified only on the type of 'this'
unifyRowPropertyBiased' :: UnifyF -> Source -> Infer () -> (TypeScheme, TypeScheme) -> Infer ()
unifyRowPropertyBiased' recurse a errorAction (scheme1s, scheme2s) =
   do traceLog ("Unifying type schemes: " ++ pretty scheme1s ++ " ~ " ++ pretty scheme2s)
      let crap = Fix $ TBody TUndefined
          unifySchemes' = do traceLog ("Unifying schemes: " ++ pretty scheme1s ++ " ~~ " ++ pretty scheme2s)
                             scheme1T <- instantiate scheme1s
                             scheme2T <- instantiate scheme2s
                             -- TODO unify predicates properly (review this) - specificaly (==)
                             -- should prevent cycles!
                             --Pred.unify (unify a) (qualPred scheme1) (qualPred scheme2)
                             -- TODO do something with pred'
                             unifyPredsL a $ (qualPred scheme1T) ++ (qualPred scheme2T)
                             recurse a (qualType scheme1T) (qualType scheme2T)
          isSimpleScheme =
            -- TODO: note we are left-biased here - assuming that t1 is the 'target', can be more specific than t2
            case scheme1s of
             TScheme [] _ -> True
             _ -> False
      -- TODO should do biased type scheme unification here
      unless (areEquivalentNamedTypes (crap, scheme1s) (crap, scheme2s))
          $ if isSimpleScheme || (length (schemeVars scheme1s) == length (schemeVars scheme2s)) -- isSimpleScheme
            then unifySchemes'
            else errorAction

unifyRows :: (VarNames x, Pretty x) => UnifyF -> Source -> RowTVar
               -> (x, Set EPropName, Map EPropName TypeScheme)
               -> (x, Set EPropName, FlatRowEnd Type)
               -> Infer ()
unifyRows recurse a r (t1, names1, m1) (t2, names2, r2) =
    do let in1NotIn2 = names1 `Set.difference` names2
           rowTail = case r2 of
                      FlatRowEndTVar (Just _) -> FlatRowEndTVar $ Just r
                      _ -> r2
--                                              fmap (const r) r2
           in1NotIn2row = tracePretty "in1NotIn2row" $ Fix . TRow . unflattenRow m1 rowTail $ flip Set.member in1NotIn2

       case r2 of
         FlatRowEndTVar Nothing -> if Set.null in1NotIn2
                    then varBind a (getRowTVar r) (Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd Nothing)
                    else unificationError a t1 t2
         FlatRowEndTVar (Just r2') -> recurse a in1NotIn2row (Fix . TBody . TVar $ getRowTVar r2')
         FlatRowEndRec tid ts -> recurse a in1NotIn2row (Fix $ TCons (TName tid) ts)

-- | Unifies pairs of types, accumulating the substs
unifyl :: UnifyF -> Source -> [(Type, Type)] -> Infer ()
unifyl r a = mapM_ $ uncurry $ r a

-- | Checks if a type var name appears as a free type variable nested somewhere inside a row type.
-- >>> getSingleton $ isInsideRowType 0 (Fix (TBody $ TVar 0))
-- Nothing
-- >>> getSingleton $ isInsideRowType 0 (Fix (TRow $ TRowEnd (Just $ RowTVar 0)))
-- Just Fix (TRow (TRowEnd (Just (RowTVar 0))))
-- >>> getSingleton $ isInsideRowType 0 (Fix (TRow $ TRowEnd (Just $ RowTVar 1)))
-- Nothing
-- >>> getSingleton $ isInsideRowType 0 (Fix (TFunc [Fix $ TBody $ TVar 0] (Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd (Just $ RowTVar 1))))
-- Nothing
-- >>> getSingleton $ isInsideRowType 0 (Fix (TFunc [Fix $ TBody $ TVar 1] (Fix $ TRow $ TRowEnd (Just $ RowTVar 0))))
-- Just Fix (TRow (TRowEnd (Just (RowTVar 0))))
isInsideRowType :: TVarName -> Type -> Set Type
isInsideRowType n (Fix t) =
  case t of
   TRow t' -> if n `Set.member` freeTypeVars t'
              then Set.singleton $ Fix t
              else Set.empty
   _ -> foldr (\x l -> isInsideRowType n x `Set.union` l) Set.empty t
--   _ -> unOrBool $ fst (traverse (\x -> (OrBool $ isInsideRowType n x, x)) t)

getSingleton :: Set a -> Maybe a
getSingleton s = case foldr (:) [] s of
                     [x] -> Just x
                     _ -> Nothing

varBind :: Source -> TVarName -> Type -> Infer ()
varBind a n t =
  do s <- varBind' a n t
     applySubstInfer s

varBind' :: Source -> TVarName -> Type -> Infer TSubst
varBind' a n t | t == Fix (TBody (TVar n)) = return nullSubst
               | Just rowT <- getSingleton $ isInsideRowType n t =
                   do traceLog ("===> Generalizing mu-type: " ++ pretty n ++ " recursive in: " ++ pretty t ++ ", found enclosing row type: " ++ " = " ++ pretty rowT)
                      recVar <- fresh
                      let withRecVar = replaceFix (unFix rowT) (TBody (TVar recVar)) t
                          recT = replaceFix (TBody (TVar n)) (unFix withRecVar) rowT
                      namedType <- getNamedType recVar recT
                      -- let (TCons (TName n1) targs1) = unFix namedType
                      -- t' <- unrollName a n1 targs1
                      traceLog $ "===> Resulting mu type: " ++ pretty n ++ " = " ++ pretty withRecVar
                      return $ singletonSubst recVar namedType `composeSubst` singletonSubst n withRecVar
               | n `Set.member` freeTypeVars t = let f = minifyVarsFunc t
                                                 in throwError a $ "Occurs check failed: " ++ pretty (f n) ++ " in " ++ pretty (mapVarNames f t)
               | otherwise = return $ singletonSubst n t

unifyAll :: Source -> [Type] -> Infer ()
unifyAll a ts = unifyl decycledUnify a $ zip ts (drop 1 ts)

unifyPredsL :: Source -> [TPred Type] -> Infer [TPred Type]
unifyPredsL a ps = catMaybes <$>
    do  forM ps $ \p@(TPredIsIn className t) ->
                  do  entry <- ((a,t,) . (className,) . Set.fromList . classInstances) <$> lookupClass className
                               `failWithM` throwError a ("Unknown class: " ++ pretty className ++ " in pred list: " ++ pretty ps)
                      remainingAmbiguities <- unifyAmbiguousEntry entry
                      case remainingAmbiguities of
                          Nothing -> return Nothing
                          Just ambig ->
                              do  addPendingUnification ambig
                                  return $ Just p

isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
isRight (Right _) = True
isRight _  = False

catLefts :: [Either a b] -> [a]
catLefts [] = []
catLefts (Left a:xs) = a:(catLefts xs)
catLefts (Right _:xs) = catLefts xs
unifyAmbiguousEntry :: (Source, Type, (ClassName, Set TypeScheme)) -> Infer (Maybe (Source, Type, (ClassName, Set TypeScheme)))
unifyAmbiguousEntry (a, t, (ClassName className, tss)) = 
    do  let unifAction ts =
                do inst <- instantiateScheme False ts >>= assertNoPred
                   unify a inst t
        unifyResults <- forM (Set.toList tss) $ \instScheme -> (instScheme, ) <$> runSubInfer (unifAction instScheme >> getState)
        let survivors = filter (isRight . snd) unifyResults
        case rights $ map snd survivors of
            []         -> do t' <- applyMainSubst t
                             throwError a $ concat [ intercalate "\n\n" $ "" : (map (prettyTab 2 . message) . catLefts $ map snd $ unifyResults)
                                                   , "\n\n"
                                                   , "While trying to find matching instance of typeclass "
                                                   , "\n    "
                                                   , prettyTab 1 className
                                                   , "\nfor type:\n    "
                                                   , prettyTab 1 t'
            [newState] -> setState newState >> return Nothing
            _          -> return . Just . (\x -> (a, t, (ClassName className, x))) . Set.fromList . map fst $ survivors

unifyPending :: Infer ()
unifyPending = getPendingUnifications >>= loop
    where loop pu =
              do  newEntries <- forM (Set.toList pu) unifyAmbiguousEntry
                  let pu' = Set.fromList $ catMaybes newEntries
                  setPendingUnifications pu'
                  when (pu' /= pu) $ loop pu'
--             do  newEntries <- forM (Set.toList pu) $ \entry@((src, ts), t) ->
--                                 do  t' <- applyMainSubst t
--                                     let unifAction = do inst <- instantiate ts >>= assertNoPred
--                                                         inst' <- applyMainSubst inst
--                                                         unify src inst' t'
--                                     result <- runSubInfer $ unifAction >> getState