module Text.Inflections.Tests where import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Data.List (group) import Data.Char (toLower) import Text.Inflections import Text.Inflections.Parse.Types (Word(..)) {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-} tests :: [Test] tests = [testGroup "dasherize" [ testCase "foo bar -> foo-bar" test_dasherize1 ], testGroup "transliterate" [ testCase "Without substitutions" test_correctTransliterationWithoutSubs , testCase "With substitutions" test_correctTransliterationWithSubs , testCase "Missing subs" test_correctTransliterationMissingSubs ], testGroup "parameterize" [ testProperty "Contains only valid chars" prop_parameterize1 , testProperty "Does not begin with a separator character" prop_parameterize2 , testProperty "Does not end in a separator character" prop_parameterize3 , testProperty "All alphanumerics in input exist in output" prop_parameterize4 , testProperty "Doesn't have subsequences of more than one hyphen" prop_parameterize5 ] ] test_correctTransliterationWithoutSubs :: Assertion test_correctTransliterationWithoutSubs = transliterate "this is a test" @?= "this is a test" test_correctTransliterationWithSubs :: Assertion test_correctTransliterationWithSubs = transliterate "Feliz año nuevo" @?= "Feliz ano nuevo" test_correctTransliterationMissingSubs :: Assertion test_correctTransliterationMissingSubs = transliterate "Have a ❤ ñ!" @?= "Have a ? n!" fromRight :: Either a b -> b fromRight (Left _) = error "Either.Unwrap.fromRight: Argument takes form 'Left _'" fromRight (Right x) = x isRight :: Either a b -> Bool isRight (Left _) = False isRight (Right _) = True test_dasherize1 :: Assertion test_dasherize1 = "foo-bar" @?= dasherize [Word "foo", Word "bar"] prop_parameterize1 :: String -> Bool prop_parameterize1 sf = all (`elem` (alphaNumerics ++ "-_")) $ parameterize sf prop_parameterize2 :: String -> Property prop_parameterize2 s = (not . null) parameterized ==> head parameterized /= '-' where parameterized = parameterize s prop_parameterize3 :: String -> Property prop_parameterize3 s = (not . null) parameterized ==> last parameterized /= '-' where parameterized = parameterize s prop_parameterize4 :: String -> Bool prop_parameterize4 s = all (\c -> c `notElem` alphaNumerics || c `elem` (alphaNumerics ++ "-") && c `elem` parameterized) $ map toLower s where parameterized = parameterize s prop_parameterize5 :: String -> Bool prop_parameterize5 s = longestSequenceOf '-' parameterized <= 1 where parameterized = parameterize s -- Helper functions and shared tests longestSequenceOf :: Char -> String -> Int longestSequenceOf _ [] = 0 longestSequenceOf c s = if null subseqLengths then 0 else maximum subseqLengths where subseqLengths = (map length . filter (\str -> head str == c) . group) s numMatching :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int numMatching char str = length $ filter (== char) str alphaNumerics :: String alphaNumerics = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9']