{- | Copyright: (c) 2020 Thomas Tuegel SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Maintainer: Thomas Tuegel <ttuegel@mailbox.org> -} module Projection ( Projection (..) , Section (..) ) where import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set {- | @Projection@ describes a lossless conversion that extracts (projects out) one type from another. The sole method of this class, > project :: whole -> part takes a value @input :: whole@ and extracts a value @output :: part@ which was included entirely in the @input@. @project@ must /cover/ @part@, that is, every value in @part@ must the output of @project@ for some value in @whole@. In mathematical terminology, @project@ is /surjective/: > forall y. exists x. project x = y We might also say that it /projects/ @input :: whole@ onto its equivalent class; the typeclass gets its name from this terminology. @Projection@ models the "has-a" relationship used in languages with subtypes (such as in object-oriented programming), but an explicit cast with @project@ is required in Haskell. Although it is often possible to infer the type parameters of this class, it is advisable to specify one or both of the parameters to @project@ using a type signature or the @TypeApplications@ language extension. Specifying the type parameters will give clearer error messages from the type checker in any case. -} class Projection whole part where project :: whole -> part {- | @Section@ undoes a 'Projection'. The method > update :: whole -> part -> whole is the (right) inverse of 'project': > project (update x y) = y In mathematics, /section/ refers generically to the right inverse of a morphism. Keeping with Haskell tradition, we are borrowing this generic term and using it in a very specific way: @Section@ is the right inverse of @Projection@ in particular. Although it is often possible to infer the type parameters of this class, it is advisable to specify one or both of the parameters to @retract@ using a type signature or the @TypeApplications@ language extension. Specifying the type parameters will give clearer error messages from the type checker in any case. -} class Projection whole part => Section whole part where update :: whole -> part -> whole instance Projection a a where project :: a -> a project = a -> a forall a. a -> a id {-# INLINE project #-} instance Section a a where update :: a -> a -> a update a _ = a -> a forall a. a -> a id {-# INLINE update #-} instance Ord key => Projection [(key, value)] (Map key value) where project :: [(key, value)] -> Map key value project = [(key, value)] -> Map key value forall key value. Ord key => [(key, value)] -> Map key value Map.fromList {-# INLINE project #-} instance Ord key => Projection [key] (Set key) where project :: [key] -> Set key project = [key] -> Set key forall key. Ord key => [key] -> Set key Set.fromList {-# INLINE project #-}