{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Language.C.Inline.Cpp as C import qualified Language.C.Inline.Context as CC import qualified Language.C.Types as CT import qualified Language.C.Inline.Cpp.Exception as C import qualified Language.C.Inline.Cpp.Exceptions as Legacy import Foreign.C.String (withCString) import Foreign.StablePtr (StablePtr, newStablePtr, castStablePtrToPtr) import qualified Test.Hspec as Hspec import Test.Hspec (shouldBe) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr) import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Monoid import qualified StdVector import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS data Test data Array a data Tuple a C.context $ C.cppCtx <> C.fptrCtx <> C.cppTypePairs [ ("Test::Test", [t|Test|]), ("std::array", [t|Array|]), ("std::tuple", [t|Tuple|]) ] `mappend` StdVector.stdVectorCtx C.include "" C.include "" C.include "" C.include "" C.include "" C.include "test.h" data MyCustomException = MyCustomException Int deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) instance Exception MyCustomException StdVector.instanceStdVector "int" StdVector.instanceStdVector "double" main :: IO () main = Hspec.hspec $ do Hspec.describe "Basic C++" $ do Hspec.it "Hello World" $ do let x = 3 [C.block| void { std::cout << "Hello, world!" << $(int x) << std::endl; } |] Hspec.describe "C++ Types" $ do Hspec.it "Hello Namespace" $ do pt <- [C.block| Test::Test* { return new Test::Test(); } |] :: IO (Ptr Test) [C.block| void { std::cout << $(Test::Test* pt)->get() << std::endl; } |] Hspec.it "Hello Template" $ do pt <- [C.block| std::vector* { return new std::vector(); } |] :: IO (Ptr (StdVector.CStdVector C.CInt)) [C.block| void { $(std::vector* pt)->push_back(100); std::cout << (*$(std::vector* pt))[0] << std::endl; } |] Hspec.it "Template + Namespace" $ do pt <- [C.block| std::vector* { return new std::vector(); } |] :: IO (Ptr (StdVector.CStdVector Test)) [C.block| void { $(std::vector* pt)->push_back(Test::Test()); } |] Hspec.it "Template with 2 arguments" $ do pt <- [C.block| std::array* { return new std::array(); } |] :: IO (Ptr (Array '(C.CInt,10))) [C.block| void { (*$(std::array* pt))[0]=true; std::cout << (*$(std::array* pt))[0] << std::endl; } |] Hspec.it "Template with 6 arguments" $ do pt <- [C.block| std::tuple* { return NULL; } |] :: IO (Ptr (Tuple '(C.CInt,C.CInt,C.CInt,C.CInt,C.CInt,C.CInt))) [C.block| void { $(std::tuple* pt) = NULL; } |] Hspec.describe "Exception handling" $ do Hspec.it "std::exceptions are caught" $ do result <- try [C.catchBlock| throw std::runtime_error("C++ error message"); |] result `shouldBeCppStdException` "Exception: C++ error message; type: std::runtime_error" Hspec.it "non-exceptions are caught (unsigned int)" $ do result <- try [C.catchBlock| throw 0xDEADBEEF; |] result `shouldBeCppOtherException` (Just "unsigned int") Hspec.it "non-exceptions are caught (void *)" $ do result <- try [C.catchBlock| throw (void *)0xDEADBEEF; |] result `shouldBeCppOtherException` (Just "void*") Hspec.it "non-exceptions are caught (std::string)" $ do result <- try [C.catchBlock| throw std::string("FOOBAR"); |] case result of Left (C.CppNonStdException ex (Just ty)) -> do ("string" `BS.isInfixOf` ty) `shouldBe` True [C.throwBlock| int { std::exception_ptr *e = $fptr-ptr:(std::exception_ptr *ex); if (!e) throw std::runtime_error("Exception was null"); try { std::cerr << "throwing..." << std::endl; std::rethrow_exception(*e); } catch (std::string &foobar) { if (foobar == "FOOBAR") return 42; else return 1; } catch (...) { return 2; } return 3; }|] >>= \r -> r `shouldBe` 42 _ -> error ("Expected Left CppOtherException with string type, but got " ++ show result) Hspec.it "catch without return (pure)" $ do result <- [C.tryBlock| void { throw std::runtime_error("C++ error message"); } |] result `shouldBeCppStdException` "Exception: C++ error message; type: std::runtime_error" Hspec.it "try and return without throwing (pure)" $ do result <- [C.tryBlock| int { return 123; } |] result `shouldBeRight` 123 Hspec.it "return maybe throwing (pure)" $ do result <- [C.tryBlock| int { if(1) return 123; else throw std::runtime_error("C++ error message"); } |] result `shouldBeRight` 123 Hspec.it "return definitely throwing (pure)" $ do result <- [C.tryBlock| int { if(0) return 123; else throw std::runtime_error("C++ error message"); } |] result `shouldBeCppStdException` "Exception: C++ error message; type: std::runtime_error" Hspec.it "catch without return (pure)" $ do result <- [C.tryBlock| void { throw std::runtime_error("C++ error message"); } |] result `shouldBeCppStdException` "Exception: C++ error message; type: std::runtime_error" Hspec.it "try and return without throwing (throw)" $ do result :: Either C.CppException C.CInt <- try [C.throwBlock| int { return 123; } |] result `shouldBeRight` 123 Hspec.it "return maybe throwing (throw)" $ do result :: Either C.CppException C.CInt <- try [C.throwBlock| int { if(1) return 123; else throw std::runtime_error("C++ error message"); } |] result `shouldBeRight` 123 Hspec.it "return definitely throwing (throw)" $ do result <- try [C.throwBlock| int { if(0) return 123; else throw std::runtime_error("C++ error message"); } |] result `shouldBeCppStdException` "Exception: C++ error message; type: std::runtime_error" Hspec.it "return throwing Haskell" $ do let exc = toException $ userError "This is from Haskell" let doIt = withCString (displayException exc) $ \renderedException -> do stablePtr <- newStablePtr exc let stablePtr' = castStablePtrToPtr stablePtr [C.throwBlock| int { if(0) return 123; else throw HaskellException(HaskellException(std::string($(const char *renderedException)), $(void *stablePtr'))); } |] let isTheError e | e == userError "This is from Haskell" = True isTheError _ = False doIt `Hspec.shouldThrow` isTheError Hspec.it "return throwing custom Haskell exception" $ do let exc = toException $ MyCustomException 42 let doIt = withCString (displayException exc) $ \renderedException -> do stablePtr <- newStablePtr exc let stablePtr' = castStablePtrToPtr stablePtr [C.throwBlock| int { if(0) return 123; else throw HaskellException(HaskellException(std::string($(const char *renderedException)), $(void *stablePtr'))); } |] let isTheError (MyCustomException 42) = True isTheError _ = False doIt `Hspec.shouldThrow` isTheError Hspec.it "catch without return (throw)" $ do result <- try [C.throwBlock| void { throw std::runtime_error("C++ error message"); } |] result `shouldBeCppStdException` "Exception: C++ error message; type: std::runtime_error" Hspec.it "code without exceptions works normally" $ do result :: Either C.CppException C.CInt <- try $ C.withPtr_ $ \resPtr -> [C.catchBlock| *$(int* resPtr) = 0xDEADBEEF; |] result `shouldBeRight` 0xDEADBEEF Hspec.describe "Macros" $ do Hspec.it "generated std::vector instances work correctly" $ do intVec <- StdVector.new @C.CInt StdVector.pushBack intVec 4 StdVector.pushBack intVec 5 hsIntVec <- StdVector.toVector intVec VS.toList hsIntVec `shouldBe` [ 4, 5 ] doubleVec <- StdVector.new @C.CDouble StdVector.pushBack doubleVec 4.3 StdVector.pushBack doubleVec 6.7 hsDoubleVec <- StdVector.toVector doubleVec VS.toList hsDoubleVec `shouldBe` [ 4.3, 6.7 ] Hspec.it "Template with pointers" $ do pt <- [C.block| std::vector* { return new std::vector(); } |] :: IO (Ptr (StdVector.CStdVector (Ptr C.CInt))) [C.block| void { int *a = new int; *a = 100; $(std::vector* pt)->push_back(a); std::cout << *((*$(std::vector* pt))[0]) << std::endl; delete a; delete $(std::vector* pt); } |] tag :: C.CppException -> String tag (C.CppStdException {}) = "CppStdException" tag (C.CppHaskellException {}) = "CppHaskellException" tag (Legacy.CppOtherException {}) = "CppStdException" shouldBeCppStdException :: Either C.CppException a -> String -> IO () shouldBeCppStdException (Left (Legacy.CppStdException actualMsg)) expectedMsg = do actualMsg `Hspec.shouldBe` expectedMsg shouldBeCppStdException (Left x) expectedMsg = tag x `Hspec.shouldBe` ("CppStdException " <> show expectedMsg) shouldBeCppStdException (Right _) expectedMsg = "Right _" `Hspec.shouldBe` ("Left (CppStdException " <> show expectedMsg <> ")") shouldBeCppOtherException :: Either C.CppException a -> Maybe String -> IO () shouldBeCppOtherException (Left (Legacy.CppOtherException actualType)) expectedType = do actualType `Hspec.shouldBe` expectedType shouldBeCppOtherException (Left x) expectedType = tag x `Hspec.shouldBe` ("CppOtherException " <> show expectedType) shouldBeCppOtherException (Right _) expectedType = "Right _" `Hspec.shouldBe` ("Left (CppOtherException " <> show expectedType <> ")") shouldBeRight :: (Eq a, Show a) => Either C.CppException a -> a -> IO () shouldBeRight (Right actual) expected = actual `Hspec.shouldBe` expected shouldBeRight (Left e) expected = ("Left (" <> tag e <> " {})") `Hspec.shouldBe` ("Right " <> (show expected))