A module containing interleaving behaviour combinators. See the engage
function for some details and examples. A much fuller explanation of this
entire library is provided in the forthcoming article in Issue 17 of The Monad
Reader which will be published at http://themonadreader.wordpress.com/.
- data InterleaveT f a
- engage :: Monad f => InterleaveT f a -> f a
- engageMany :: (Monad f, Alternative f) => [InterleaveT f a] -> f [a]
- alongside :: Alternative f => InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f b -> InterleaveT f (a, b)
- alongside_ :: Alternative f => InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f b -> InterleaveT f ()
- alongsideMerge :: (Alternative f, Monoid a) => InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f a
- endAfter :: Functor f => InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f a
- endWhen :: Functor f => (a -> Bool) -> InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f a
- once :: Functor f => f a -> InterleaveT f (Maybe a)
- once_ :: Functor f => f a -> InterleaveT f ()
- upTo :: Functor f => Int -> f a -> InterleaveT f [a]
- upTo_ :: Functor f => Int -> f a -> InterleaveT f ()
- inOrder :: Functor f => [f a] -> InterleaveT f [a]
- inOrder_ :: Functor f => [f a] -> InterleaveT f ()
- unlimited :: Functor f => f a -> InterleaveT f [a]
- unlimited_ :: Functor f => f a -> InterleaveT f ()
- unlimitedRecurse :: Functor f => (a -> f (b, a)) -> a -> InterleaveT f [b]
- unlimitedRecurse_ :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> InterleaveT f ()
data InterleaveT f a Source
This data-type represents potentially-many actions in the f
/ Alternative
that will result in returning a value of type a
See engage
for more details.
The Functor
instance is straightforward. The <*>
operator in the Applicative
runs the left-hand side and right-hand side alongside
each other, and afterwards
it applies the left-hand function to the right-hand value.
Functor f => Functor (InterleaveT f) | |
Alternative f => Applicative (InterleaveT f) |
engage :: Monad f => InterleaveT f a -> f aSource
Offers the given behaviour until either the finite set of actions is exhausted, or one of the explicit termination constructs is triggered.
For example:
engage $ unlimited p `alongside` unlimited q
will repeatedly offer p
and q
without ever terminating.
engage $ upTo 3 p `alongside` upTo 5 q
will do p
three times and q
5 times (in any mixed order) then finish.
engage $ unlimited p `alongside` unlimited q `alongside` endAfter (once r)
will offer p repeatedly and q repeatedly and r, until r happens, at which point the behaviour will end.
engage $ once p `alongside` endAfter (once q)
will offer p and q; if p happens first it will wait for q, but if q happens first it will finish.
engage $ once p `alongside` endAfter (once q) `alongside` endAfter (once r)
permits p to happen at most once, while either of q or r happening will finish the call.
All sorts of combinations are possible, but it is important to note that you
need at least one endAfter
or endWhen
event if you ever intend a call involving
(or similar) to finish. Some
laws involving engage
(ignoring the types and return values) are:
engage (unlimited p) == forever p engage (once p) == Just <$> p engage (endAfter (once p)) == engage (once p) engage (endAfter (once p) `alongside` endAfter (once q)) == p <|> q
Most other uses of engage
and alongside
do not reduce down to simple
programs, which is of course the attraction of the combinators.
engageMany :: (Monad f, Alternative f) => [InterleaveT f a] -> f [a]Source
Offers all the given behaviours together, and gives back a list of the outcomes.
This is roughly a shorthand for engage . foldr1 alongside
, except that if you
pass the empty list, you simply get the empty list returned (rather than an
alongside :: Alternative f => InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f b -> InterleaveT f (a, b)Source
Offers one behaviour alongside another.
This operation is semantically associative and commutative.
alongside_ :: Alternative f => InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f b -> InterleaveT f ()Source
Like alongside
but discards the results.
alongsideMerge :: (Alternative f, Monoid a) => InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f aSource
endAfter :: Functor f => InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f aSource
Acts like the given item, but when it has no more actions to take, ends the entire call to engage
So this code:
engage $ unlimited p `alongside` endAfter (once q)
Will terminate after q
occurs. In contrast, this code:
engage $ unlimited p `alongside` once q
will never terminate because it can always offer to perform q.
endWhen :: Functor f => (a -> Bool) -> InterleaveT f a -> InterleaveT f aSource
once :: Functor f => f a -> InterleaveT f (Maybe a)Source
Offers the given behaviour, and when it occurs, does not offer it again.
Returns Just
the result if the behaviour happens, otherwise gives Nothing
once m
is equivalent to listToMaybe <$> upTo 1 m
(and thus also listToMaybe
<$> inOrder [m]
upTo :: Functor f => Int -> f a -> InterleaveT f [a]Source
Offers the given behaviour up to the given number of times, returning a list of the results (in chronological order, earliest first).
upTo n
is equivalent to inOrder . replicate n
inOrder :: Functor f => [f a] -> InterleaveT f [a]Source
Offers the given list of items, in order.
unlimited :: Functor f => f a -> InterleaveT f [a]Source
Repeatedly offers the given behaviour. A list is returned (in chronological order,
earliest first) of the results of each occurrence of the behaviour. If you
don't want these results, it is better to use unlimited_
to avoid a space
is equivalent to inOrder . repeat
unlimited_ :: Functor f => f a -> InterleaveT f ()Source
Like unlimited
, but discards the output. Useful if the event is likely
to occur many times, and you don't need the results.
unlimitedRecurse :: Functor f => (a -> f (b, a)) -> a -> InterleaveT f [b]Source
Like unlimited
, but allows some state (of type a
) to be passed from one
subsequent call to another, as well as generating the results of type b
To begin with the function (first parameter) will be called with the initial
state (second parameter). If chosen, it will return the new state, and a result
to be accumulated into the list. The second call to the function will be passed
the new state, to then return the even newer state and a second result, and
so on.
If you want to use this with the StateT monad transformer from the mtl library, you can call:
unlimitedRecurse (runStateT myStateAction) initialState where myStateAction :: StateT s m a initialState :: s
unlimitedRecurse_ :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> InterleaveT f ()Source
Like unlimitedRecurse
, but does not accumulate a list of results.
If you want to use this with the StateT monad transformer from the mtl library, you can call:
unlimitedRecurse (execStateT myStateAction) initialState where myStateAction :: StateT s m a initialState :: s