{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where -- tag::import-declarations[] import IntervalAlgebra import IntervalAlgebra.IntervalDiagram import Data.Bifunctor ( Bifunctor(..) ) import Data.List ( sort ) import Data.Time ( addDays, fromGregorian, secondsToDiffTime, Day, UTCTime(..) ) import Witch ( into ) import Data.Set ( fromList, difference, Set ) -- end::import-declarations[] main :: IO () main = do -- Add file header ----------------------------------------------------------- putStrLn "Generated by running `cabal run tutorial -v0 > tutorial/TutorialMain.out`" putStrLn "Do not edit by hand\n\n" -- show Interval examples ---------------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::interval-show-print[]" putStr "\n-- An example Interval Integer" putStr "\nprint ivInteger\n---> " print ivInteger putStr "\n-- An example Interval Day" putStr "\nprint ivDay\n---> " print ivDay putStr "\n-- An example Interval UTCTime" putStr "\nprint ivUTC\n---> " print ivUTC putStrLn "-- end::interval-show-print[]" -- Basic Interval instances examples ------------------------------------------ putStrLn "-- tag::interval-basic-instances-print[]" putStr "\nprint $ ivInteger == ivInteger\n---> " print $ ivInteger == ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ ivDay < ivDay\n---> " print $ ivDay < ivDay putStr "\nprint $ show ivInteger\n---> " print $ show ivInteger putStrLn "-- end::interval-basic-instances-print[]" -- parseInterval examples ---------------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::parseinterval-print[]" putStr "\nprint rightIvInteger\n---> " print rightIvInteger putStr "\nprint leftIvInteger\n---> " print leftIvInteger putStr "\nprint rightIvDay\n---> " print rightIvDay putStr "\nprint rightIvUTC\n---> " print rightIvUTC putStrLn "-- end::parseinterval-print[]" -- safeInterval examples ----------------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::safeinterval-print[]" putStr "\nprint ivInteger\n---> " print ivInteger putStr "\nprint ivMinDurInteger\n---> " print ivMinDurInteger putStr "\nprint ivInteger\n---> " print ivInteger putStr "\nprint ivDay\n---> " print ivDay putStr "\nprint ivUTC\n---> " print ivUTC putStrLn "-- end::safeinterval-print[]" -- beginerval and enderval examples ------------------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::beginerval-enderval-print[]" putStr "\nprint (beginerval 2 3 :: Interval Integer)\n---> " print (beginerval 2 3 :: Interval Integer) putStr "\nprint (beginerval (-2) 3 :: Interval Integer)\n---> " print (beginerval (-2) 3 :: Interval Integer) putStr "\nprint (enderval 2 12 :: Interval Integer)\n---> " print (enderval 2 12 :: Interval Integer) putStr "\nprint (enderval (-2) 12 :: Interval Integer)\n---> " print (enderval (-2) 12 :: Interval Integer) putStrLn "-- end::beginerval-enderval-print[]" -- Creating moments examples -------------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::creating-moments-print[]" putStr "\nprint (beginervalMoment 11 :: Interval Integer)\n---> " print (beginervalMoment 11 :: Interval Integer) putStr "\nprint (endervalMoment 11 :: Interval Integer)\n---> " print (endervalMoment 11 :: Interval Integer) putStrLn "-- end::creating-moments-print[]" -- Creating PairedIntervals examples -------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::creating-pairedinterval-print[]" putStr "\nprint pairListstringInteger\n---> " print pairListstringInteger putStr "\nprint pairStringDay\n---> " print pairStringDay putStrLn "-- end::creating-pairedinterval-print[]" -- Basic PairedInterval instances examples ------------------------------------ putStrLn "-- tag::pairedinterval-basic-instances-print[]" putStr "\nprint $ pairStringDay == pairStringDay\n---> " print $ pairStringDay == pairStringDay putStr "\nprint $ pairListstringInteger < pairListstringInteger\n---> " print $ pairListstringInteger < pairListstringInteger putStr "\nprint $ show pairStringDay\n---> " print $ show pairStringDay putStrLn "-- end::pairedinterval-basic-instances-print[]" -- Getting/setting PairedInterval intervals example -------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::pairedinterval-getset-intervals-print[]" putStr "\nprint pairListstringInteger\n---> " print pairListstringInteger putStr "\nprint $ getInterval pairListstringInteger\n---> " print $ getInterval pairListstringInteger putStr "\nprint $ setInterval pairListstringInteger (safeInterval (4, 9) :: Interval Integer)\n---> " print $ setInterval pairListstringInteger (safeInterval (4, 9) :: Interval Integer) putStr "\nprint $ intervals [pairListstringInteger, pairListstringInteger]\n---> " print $ intervals [pairListstringInteger, pairListstringInteger] putStr "\nprint $ begin pairListstringInteger\n---> " print $ begin pairListstringInteger putStr "\nprint $ end pairListstringInteger\n---> " print $ end pairListstringInteger putStrLn "-- end::pairedinterval-getset-intervals-print[]" -- Example getting/setting PairedInterval data ------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::pairedinterval-getset-data-print[]" putStr "\nprint pairStringDay\n---> " print pairStringDay putStr "\nprint $ getPairData pairStringDay\n---> " print $ getPairData pairStringDay putStr "\nprint $ makePairedInterval \"ski trip\" (getInterval pairStringDay)\n---> " print $ makePairedInterval "ski trip" (getInterval pairStringDay) putStrLn "-- end::pairedinterval-getset-data-print[]" -- Intervallic interval instance examples ------------------------------------------------------ putStrLn "-- tag::intervallic-interval-instance-print[]" putStr "\nprint ivInteger\n---> " print ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ getInterval ivInteger\n---> " print $ getInterval ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ setInterval ivInteger (beginerval 3 12 :: Interval Integer)\n---> " print $ setInterval ivInteger (beginerval 3 12 :: Interval Integer) putStr "\nprint $ begin ivInteger\n---> " print $ begin ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ end ivInteger\n---> " print $ end ivInteger putStrLn "-- end::intervallic-interval-instance-print[]" -- IntervalSizeable instance examples ------------------------------------------------------ putStrLn "-- tag::intervalsizeable-instance-print[]" putStr "\nprint ivDay\n---> " print ivDay putStr "\nprint $ moment @Day\n---> " print $ moment @Day putStr "\nprint $ duration ivDay\n---> " print $ duration ivDay putStr "\nprint $ add 15 (begin ivDay)\n---> " print $ add 15 (begin ivDay) putStr "\nprint $ diff (add 15 (begin ivDay)) (begin ivDay)\n---> " print $ diff (add 15 (begin ivDay)) (begin ivDay) putStrLn "-- end::intervalsizeable-instance-print[]" -- IntervalCombineable Interval examples ------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::intervalcombinable-interval-print[]" putStrLn "\n-- The Just Interval formed from combining the Intervals, since iv0to2 `meets` iv2to5" putStr "print $ iv0to2 .+. iv2to5\n---> " print $ iv0to2 .+. iv2to5 putStrLn "\n-- A Nothing since iv0to2 doesn't `meets` iv5to8" putStr "print $ iv0to2 .+. iv5to8\n---> " print $ iv0to2 .+. iv5to8 putStrLn "\n-- The Just Interval formed from the end of the first and the beginning of the\n-- second, since iv0to2 is `before` iv5to8" putStr "print $ iv0to2 >< iv5to8\n---> " print $ iv0to2 >< iv5to8 putStrLn "\n-- A Nothing since iv0to2 isn't `before` iv2to5" putStr "print $ iv0to2 >< iv2to5\n---> " print $ iv0to2 >< iv2to5 putStrLn "-- end::intervalcombinable-interval-print[]" -- IntervalCombineable PairedInterval examples ------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::intervalcombinable-pairedinterval-print[]" putStrLn "\n-- The Just Interval formed from combining the Intervals and taking the data\n-- portion from the second argument, since iv0to2 `meets` iv2to5" putStr "print $ makePairedInterval \"a\" iv0to2 .+. makePairedInterval \"b\" iv2to5\n---> " print $ makePairedInterval "a" iv0to2 .+. makePairedInterval "b" iv2to5 putStrLn "\n-- A Nothing since iv0to2 doesn't `meets` iv5to8" putStr "print $ makePairedInterval \"a\" iv0to2 .+. makePairedInterval \"b\" iv5to8\n---> " print $ makePairedInterval "a" iv0to2 .+. makePairedInterval "b" iv5to8 putStrLn "\n-- The Just Interval formed from spanning the Intervals and taking the data\n-- portion from the `mempty` method of the Monoid String instance, since\n-- iv0to2 is `before` iv5to8" putStr "print $ makePairedInterval \"a\" iv0to2 >< makePairedInterval \"b\" iv5to8\n---> " print $ makePairedInterval "a" iv0to2 >< makePairedInterval "b" iv5to8 putStrLn "\n-- A Nothing since iv0to2 isn't `before` iv2to5" putStr "print $ makePairedInterval \"a\" iv0to2 >< makePairedInterval \"b\" iv2to5\n---> " print $ makePairedInterval "a" iv0to2 >< makePairedInterval "b" iv2to5 putStrLn "-- end::intervalcombinable-pairedinterval-print[]" -- Expanding intervals examples ----------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::expanding-intervals-print[]" putStr "\nprint ivInteger\n---> " print ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ expandl 4 ivInteger\n---> " print $ expandl 4 ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ expandl 0 ivInteger\n---> " print $ expandl 0 ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ expandr 5 ivInteger\n---> " print $ expandr 5 ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ expandr (-3) ivInteger\n---> " print $ expandr (-3) ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ expand 4 5 ivInteger\n---> " print $ expand 4 5 ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ expand 0 (-3) ivInteger\n---> " print $ expand 0 (-3) ivInteger putStrLn "-- end::expanding-intervals-print[]" -- Sharing an endpoint interval examples ----------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::sharing-endpoint-interval-print[]" putStr "\nprint ivInteger\n---> " print ivInteger putStr "\nbeginervalFromEnd 5 ivInteger\n---> " print $ beginervalFromEnd 5 ivInteger putStr "\nbeginervalFromEnd (-2) ivInteger\n---> " print $ beginervalFromEnd (-2) ivInteger putStr "\nendervalFromBegin 12 ivInteger\n---> " print $ endervalFromBegin 12 ivInteger putStr "\nendervalFromBegin (-6) ivInteger\n---> " print $ endervalFromBegin (-6) ivInteger putStr "\nprint $ momentize ivInteger\n---> " print $ momentize ivInteger putStrLn "-- end::sharing-endpoint-interval-print[]" -- Example shifting intervals ----------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::shifting-intervals-print[]" putStr "\nprint [iv2to4, iv5to8]\n---> " print [iv2to4, iv5to8] putStr "\nprint ivDay\n---> " print ivDay putStr "\nprint $ shiftFromBegin iv2to4 iv5to8\n---> " print $ shiftFromBegin iv2to4 iv5to8 putStr "\nprint $ shiftFromBegin ivDay ivDay\n---> " print $ shiftFromBegin ivDay ivDay putStr "\nprint $ shiftFromEnd iv2to4 iv5to8\n---> " print $ shiftFromEnd iv2to4 iv5to8 putStr "\nprint $ shiftFromEnd ivDay ivDay\n---> " print $ shiftFromEnd ivDay ivDay putStrLn "-- end::shifting-intervals-print[]" -- Relations variables diagram example -------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::relations-variables-diagram-print[]" print $ pretty diagr putStrLn "-- end::relations-variables-diagram-print[]" -- Composing relations examples ------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::composing-relations-print[]" putStr "\nprint endedPriorRelations\n---> " print endedPriorRelations putStr "\nprint notEndedPriorRelations\n---> " print notEndedPriorRelations putStr "\nprint notEndedPriorRelations'\n---> " print notEndedPriorRelations' putStr "\nprint intervalRelations'\n---> " print intervalRelations' putStr "\nprint empty\n---> " print empty putStrLn "-- end::composing-relations-print[]" -- Composing predicates v1 examples --------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::composing-predicates-1-print[]" putStr "\nprint $ iv0to2 `precedes` iv3to6" putStr "\nprint $ iv0to2 `meets` iv3to6" putStr "\nprint $ iv0to2 `endedPrior` iv3to6\n---> " print $ iv0to2 `precedes` iv3to6 putStr "---> " print $ iv0to2 `meets` iv3to6 putStr "---> " print $ iv0to2 `endedPrior` iv3to6 putStrLn "-- end::composing-predicates-1-print[]" -- Composing predicates v2 examples --------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::composing-predicates-2-print[]" putStr "\nprint $ iv0to2 `precedes` iv2to4" putStr "\nprint $ iv0to2 `meets` iv2to4" putStr "\nprint $ iv0to2 `endedPrior` iv2to4\n---> " print $ iv0to2 `precedes` iv2to4 putStr "---> " print $ iv0to2 `meets` iv2to4 putStr "---> " print $ iv0to2 `endedPrior` iv2to4 putStrLn "-- end::composing-predicates-2-print[]" -- Composing predicates v3 examples --------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::composing-predicates-3-print[]" putStr "\nprint $ iv5to8 `precedes` iv2to4" putStr "\nprint $ iv5to8 `meets` iv2to4" putStr "\nprint $ iv5to8 `endedPrior` iv2to4\n---> " print $ iv5to8 `precedes` iv2to4 putStr "---> " print $ iv5to8 `meets` iv2to4 putStr "---> " print $ iv5to8 `endedPrior` iv2to4 putStrLn "-- end::composing-predicates-3-print[]" -- Extended example 1 examples -------------------------------------------------------- putStrLn "-- tag::extended-example-1-print[]" putStr "\nprint $ head results\n---> " print $ head results putStr "\nprint $ results !! 1\n---> " print $ results !! 1 putStr "\nprint $ results !! 2\n---> " print $ results !! 2 putStr "\nprint $ results !! 3\n---> " print $ results !! 3 putStrLn "-- end::extended-example-1-print[]" -- tag::parseinterval-examples[] rightIvInteger :: Either ParseErrorInterval (Interval Integer) rightIvInteger = parseInterval 0 2 leftIvInteger :: Either ParseErrorInterval (Interval Integer) leftIvInteger = parseInterval 2 2 rightIvDay :: Either ParseErrorInterval (Interval Day) rightIvDay = parseInterval (fromGregorian 1967 01 18) (fromGregorian 1967 01 22) rightIvUTC :: Either ParseErrorInterval (Interval UTCTime) rightIvUTC = parseInterval (UTCTime (fromGregorian 1967 01 18) (secondsToDiffTime 32400)) (UTCTime (fromGregorian 1967 01 18) (secondsToDiffTime 33200)) -- end::parseinterval-examples[] -- tag::safeinterval-examples[] ivInteger :: Interval Integer ivInteger = safeInterval (2, 6) ivMinDurInteger :: Interval Integer ivMinDurInteger = safeInterval (2, 2) ivDay :: Interval Day ivDay = safeInterval (fromGregorian 1967 01 18, fromGregorian 1967 01 24) ivUTC :: Interval UTCTime ivUTC = safeInterval ( UTCTime (fromGregorian 1967 01 18) (secondsToDiffTime 32400) , UTCTime (fromGregorian 1967 01 18) (secondsToDiffTime 33200) ) -- end::safeinterval-examples[] -- tag::ivXtoY-examples[] ---------------- iv0to2, iv2to4, iv2to5, iv4to5, iv5to8, iv6to8, iv3to6 :: Interval Integer iv0to2 = safeInterval (0, 2) iv2to4 = safeInterval (2, 4) iv2to5 = safeInterval (2, 5) iv3to6 = safeInterval (3, 6) iv4to5 = safeInterval (4, 5) iv5to8 = safeInterval (5, 8) iv6to8 = safeInterval (6, 8) -- end::ivXtoY-examples[] -- tag::creating-pairedinterval-examples[] -------------------- pairListstringInteger :: PairedInterval [String] Integer pairListstringInteger = makePairedInterval ["John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"] ivInteger pairStringDay :: PairedInterval String Day pairStringDay = makePairedInterval "vacation" ivDay -- end::creating-pairedinterval-examples[] -- tag::composing-relations-examples[] -- Set, `fromList`, and in a later example `difference` are imported from -- Data.Set endedPriorRelations :: Set IntervalRelation endedPriorRelations = fromList [Before, Meets] -- We can in general create a new Set by taking the set Difference of one Set -- and another Set notEndedPriorRelations :: Set IntervalRelation notEndedPriorRelations = intervalRelations `difference` endedPriorRelations -- However, the `complement` function is provided for the common case of taking -- the Set Difference of the `intervalRelations` Set and another Set notEndedPriorRelations' :: Set IntervalRelation notEndedPriorRelations' = complement endedPriorRelations -- IntervalAlgebra exports versions of `Data.Set`s `intersection` and `union` -- functions where the types are specialized to `Set IntervalRelation`s intervalRelations' :: Set IntervalRelation intervalRelations' = endedPriorRelations `union` notEndedPriorRelations -- The intersection of two disjoint sets empty :: Set IntervalRelation empty = endedPriorRelations `intersection` notEndedPriorRelations -- end::composing-relations-examples[] -- tag::composing-predicates-examples[] ----------------------- -- We can construct a predicate function from a 'Set IntervalRelation' endedPrior :: (Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) endedPrior = predicate (fromList [Before, Meets]) -- We can also construct a predicate function directly from a list of predicate -- functions endedPrior' :: (Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) endedPrior' = unionPredicates [before, meets] -- As an alternative to `unionPredicates` we can compose predicate functions -- using the <|> operator. If we had multiple predicates we could use e.g.: -- p1 <|> p2 <|> p3 endedPrior'' :: (Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) endedPrior'' = before <|> meets -- end::composing-predicates-examples[] -- tag::extended-example-1-types[] -------------------- data DataType = Enrollment | Treatment TreatmentType | Diagnosis DiagnosisType deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data TreatmentType = StandardVaccine | NewVaccine deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data DiagnosisType = RightAsRain | UpsetTummy | CommonCold | Flu deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) type StudyEvent = PairedInterval DataType Integer type SubjEvents = [StudyEvent] data ProcessedSubj = ProcessedSubj { getEnrollment :: Maybe (Interval Integer) , getFirstTrt :: Maybe StudyEvent , getFirstFlu :: Maybe StudyEvent , getTrtType :: Maybe TreatmentType , getTimeToFlu :: Maybe Integer , getTimeToEndEnr :: Maybe Integer } deriving Show maxEnrGap :: Integer maxEnrGap = 8 -- end::extended-example-1-types[] -- tag::extended-example-1-study-data-subj-1[] ---------------- id1Event1, id1Event2, id1Event3, id1Event4, id1Event5, id1Event6, id1Event7 :: StudyEvent id1Event1 = makePairedInterval Enrollment (safeInterval (6, 191)) id1Event2 = makePairedInterval Enrollment (safeInterval (199, 345)) id1Event3 = makePairedInterval Enrollment (safeInterval (347, 422)) id1Event4 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis RightAsRain) (safeInterval (12, 13)) id1Event5 = makePairedInterval (Treatment NewVaccine) (safeInterval (22, 23)) id1Event6 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis RightAsRain) (safeInterval (131, 132)) id1Event7 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis CommonCold) (safeInterval (161, 162)) id1Events :: SubjEvents id1Events = sort [id1Event1, id1Event2, id1Event3, id1Event4, id1Event5, id1Event6, id1Event7] -- end::extended-example-1-study-data-subj-1[] -- tag::extended-example-1-study-data-subj-2[] ---------------- id2Event1, id2Event2, id2Event3, id2Event4, id2Event5, id2Event6, id2Event7, id2Event8 :: StudyEvent id2Event1 = makePairedInterval Enrollment (safeInterval (2, 206)) id2Event2 = makePairedInterval Enrollment (safeInterval (222, 299)) id2Event3 = makePairedInterval Enrollment (safeInterval (304, 486)) id2Event4 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis RightAsRain) (safeInterval (4, 5)) id2Event5 = makePairedInterval (Treatment StandardVaccine) (safeInterval (98, 99)) id2Event6 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis CommonCold) (safeInterval (161, 162)) id2Event7 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis UpsetTummy) (safeInterval (191, 192)) id2Event8 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis Flu) (safeInterval (255, 256)) id2Events :: SubjEvents id2Events = sort [ id2Event1, id2Event2, id2Event3, id2Event4, id2Event5 , id2Event6 , id2Event7, id2Event8 ] -- end::extended-example-1-study-data-subj-2[] -- tag::extended-example-1-study-data-subj-3[] ---------------- id3Event1, id3Event2, id3Event3 :: StudyEvent id3Event1 = makePairedInterval Enrollment (safeInterval (7, 197)) id3Event2 = makePairedInterval (Treatment StandardVaccine) (safeInterval (19, 20)) id3Event3 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis Flu) (safeInterval (180, 181)) id3Events :: SubjEvents id3Events = sort [id3Event1, id3Event2, id3Event3] -- end::extended-example-1-study-data-subj-3[] -- tag::extended-example-1-study-data-subj-4[] ---------------- id4Event1, id4Event2 :: StudyEvent id4Event1 = makePairedInterval Enrollment (safeInterval (3, 89)) id4Event2 = makePairedInterval (Diagnosis RightAsRain) (safeInterval (47, 48)) id4Events :: SubjEvents id4Events = sort [id4Event1, id4Event2] -- end::extended-example-1-study-data-subj-4[] -- tag::extended-example-1-processing-functions[] ------------- -- Construct the elements of a `ProcessedSubj` one step at-a-time. Most of the -- actual work is done by the helper functions defined below processSubj :: SubjEvents -> ProcessedSubj processSubj xs = let enrPeriod = calcEnrPeriod xs -- enrollment period enrEvents = calcEnrEvents enrPeriod xs -- events within enrollment firstTrt = findFirstTrt enrPeriod xs -- first treatment in enr firstTrtType = extractTrtType firstTrt -- first trt type firstTrtIv = fmap getInterval firstTrt -- first trt interval firstFlu = findFirstFlu firstTrtIv enrEvents -- first flu in enr ttFlu = calcDiff firstFlu firstTrt -- time to first flu ttEndEnr = calcAtRisk enrPeriod firstTrt -- time to end of enr in ProcessedSubj enrPeriod firstTrt firstFlu firstTrtType ttFlu ttEndEnr -- Construct the "enrollment period", which is defined at the period of time -- with the start endpoint given by their earliest enrollment period and end -- endpoint given by the first time that they fall out of the grace period. In -- the event that a subject did not have any enrollment periods then the return -- value is a Nothing. -- -- Note that this function uses the `combineIntervals` function which was not -- covered in this tutorial, but is exported from IntervalAlgebra via -- IntervalAlgebra.IntervalUtilities. calcEnrPeriod :: SubjEvents -> Maybe (Interval Integer) calcEnrPeriod xs | null combinedPeriods = Nothing | otherwise = Just (head combinedPeriods) where combinedPeriods = (combineIntervals . addMaxEnrGap . extractEnrIvs) xs -- Filter the enrollment events in the SubjEvents and extract the Interval -- from each one extractEnrIvs :: SubjEvents -> [Interval Integer] extractEnrIvs = intervals . filter (checkEnr . getPairData) where checkEnr Enrollment = True checkEnr _ = False -- Extend the end endpoint for each Interval by `maxEnrGap` addMaxEnrGap :: [Interval Integer] -> [Interval Integer] addMaxEnrGap = map (expandr maxEnrGap) -- Filter the SubjEvents to those with endpoints that do not extend past the -- enrollment period's endpoints calcEnrEvents :: Maybe (Interval Integer) -> SubjEvents -> SubjEvents calcEnrEvents mayIv xs = case mayIv of Nothing -> [] Just y -> filter (\x -> getInterval x `enclosedBy` y) xs -- Find the first flu vaccine administrations occuring within the enrollment -- period findFirstTrt :: Maybe (Interval Integer) -> SubjEvents -> Maybe StudyEvent findFirstTrt Nothing _ = Nothing findFirstTrt (Just iv) xs | null filteredIntakes = Nothing | otherwise = Just (head filteredIntakes) where p x = checkTrt (getPairData x) && (getInterval x `enclosedBy` iv) checkTrt (Treatment _) = True checkTrt _ = False filteredIntakes = filter p xs -- Extract the treatment type out of a StudyEvent. If there is no event or the -- StudyEvent type isn't TreatmentType then return Nothing extractTrtType :: Maybe StudyEvent -> Maybe TreatmentType extractTrtType Nothing = Nothing extractTrtType (Just x) = case getPairData x of Treatment StandardVaccine -> Just StandardVaccine Treatment NewVaccine -> Just NewVaccine _ -> Nothing -- Find the first flu diagnosis occuring within the enrollment period findFirstFlu :: Maybe (Interval Integer) -> SubjEvents -> Maybe StudyEvent findFirstFlu Nothing _ = Nothing findFirstFlu (Just iv) xs | null filteredFlus = Nothing | otherwise = Just (head filteredFlus) where endedPrior = before <|> meets p x = checkDiagFlu (getPairData x) && (iv `endedPrior` getInterval x) checkDiagFlu (Diagnosis Flu) = True checkDiagFlu _ = False filteredFlus = filter p xs -- Calculate the difference between the start endpoint of the first Intervallic -- and the start endpoint of the second Intervallic calcDiff :: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => Maybe (i0 a) -> Maybe (i1 a) -> Maybe b calcDiff (Just y) (Just x) = Just $ diff (begin y) (end x) calcDiff _ _ = Nothing -- Calculate the difference between the end endpoint of the first Intervallic -- and the start endpoint of the second Intervallic calcAtRisk :: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => Maybe (i0 a) -> Maybe (i1 a) -> Maybe b calcAtRisk (Just y) (Just x) = Just $ diff (end y) (end x) calcAtRisk _ _ = Nothing -- end::extended-example-1-processing-functions[] -- tag::extended-example-1-calculate-results[] ---------------- results :: [ProcessedSubj] results = map processSubj [id1Events, id2Events, id3Events, id4Events] -- end::extended-example-1-calculate-results[] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The remaining is untagged data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diagr :: Either IntervalDiagramParseError (IntervalDiagram Integer) diagr = parseIntervalDiagram defaultIntervalDiagramOptions [] (Just Bottom) (into @(IntervalText Integer) ('=', safeInterval (0, 12 :: Integer))) [ ([deftIT iv0to2], ["iv0to2"]) , ([deftIT iv2to4], ["iv2to4"]) , ([deftIT iv2to5], ["iv2to5"]) , ([deftIT iv3to6], ["iv3to6"]) , ([deftIT iv4to5], ["iv4to5"]) , ([deftIT iv6to8], ["iv6to8"]) , ([deftIT iv5to8], ["iv5to8"]) ] intoIntervalText :: Interval Integer -> IntervalText Integer intoIntervalText x = into @(IntervalText Integer) ('-', x) deftIT :: Interval Integer -> IntervalText Integer deftIT = intoIntervalText