0.6 --- * Added `Numeric.Interval.Exception`. For consistency, we tend to throw exceptions now instead of rely on `NaN` when working with empty intervals. ------- * Misc `doctest` fixes. 0.5.1 ----- * Added `interval` to facilitate the construction of known non-empty intervals. 0.5 --- * The default `Numeric.Interval` now deals more conventionally with empty intervals. * The old "Kaucher directed interval" behavior is available as `Numeric.Interval.Kaucher`. * Strictly Non-Empty intervals are now contained in `Numeric.Interval.NonEmpty` * Renamed `bisection` to `bisect`. * Added `bisectIntegral`. 0.4.2 ----- * Added `clamp` 0.4 --- * Distributive Interval 0.3 --- * Removed dependency on `numeric-extras`