# 0.5 [2017.12.07] * `Data.Functor.Invariant.TH` now derives `invmap(2)` implementations for empty data types that are strict in the argument. * When using `Data.Functor.Invariant.TH` to derive `Invariant(2)` instances for data types where the last type variables are at phantom roles, generated `invmap(2)` implementations now use `coerce` for efficiency. * Add `Options` to `Data.Functor.Invariant.TH`, along with variants of existing functions that take `Options` as an argument. For now, the only configurable option is whether derived instances for empty data types should use the `EmptyCase` extension (this is disabled by default). # 0.4.3 [2017.07.31] * Add `Invariant(2)` instances for `Data.Profunctor.Yoneda.Yoneda`. # 0.4.2 [2017.04.24] * `invariant.cabal` used to incorrectly state the license was BSD3 when it was in fact BSD2. This is now fixed. # 0.4.1 * Fix the `Invariant V1` instance so as to `seq` its argument * Allow building with `template-haskell-2.12` # 0.4 * Allow TH derivation of `Invariant(2)` instances for datatypes containing unboxed tuple types * Ensure `Invariant(2)` instances are in-scope when importing `Data.Functor.Invariant` * Add `Invariant` and `Invariant2` instances for `Kleisli` and `Cokleisli` * Add `Category` and `Arrow`-like instances for `WrappedProfunctor` # 0.3.1 * Rewrote `Data.Functor.Invariant.TH`'s type inferencer. This avoids a nasty GHC 7.8-specific bug involving derived `Invariant(2)` instances for data families. * Add `Invariant` instances for `Data.Complex.Complex`, `Data.Monoid.Product`, and `Data.Monoid.Sum` # 0.3 * Require `bifunctors-5.2` and `profunctors-5.2`. Add `Invariant(2)` instances for newly introduced datatypes from those packages. * Add `ProfunctorFunctor`, `ProfunctorMonad`, `ProfunctorComonad`, `Mapping`, and `Traversing` instances for `WrappedProfunctor` * Add `StateVar` as a dependency. Add `Invariant` instances for `StateVar` and `SettableStateVar`. * Add `Invariant` instances for `URec` (added to `GHC.Generics` in `base-`) # 0.2.2 * Add `genericInvmap` function (and make it the default implementation of `invmap` for `Invariant` instances) on GHC 7.2 or later * Make `Tagged` instance poly-kinded # 0.2.1 * Add `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances for `WrappedFunctor` * Fixed build on GHC HEAD # 0.2 * Support deriving `Invariant` and `Invariant2` instances with Template Haskell * Added `invmapFunctor`, `invmapContravariant`, `invmap2Bifunctor`, and `invmap2Profunctor` to make defining `Invmap` and `Invmap2` instances somewhat easier * Added `WrappedFunctor`, `WrappedContravariant`, `WrappedBifunctor`, and `WrappedProfunctor` data types to allow use of `invmap` and `invmap2` for data types that aren't `Invariant` or `Invariant2` instances. * Added `Invariant` instances for lazy `ST`, `ArrowMonad`, `Handler`, `Identity`, `First`, `Last`, `Alt`, `Proxy`, `ArgDescr`, `ArgOrder`, and `OptDescr` * Added `Invariant` and `Invariant2` instances for data types in the `array`, `bifunctors`, `containers`, `profunctors`, `semigroups`, `stm`, `tagged`, `transformers`, and `unordered-containers` libraries # 0.1.2 * Add `Invariant` instances for `Dual` and `Endo` # 0.1.1 * Bump `contravariant` upper version bounds # 0.1.0 * Initial commit