ion- EDSL for concurrent, realtime, embedded programming on top of Ivory

Copyright(c) 2015 Chris Hodapp
Safe HaskellNone






type IonCont a b Source


 = Def (b :-> ())

Continuation function

-> Ion (Def (a :-> ()))

Entry function

This wraps a pattern of functions calling each other in continuation-passing style. The intent is that the returned entry function (which takes arguments a) causes the supplied continuation function to be called (passing arguments b).

This is a common pattern for asynchronous calls, for instance, in which the callback or interrupt calls the continuation function.

Multiple calls of this sort can be composed with '(=<<)' (and with RecursiveDo and mdo) to chain them in the order in which they would proceed.

For instance, in start <- call1 =<< call2 =<< call3 final, start contains the entry function to call1, whose continuation is set to the entry function of call2, whose continuation in turn is set to the entry function of call3, whose continuation is final. Note that chaining these with '(>>=)' is possible too, but the order is somewhat reversed from what is logical - hence, mdo often being sensible here.

lift :: (IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b) => (a -> b) -> IonCont `[a]` `[b]` Source

Lift a Haskell function up into an IonCont.

accum :: (IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, IvoryStore a, IvoryZeroVal a, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b) => IonCont `[]` `[b]` -> IonCont `[a]` (a : `[b]`) Source

Accumulate an argument into a continuation function. Specifically: Given an IonCont taking some argument in its entry function, generate another IonCont with the same type of entry function, but whose continuation function contains another argument (which will receive the same value of that argument).

Note that every use of this requires a static variable of type a. Also, this implementation does not protect against the continuation function being called without the entry function; if this occurs, the continuation will contain old values of a from earlier invocations, or possibly a zero value.

TODO: Right now this handles only converting single-argument to double-argument. I intend to modify this to work similarly to call and callAux in Ivory.

join :: (a -> b -> c) -> IonCont t `[a]` -> IonCont t `[b]` -> IonCont t `[c]` Source