{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Net.IPv6.Text
  ( parser
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (print)
import Net.Types (IPv6(..))
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto
import Debug.Trace

parser :: Atto.Parser IPv6
parser = do
  s <- start
  case toIPv6 (traceShowId s) of
    Nothing -> fail "Wrong number of octets in IPv6 address"
    Just ip -> return ip
  msg = "All chunks in a formatted IPv6 address must be between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF"
  colonMsg = "Cannot use double colon for omitting zeroes more than once in an IPv6 address"
  start = do
    c <- Atto.peekChar'
    if c == ':'
      then go (-1) 0 []
      else Atto.hexadecimal >>= \w -> go (-1) 1 [w]
    -- r <- fmap Just Atto.hexadecimal <|> (Nothing <$ Atto.char ':')
    -- case r of
    --   Just !w -> go (-1) 1 [w]
    --   Nothing -> go 0 0 []
  go !colonIndex !currentIndex !ws = do
    r <- do
      m <- Atto.peekChar
      case m of
        Nothing -> return ResDone
        Just c -> if c == ':'
          then do
            _ <- Atto.anyChar -- should be a colon
            if colonIndex == currentIndex
              then fmap ResWord Atto.hexadecimal <|> pure ResDone
                -- do
                -- md <- Atto.peekChar
                -- case md of
                --   Nothing -> return ResDone
                --   Just d -> fmap ResWord Atto.hexadecimal <|> pure
								-- 		then return ResColon
								-- 		else fmap ResWord Atto.hexadecimal
              else do
                d <- Atto.peekChar'
                if d == ':'
                  then return ResColon
                  else fmap ResWord Atto.hexadecimal
              -- else if colonIndex == currentIndex
              --   then fmap ResWord Atto.hexadecimal <|> (ResDone <$ Atto.anyChar)
              --   else fmap ResWord Atto.hexadecimal
          else return ResDone
    -- fmap ResWord Atto.hexadecimal <|> (ResColon <$ Atto.char ':')
    -- ) <|> pure ResDone
    -- r <- (do _ <- Atto.char ':'
    --          fmap ResWord Atto.hexadecimal <|> (ResColon <$ Atto.char ':')
    --      ) <|> pure ResDone
    case r of
      ResDone -> pure (S colonIndex currentIndex ws)
      ResColon -> if alreadySet colonIndex
        then fail colonMsg
        else go currentIndex currentIndex ws
      ResWord w -> restrictTo16 msg w >> go colonIndex (currentIndex + 1) (w : ws)

toIPv6 :: S -> Maybe IPv6
toIPv6 (S colonIndex total input) = go 0 0 input
  revColonIndex = total - colonIndex
  spacesToSkip = 8 - total
  go :: Int -> Word64 -> [Word64] -> Maybe IPv6
  go !ix !acc ws = if ix > 3
    then fmap (flip IPv6 acc) (go2 ix 0 ws)
    else case ws of
      w : wsNext -> if ix == revColonIndex
        then go (ix + spacesToSkip) acc (w : wsNext)
        else go (ix + 1) (acc .|. unsafeShiftL w (times16 ix)) wsNext
      [] -> if ix == revColonIndex
        then Just $ IPv6 0 acc
        else Nothing -- Not enough word16s in list
  go2 :: Int -> Word64 -> [Word64] -> Maybe Word64
  go2 !ix !acc ws = case ws of
    w : wsNext -> if ix == revColonIndex
      then go2 (ix + spacesToSkip) acc (w : wsNext)
      else go2 (ix + 1) (acc .|. unsafeShiftL w (times16 ix - 64)) wsNext
    [] -> if ix == revColonIndex || ix > 7
      then Just acc
      else Nothing -- Not enough word16s in list

times16 :: Int -> Int
times16 a = unsafeShiftL a 4

alreadySet :: Int -> Bool
alreadySet i = i /= (-1)

restrictTo16 :: String -> Word64 -> Atto.Parser ()
restrictTo16 msg w = if w > 65535
  then fail msg
  else return ()

-- | This is an internal data type used as the result
--   after parsing an ipv6 address. The first field
--   indicates the index at which a double colon occurs.
--   The second is the length of the third.
--   The third is a reversed list of the 16s
--   that comprise the ipv6 address.
data S = S
  { sDoubleColon :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , sTotal :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , sRevWords :: ![Word64]
  } deriving (Show,Read)

data Res
  = ResWord {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
  | ResColon
  | ResDone