module Iptables.Types where import Data.Set import Data.Word data Iptables = Iptables { tFilter :: [Chain] , tNat :: [Chain] , tMangle :: [Chain] , tRaw :: [Chain] } deriving (Show, Eq) data Chain = Chain { cName :: String , cPolicy :: Policy , cCounters :: Counters , cRules :: [Rule] } deriving (Show) -- | Discard counters instance Eq Chain where (==) (Chain name1 policy1 _ rules1) (Chain name2 policy2 _ rules2) = (name1 == name2) && (policy1 == policy2) && (rules1 == rules2) data Policy = ACCEPT | DROP | PUNDEFINED deriving (Show, Eq) data Counters = Counters { cPackets :: Integer , cBytes :: Integer } deriving (Show, Eq) data Rule = Rule { rCounters :: Counters , rOptions :: [RuleOption] , rTarget :: RuleTarget } deriving (Show) -- | Discard counters instance Eq Rule where (==) (Rule _ opts1 tar1) (Rule _ opts2 tar2) = (opts1 == opts2) && (tar1 == tar2) data RuleTarget = TAccept | TDrop | TReject RejectType | TReturn | TSNat NatAddress Bool Bool -- --to-source --random --persistent | TDNat NatAddress Bool Bool | TMasquerade NatPort Bool -- --to-ports --random | TRedirect NatPort Bool -- --to-ports --random | TUChain String | TUnknown String [String] deriving (Show, Eq) data RejectType = RTNetUnreachable | RTHostUnreachable | RTPortUnreachable -- Default if not specified | RTProtoUnreachable | RTNetProhibited | RTHostProhibited | RTAdminProhibited | RTTcpReset deriving (Show, Eq) data NatAddress = NAIp Word32 Word32 | NAIpPort Word32 Word32 Int Int deriving (Show, Eq) data NatPort = NatPort Int Int | NatPortDefault deriving (Show, Eq) data RuleOption = OProtocol Bool Protocol | OSource Bool Addr | ODest Bool Addr | OInInt Bool Interface | OOutInt Bool Interface | OState (Set CState) | OFragment Bool | OSourcePort Bool Port | ODestPort Bool Port | OTcpFlags Bool TcpFlags | OSyn Bool | OTcpOption Bool Int | OIcmpType Bool Int | OModule Module | OLimit Bool Limit | OLimitBurst Int | OMacSource Bool MacAddr | OMark Int Int | OPort Bool Port | OUidOwner Bool Int | OGidOwner Bool Int | OSidOwner Bool Int | OTos Int | OTtl Int | OPhysDevIn Bool Interface | OPhysDevOut Bool Interface | OPhysDevIsIn Bool | OPhysDevIsOut Bool | OPhysDevIsBridged Bool | OComment String | OUnknown String Bool [String] -- option can have more than one parameters deriving (Show, Eq) {- We can work only with strings. In iptables, a protocol can be specified by integer number, - but we don't use this feature. -} type Protocol = String data Addr = AddrIP Word32 | AddrMask Word32 Word32 | AddrPref Word32 Int deriving (Show, Eq) data Interface = Interface String deriving (Show, Eq) data Port = Port [Int] | PortRange Int Int deriving (Show, Eq) -- Парсить осторожно - в тексте это 2 слова, разделённых пробелами data TcpFlags = TcpFlags [Flag] [Flag] deriving (Show, Eq) data Flag = FSyn | FAck | FFin | FRst | FUrg | FPsh | FAll | FNone deriving (Show, Eq) data Limit = Limit String deriving (Show, Eq) data CState = CStInvalid | CStEstablished | CStNew | CStRelated | CStUntracked deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Module = ModTcp | ModUdp | ModLimit | ModMac | ModMark | ModMultiport | ModOwner | ModState | ModTos | ModTtl | ModPhysDev | ModComment | ModOther String deriving (Show, Eq) data FilterChainType = FilterInvalidChain | FilterValidChain deriving (Show, Eq) data NatChainType = NatUnknownChain | NatInvalidChain | NatDNatChain | NatSNatChain deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data MacAddr = MacAddr Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)