-- This file is part of irc.

-- irc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.

-- irc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

-- | Datatypes for representing IRC messages, as well as formatting them.
module Network.IRC.Base (
    -- * Type Synonyms
  , ServerName
  , UserName
  , RealName
  , Command

    -- * IRC Datatypes
  , Prefix(Server, NickName)
  , Message(Message)

    -- * Formatting functions
  , encode         -- :: Message -> String
  , showMessage, showPrefix, showParameters
  , translateReply -- :: String -> String
  , replyTable     -- :: [(String,String)]

    -- * Deprecated
  , render
  ) where

import Data.Maybe

-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Data Types

type Parameter  = String
type ServerName = String
type UserName   = String
type RealName   = String
type Command    = String

-- | IRC messages are parsed as:
--   [ ':' prefix space ] command { space param } crlf
data Message
  = -- | IRC Message
    Message (Maybe Prefix) Command [Parameter]
    deriving (Show,Read,Eq)

-- | The optional beginning of an IRC messages
data Prefix
  = -- | Server Prefix
    Server ServerName
  | -- | Nickname Prefix
    NickName String (Maybe UserName) (Maybe ServerName)
    deriving (Show,Read,Eq)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Formatting

-- | Encode a message to its string representation
encode :: Message -> String
encode m = showMessage m

-- | This is the deprecated version of encode
render :: Message -> String
render  = encode

showMessage :: Message -> String
showMessage (Message p c ps) = showMaybe p ++ c ++ showParameters ps
  where showMaybe = maybe "" ((++ " ") . (':':) . showPrefix)

showPrefix :: Prefix -> String
showPrefix (Server s)       = s
showPrefix (NickName n u h) = n ++ showMaybe '!' u ++ showMaybe '@' h
  where showMaybe c e = maybe "" (c:) e

showParameters :: [Parameter] -> String
showParameters [] = []
showParameters ps = " " ++ (unwords $ showp ps)
  where showp [] = []
        showp p@(x:xs) | ' ' `elem` x = [':' : unwords p]
                       | otherwise    = x : showp xs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Message Translation

-- | Translate a reply into its text description.
--   If no text is available, the argument is returned.
translateReply :: Command -- ^ Reply
               -> String  -- ^ Text translation
translateReply r = fromMaybe r $ lookup r replyTable

-- One big lookup table of codes and errors
replyTable :: [(String,String)]
replyTable  =
  [ ("401","ERR_NOSUCHNICK")
  , ("402","ERR_NOSUCHSERVER")
  , ("409","ERR_NOORIGIN")
  , ("411","ERR_NORECIPIENT")
  , ("412","ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND")
  , ("413","ERR_NOTOPLEVEL")
  , ("414","ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL")
  , ("422","ERR_NOMOTD")
  , ("423","ERR_NOADMININFO")
  , ("424","ERR_FILEERROR")
  , ("442","ERR_NOTONCHANNEL")
  , ("444","ERR_NOLOGIN")
  , ("467","ERR_KEYSET")
  , ("472","ERR_UNKNOWNMODE")
  , ("481","ERR_NOPRIVILEGES")
  , ("491","ERR_NOOPERHOST")
  , ("300","RPL_NONE")
  , ("302","RPL_USERHOST")
  , ("303","RPL_ISON")
  , ("301","RPL_AWAY")
  , ("305","RPL_UNAWAY")
  , ("306","RPL_NOWAWAY")
  , ("311","RPL_WHOISUSER")
  , ("312","RPL_WHOISSERVER")
  , ("317","RPL_WHOISIDLE")
  , ("318","RPL_ENDOFWHOIS")
  , ("314","RPL_WHOWASUSER")
  , ("369","RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS")
  , ("321","RPL_LISTSTART")
  , ("322","RPL_LIST")
  , ("323","RPL_LISTEND")
  , ("331","RPL_NOTOPIC")
  , ("332","RPL_TOPIC")
  , ("341","RPL_INVITING")
  , ("342","RPL_SUMMONING")
  , ("351","RPL_VERSION")
  , ("352","RPL_WHOREPLY")
  , ("315","RPL_ENDOFWHO")
  , ("353","RPL_NAMREPLY")
  , ("366","RPL_ENDOFNAMES")
  , ("364","RPL_LINKS")
  , ("365","RPL_ENDOFLINKS")
  , ("367","RPL_BANLIST")
  , ("368","RPL_ENDOFBANLIST")
  , ("371","RPL_INFO")
  , ("374","RPL_ENDOFINFO")
  , ("375","RPL_MOTDSTART")
  , ("372","RPL_MOTD")
  , ("376","RPL_ENDOFMOTD")
  , ("381","RPL_YOUREOPER")
  , ("382","RPL_REHASHING")
  , ("391","RPL_TIME")
  , ("392","RPL_USERSSTART")
  , ("393","RPL_USERS")
  , ("394","RPL_ENDOFUSERS")
  , ("395","RPL_NOUSERS")
  , ("200","RPL_TRACELINK")
  , ("203","RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN")
  , ("205","RPL_TRACEUSER")
  , ("206","RPL_TRACESERVER")
  , ("208","RPL_TRACENEWTYPE")
  , ("261","RPL_TRACELOG")
  , ("213","RPL_STATSCLINE")
  , ("214","RPL_STATSNLINE")
  , ("215","RPL_STATSILINE")
  , ("216","RPL_STATSKLINE")
  , ("218","RPL_STATSYLINE")
  , ("219","RPL_ENDOFSTATS")
  , ("241","RPL_STATSLLINE")
  , ("242","RPL_STATSUPTIME")
  , ("243","RPL_STATSOLINE")
  , ("244","RPL_STATSHLINE")
  , ("221","RPL_UMODEIS")
  , ("251","RPL_LUSERCLIENT")
  , ("252","RPL_LUSEROP")
  , ("253","RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN")
  , ("255","RPL_LUSERME")
  , ("256","RPL_ADMINME")
  , ("257","RPL_ADMINLOC1")
  , ("258","RPL_ADMINLOC2")
  , ("259","RPL_ADMINEMAIL")