irc-client- An IRC client library.

Copyright(c) 2016 Michael Walker
MaintainerMichael Walker <>
Safe HaskellNone




Commonly-used utility functions for IRC clients.



setNick :: Text -> IRC s () Source #

Update the nick in the instance configuration and also send an update message to the server. This doesn't attempt to resolve nick collisions, that's up to the event handlers.


leaveChannel :: Text -> Maybe Text -> IRC s () Source #

Update the channel list in the instance configuration and also part the channel.

delChan :: TVar (InstanceConfig s) -> Text -> STM () Source #

Remove a channel from the list without sending a part command (be careful not to let the channel list get out of sync with the real-world state if you use it for anything!)


addHandler :: EventHandler s -> IRC s () Source #

Add an event handler

reply :: Event Text -> Text -> IRC s () Source #

Send a message to the source of an event.

replyTo :: Source Text -> Text -> IRC s () Source #

Send a message to the source of an event.


ctcp :: Text -> Text -> [Text] -> Message Text Source #

Construct a PRIVMSG containing a CTCP

ctcpReply :: Text -> Text -> [Text] -> Message Text Source #

Construct a NOTICE containing a CTCP

Connection state

isConnected :: IRC s Bool Source #

Check if the client is connected.

isDisconnecting :: IRC s Bool Source #

Check if the client is in the process of disconnecting.

isDisconnected :: IRC s Bool Source #

Check if the client is disconnected

snapConnState :: IRC s ConnectionState Source #

Snapshot the connection state.


fork :: IRC s () -> IRC s ThreadId Source #

Fork a thread which will be thrown a Disconnect exception when the client disconnects.


snapshot :: MonadIO m => Getting (TVar a) s (TVar a) -> s -> m a Source #

Atomically snapshot some shared state.

snapshotModify :: MonadIO m => Lens' s (TVar a) -> (a -> STM (a, b)) -> s -> m b Source #

Atomically snapshot and modify some shared state.

get :: Getting a s a -> s -> a Source #

Get a value from a lens.

set :: Lens' s a -> a -> s -> s Source #

Set a value in a lens.

modify :: Lens' s a -> (a -> a) -> s -> s Source #

Modify a value in a lens.