{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

Use the 'unix' library to write the log file. Why not 'Handles' you
ask? I believe it is because 'Handles' lock the file, and we want to
be able to serve the file while it is still being written.

module Network.IRC.Bot.PosixLogger where

import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Data.ByteString    (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Data.Time.Calendar    (Day(..))
import Data.Time.Clock    (UTCTime(..), addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format   (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime)
import qualified Foreign.C.Error as C
import Foreign.Ptr        (castPtr)
import Network.IRC        (Command, Message(Message, msg_prefix, msg_command, msg_params), Prefix(NickName), UserName, encode, decode, joinChan, nick, user)
import Network.IRC.Bot.Commands
import System.Directory   (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.FilePath    ((</>))
import System.Posix.ByteString ( Fd, OpenMode(WriteOnly), OpenFileFlags(append), closeFd, defaultFileFlags
                               , openFd
import System.Posix.IO.ByteString (fdWriteBuf)

-- TODO: This should be modified so that a formatting filter can be applied to the log messages
-- TODO: should be updated so that log file name matches channel
-- TODO: should support multiple channels
posixLogger :: Maybe FilePath -> ByteString -> Chan Message -> IO ()
posixLogger mLogDir channel logChan =
  do now <- getCurrentTime
     let logDay = utctDay now
     logFd <- openLog now
     logLoop logDay logFd
      openLog :: UTCTime -> IO (Maybe Fd)
      openLog now =
          case mLogDir of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            (Just logDir) ->
                do let logPath = logDir </> (formatTime defaultTimeLocale ((dropWhile (== '#') (unpack channel)) ++ "-%Y-%m-%d.txt") now)
                   createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir
                   fd <- openFd (pack logPath) WriteOnly (Just 0o0644) (defaultFileFlags { append = True })
                   return (Just fd)
      updateLogHandle :: UTCTime -> Day -> Maybe Fd -> IO (Day, Maybe Fd)
      updateLogHandle now logDay Nothing = return (logDay, Nothing)
      updateLogHandle now logDay (Just logFd)
        | logDay == (utctDay now) = return (logDay, Just logFd)
        | otherwise = do closeFd logFd
                         nowHandle <- openLog now
                         return (utctDay now, nowHandle)

      logLoop :: Day -> Maybe Fd -> IO ()
      logLoop logDay mLogFd =
        do msg <- readChan logChan
           now <- getCurrentTime
           (logDay', mLogFd') <- updateLogHandle now logDay mLogFd
           let mPrivMsg = toPrivMsg msg
           case mPrivMsg of
             (Just (PrivMsg (Just (NickName nick _user _server)) receivers msg)) | channel `elem` receivers ->
                   do let logMsg =
                              B.concat [ pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%X " now)
                                       , "<" , nick , "> "
                                       , msg
                                       , "\n"
                      case mLogFd' of
                        Nothing -> return ()
                        (Just logFd') -> fdWrites logFd' logMsg >> return ()
                      return ()
                      -- hPutStrLn logFd logMsg
             _ -> return ()
           logLoop logDay' mLogFd'

fdWrites :: Fd
         -> ByteString
         -> IO ()
fdWrites fd bs =
    B.useAsCStringLen bs $ \(cstring, len) ->
        if len <= 0
           then return ()
           else do c <- C.throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "fdWrites" $ fdWriteBuf fd (castPtr cstring) (fromIntegral len)
                   if (fromIntegral c) == (fromIntegral len)
                      then return ()
                      else fdWrites fd (B.drop (fromIntegral c) bs)