module Data.Number.IReal.IRealOperations where import Data.Number.IReal.IReal import Data.Number.IReal.Scalable import Data.Number.IReal.IntegerInterval import Data.Number.IReal.Auxiliary import Data.Number.IReal.Powers import Data.Ratio import Data.Bits infix 3 ?, ??, =?=, ! infix 6 +-, -+- -- Real intervals -------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Constructs an interval from midpoint and radius. (+-) :: Rational -> Rational -> IReal a +- b |b < 0 = error "IReal.+-: negative radius" |otherwise = ir f where f p = floor (scale (a-b) p) `upto` ceiling (scale (a+b) p) -- | Constructs an interval from end points (which can be given in any order). (-+-) :: IReal -> IReal -> IReal x -+- y = ir f where f p = min (lowerI xp) (lowerI yp) `upto` max (upperI xp) (upperI yp) where xp = appr x p yp = appr y p lower, upper, mid, rad :: IReal -> IReal -- | Returns midpoint of argument. mid x = ir (fromInteger . midI . appr x) -- | Returns radius of argument. rad x = ir (fromInteger . radI . appr x) -- | Returns left end point of argument. lower x = ir (\p -> fromInteger (lowerI (appr x p))) -- | Returns right end point of argument. upper x = ir (\p -> fromInteger (upperI (appr x p))) -- | Convex hull of a list of intervals. hull :: [IReal] -> IReal hull xs = minimum (map lower xs) -+- maximum (map upper xs) -- | Tests whether first arg is contained in second, using total tests of given precision. containedIn :: IReal -> IReal -> Precision -> Bool containedIn i1 i2 p = (lower i2 IReal -> Maybe IReal intersection x y | l > u = Nothing | otherwise = Just (l -+- u) where l = max (lower x) (lower y) u = min (upper x) (upper y) -- Basic real arithmetic ------------------------------------------------------------ instance Num IReal where x + y = ir f where f p = scale (xp+yp) (-2) where xp = appr x (p+2) yp = appr y (p+2) x * y = ir f where x0 = appr x 0 y0 = appr y 0 sx = lg2 (upperI (abs x0)) + 3 sy = lg2 (upperI (abs y0)) + 3 f p = scale (xp * yp) (-(p+sx+sy)) where xp = appr x (p + sy) yp = appr y (p + sx) negate x = ir (negate . appr x) abs x = ir (abs . appr x) signum x = ir (\p -> ivalCase (signum (appr x p)) (fromInteger (bit p)) ( -fromInteger (bit p)) (error "IReal.signum: value includes 0")) fromInteger n = ir (fromInteger . shift n) -- | Division by zero is non-terminating. instance Fractional IReal where recip x = ir f where f p = l `upto` u where s = head [ n | n <- 0 : map bit [0..], let xn = appr x n, signum (lowerI xn) == signum (upperI xn)] k = 2 * (p + s) + 1 xp = appr x (k - p) l = bit k `div` upperI xp u = bit k `div` lowerI xp + 1 fromRational r = ir (\p -> fromInteger (shift (numerator r) p `div` denominator r)) -- Elementary functions -------------------------------------------------------- instance Floating IReal where pi = scale (atinv 5) 4 - scale (atinv 239) 2 where atinv = ps negate sqrt x = ir f where f p |midI xp < radI xp = error "IReal.sqrt: negative argument" |isThin xp = fromInteger u |otherwise = l `upto` u where (xp,q) = head [(xq,q) | q <- iterate (*2) (max 1 (2*p)), let xq = appr x q, midI xq /= radI xq-1] u = isqrt (scale (upperI xp) (2*p-q)) x0 l = isqrt (scale (lowerI xp) (2*p-q)) x0 x0 = if p < 100 then 1 else max 1 (shift (midI (f p')) (p - p')) p' = shift p (-1) isqrt x = until ok improve where improve y = shift (y + x `div` y) (-1) ok y = y^2 <= x && x < (y+1)^2 log x |not (isThin x1) = log (lower x) -+- log (upper x) |r < 0 = error "IReal.log: negative argument" -- x < 0 |r < 2 = -log (recip x) -- -0.5 < x < 1. |r < 10 = scale (y * g0 (sq y)) 1 -- 0.5 < x < 5 |otherwise = log (scale x (-n)) + log2 * fromIntegral n where x1 = appr x 1 r = midI x1 n = lg2 r y = 1 - scale (recip (x+1)) 1 exp x |isThin x0 = scale (powerSeries div 2 id s) (fromInteger n) |otherwise = exp (lower x) -+- exp (upper x) where x0 = appr (x * recip log2) 0 n = midI x0 s = x - fromInteger n * log2 atan x -- interval values lose precision for intervals with rad < 2^(-100) |not (isThin (appr x 100)) = atan (lower x) -+- atan (upper x) |r < 0 = - atan (-x) |r > 8 = halfPi - atan0 (recip x) -- x > 2 atan0 y for 0 < y < 0.5 |r > 1 = quarterPi + atan0 (1 - scale (recip (x+1)) 1) -- 0.25 < x < 2 atan0 y for -3/5 < y < 1/3 |otherwise = atan0 x -- r = 0 or 1 -0.25 < x < 0.5 where r = midI (appr x 2) atan0 x = x * g0 (negate (sq x)) -- converges for |x| < 1/sqrt 2 cos x |ar > 5 = if even n then cos (x - npi) else -cos (x - npi) |not (isThin x100) = ival (abs x) x100 -- we have |mid x| < 3 |ar > 1 = scale (sq c2) 1 - 1 |otherwise = powerSeries (\ a n -> -a `div` (2*n*(2*n-1))) 1 (`div` 2) (sq x) where x100 = appr x 100 r = midI (appr x 1) ar = abs r n = r `div` 6 npi = pi * fromIntegral n c2 = cos (scale (abs x) (-1)) ival x xp -- 0 <= mid x < 3. |a > piScaled = (-1) -+- 1 |a > m = (if m+a > piScaled then -1 else cos (upper x)) -+- 1 |m + a < piScaled = cos (upper x) -+- cos (lower x) |otherwise = (-1) -+- cos (lower x) where piScaled = 3982441812995697363688351113952 -- floor (pi*2^100) m = abs (midI xp) a = radI xp sin x = cos (halfPi - x) asin x = atan ( x / sqrt (1 - sq x)) acos x = halfPi - asin x sinh x = scale (y - recip y) (-1) where y = exp x cosh x = sqrt (1 + sq (sinh x)) tanh x = 1 - scale (recip (y + 1)) 1 where y = exp (scale x 1) asinh x = log (x + sqrt (sq x + 1)) acosh x = log (x + sqrt (sq x - 1)) atanh x = scale (log (scale (recip (1-x)) 1 - 1)) (-1) -- Real, RealFrac and RealFloat ------------------------------------------------------ instance Real IReal where toRational x = midI (appr x 100) % bit 100 -- We choose to give an error when trying to use this function for the probably common -- case of an argument which is an integer, rather than non-termination (or, worse, -- risk the wrong result). instance RealFrac IReal where properFraction x | y =?= 0 `atDecimals` 100 = error "RealFrac.properFraction: argument value differs from integer with at most 10^(-100)" | x > 0 = if y > 0 then (i',y) else (i'-1,y+1) | otherwise = if y < 0 then (i',y) else (i'+1,y-1) where i = midI (appr x 0) i' = fromIntegral i y = x - fromInteger i toDouble :: IReal -> Double toDouble x = encodeFloat (scale (midI i) (-5)) (-p) where p = floatDigits undefined - ceiling (logBase 2 (abs x)) i = appr x (p+5) -- Unfortunately, to allow us to define an instance of Floating for Complex IReal, -- Haskell requires (for dubious reasons) that IReal is an instance of RealFloat instance RealFloat IReal where floatRadix = undefined floatDigits = undefined floatRange = undefined decodeFloat = undefined encodeFloat = undefined isNaN = undefined isInfinite = undefined isDenormalized = undefined isNegativeZero = undefined isIEEE = undefined -- More functions -------------------------------------------------------------- instance Powers IReal where pow x 0 = 1 pow x n = ir f where x0 = appr x 0 f p = scale (pow xp n) (p - n*q) where xp = appr x q q = p + ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral n) :: Double) + (n-1) * lg2 (upperI (abs x0)) + n -- Scaling --------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Scalable IReal where scale x n = ir (\p -> if p + n >= 0 then appr x (p+n) else scale (appr x 0) (p+n)) -- Equality, ordering and enumerations ----------------------------------------- -- | Equality test for overlapping values is non-terminating. instance Eq IReal where x /= y = compare x y /= EQ instance Ord IReal where compare x y = case comp x y of EQ -> error " overlapping values" x -> x x < y = comp x y == LT x > y = comp x y == GT max x y = ir (\p -> max' (appr x p) (appr y p)) where max' xp yp = max (lowerI xp) (lowerI yp) `upto` max (upperI xp) (upperI yp) min x y = ir (\p -> min' (appr x p) (appr y p)) where min' xp yp = min (lowerI xp) (lowerI yp) `upto` min (upperI xp) (upperI yp) comp x y = cf 1 where cf p | lowerI dp >= 0 = GT | upperI dp <= 0 = LT | isThin dp = cf (shift p 1) | otherwise = EQ -- this result signifies overlapping interval(s); caught in compare where dp = appr (x - y) p instance Enum IReal where toEnum = fromIntegral fromEnum _ = error "IReal.fromEnum: not implemented" enumFrom a = [ a + fromInteger n | n <- [0..] ] enumFromTo a b = takeWhile (<= b + 1/2) $ enumFrom a enumFromThen n m = [ n + (m - n) * fromInteger k | k <- [0..] ] enumFromThenTo n m e | m >= n = takeWhile (<= e + (m-n)/2) $ enumFromThen n m | otherwise = takeWhile (>= e + (m-n)/2) $ enumFromThen n m -- | Total, approximate equality test. If @x =?= y `atDecimals` d@ returns 'False', then @x@ and @y@ are definitely not equal. -- If it returns 'True', then the absolute value of their difference is less than @10^(-d)@ (but they may be non-equal). (=?=) :: IReal -> IReal -> Precision -> Bool (=?=) x y p = isThin dp && midI dp == 0 where dp = appr (x-y) p -- | Total, approximate inequality test. If @x IReal -> Precision -> Bool (! y@ is the same as @y !) :: IReal -> IReal -> Precision -> Bool x >! y = y IReal -> String showIReal d x = case compare d 0 of EQ -> if isThin x0 then show (midI x0) else show (midI x0) ++ " +- " ++ show (radI x0) where x0 = appr x 0 LT -> error "IReal.? : second argument negative" GT| isThin xd -> concat (f (midI xd)) | l==u -> concat l | s==s1 && is==is1 -> s ++ is ++ take n fs ++ "[| " ++ take 10 (drop n fs) ++ " .. " ++ take 10 (drop n fs1) ++ " |]" | otherwise -> "[| " ++ s ++ is ++ tryInt (take 11 fs) ++ " .. " ++ s1 ++ is1 ++ tryInt(take 11 fs1) ++ " |]" where xd = appr (scale (x*5^d) d) 0 tryInt "" = "" tryInt fs = if (all (=='0') (tail fs)) then "" else fs f m = [s, is, tryInt ('.':fs)] where ds = show m (s,ds') = if head ds == '-' then ("-",tail ds) else ("",ds) miss = d - length ds' (is,fs) = if miss >= 0 then ("0",replicate miss '0' ++ ds') else splitAt (-miss) ds' l@[s,is,fs] = f (lowerI xd) u@[s1,is1,fs1] = f (upperI xd) n = length (takeWhile id (zipWith (==) fs fs1)) -- | IReal is an instance of 'Show' but it should be avoided; see introduction. -- Use @x ? n@ to print @x@ with @n@ decimals. instance Show IReal where showsPrec p x | head xs == '-' = showParen (p > 6) (showString xs) | otherwise = showString xs where xs = showIReal digits x digits = 30 -- | Prints an 'IReal' with given number of decimals. Rounding error is up to one unit in the last position. (?) :: IReal -> Int -> IO () x ? d = putStrLn (showIReal d x) -- | Prints an 'IReal' in scientific notation with given number of digits. Rounding error is up to one unit in the last position. (??) :: IReal -> Int -> IO () x ?? d | d < 0 = error "IReal.??: second argument negative" | x < 0 = do putStr "-" (-x) ?? d | otherwise = do let z = midI (appr (logBase 10 x) 0) case compare z 0 of GT -> putStrLn (showIReal d (x/10^z) ++ "e" ++ show z) EQ -> x ? d LT -> putStrLn (showIReal d (x*10^(-z)) ++ "e" ++ show z) -- | Forces evaluation of second argument to given number of decimals; returns second argument. force :: Int -> IReal -> IReal force d x = seq (appr x `atDecimals` d) x -- Auxiliary functions and constants -------------------------------------------- -- terms p is N such that |sum_{N+1}^{\infty}| < 2^{-(p+3)} -- c is max |f'| in interval powerSeries ackFun c terms x = ir f where f p |isThin xq = fromInteger (scale (ss (midI xq)) (-s)) |otherwise = scale (min x1 x2 `upto` max x1 x2) (-s) where nmax = toInteger (terms p) s = lg2 (max nmax c) + 4 q = p + s xq = appr x q ss t = sum (takeWhile (/=0) (scanl (g t) (bit q) [1..])) g m a n = scale (ackFun (m * a) n) (-q) x1 = ss (lowerI xq) x2 = ss (upperI xq) -- used for both log and atan; converges only for |x| <= 0.5 -- Monotonically increasing for 0 <= x < 0.5 g0 = powerSeries (\a n -> a * (shift n 1 - 1) `div` (shift n 1 + 1)) 2 id ps sign n = ir f where f p = fromInteger (scale (sum (takeWhile (/=0) ts) `div` n) (-s)) where s = lg2 (fromIntegral p) + 3 ts = zipWith div (iterate g (bit (p + s))) [1,3..] g x = sign (x `div` (n*n)) halfPi, quarterPi, log2 :: IReal halfPi = scale pi (-1) quarterPi = scale pi (-2) log2 = 18 * at 26 - scale (at 4801) 1 + scale (at 8749) 3 where at = ps id