
* <https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt URI RFC>
* <https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt IRI RFC>
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
module Iri.Data.Types

import Iri.Prelude

Thorough structure of IRI.
data Iri =
  Iri !Scheme !Hierarchy !Query !Fragment

newtype Scheme =
  Scheme ByteString

data Hierarchy =
  AuthorisedHierarchy !Authority !Path |
  AbsoluteHierarchy !Path |
  RelativeHierarchy !Path

data Authority =
  Authority !UserInfo !Host !Port

data UserInfo =
  PresentUserInfo !User !Password |

newtype User =
  User Text

data Password =
  PresentPassword !Text |

data Host =
  NamedHost !RegName |
  IpV4Host !IPv4 |
  IpV6Host !IPv6

newtype RegName =
  RegName (Vector DomainLabel)

newtype DomainLabel =
  DomainLabel Text

data Port =
  PresentPort !Word16 |

newtype Path =
  Path (Vector PathSegment)

newtype PathSegment =
  PathSegment Text

Since the exact structure of the query string is not standardised and
methods used to parse the query string may differ between websites,
we simply represent it as a decoded Unicode string.

See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string>.
newtype Query =
  Query Text

newtype Fragment =
  Fragment Text

-- * Special cases

-- ** HTTP special case

HTTP being by far the most common use-case for resource identifiers,
it's been isolated into a dedicated data-type,
which is optimised for that particular case.

Compared to the general IRI definition it:

* only supports the HTTP and HTTPS schemes
* misses the Username and Password components
* requires the Host component
* requires the Path component to be absolute
data HttpIri =
  HttpIri !Security !Host !Port !Path !Query !Fragment

newtype Security =
  Security Bool