# see https://github.com/lspitzner/iridium # # note that you can add a user-global .iridium.yaml # into $HOME, containing e.g. # # --- # setup: # compiler-paths: # ghc-7.10.3: /opt/ghc-7.10.3/bin/ghc # ghc-7.8.4: /opt/ghc-7.8.4/bin/ghc # # default-compiler: ghc-7.10.3 # # hackage: # username: user # ... --- setup: buildtool-help: | cannot be changed; stack is not supported (yet). buildtool: cabal cabal-command-help: | "cabal-command: cabal" hlint-command-help: | "hlint-command: $HOME/.cabal/bin/hlint" remote-server-help: ! 'This currently only checks that uploads happen to that remote, it does not change the remote if a different one is configured. (because that would require modifying `.cabal/config`,)' remote-server: http://hackage.haskell.org run-cabal-update: True run-cabal-update-help: ! 'Execute cabal update before performing any checks. Useful when running the stackage upper bounds check, which may erroneously report errors if your cabal package index is not up to date.' process: dry-run-help: | only run all checks/tests, omit any side-effects/uploading dry-run: False display-help: True upload-docs-help: | build docs locally and upload them instead of trusting the docs builder which gets broken every two months. implies the documentation check. upload-docs: True print-summary: True confirmation-help: | confirm-always always ask for confirmation. confirm-on-warning don't ask for confirmation if everything is clear. confirm-on-error only ask for confirmation if there are errors. confirmation: confirm-always checks: hlint: enabled: False testsuites: enabled: True compiler-warnings: enabled: True # whitelist: [only, these, tests] # not supported yet # blacklist: [omit, these, tests] # not supported yet package-sdist-help: | Check that the created source distribution package will actually work (for other users). This can for example be not the case when you fail to mention specific files in your package description. package-sdist: enabled: True upper-bounds-stackage-help: | if you are completely unlucky, this might _overwrite_ an existing cabal.config. if you press ctrl-c in exactly the right moment or something. upper-bounds-stackage: enabled-help: | for existing upper bounds enabled: False use-nightly: False # blacklist: [omit, check, for, these, packages] # not supported yet lower-bounds-exist: enabled: True upper-bounds-exist: enabled: True changelog: enabled: True location: ChangeLog.md compiler-versions: enabled: False compilers-help: | for this to work, cabal will need the paths to the actual compilers to be configured; see the note about the user-global config above. compilers: - compiler: ghc version: 7.0.4 - compiler: ghc version: 7.2.2 - compiler: ghc version: 7.4.2 - compiler: ghc version: 7.6.3 - compiler: ghc version: 7.8.4 - compiler: ghc version: 7.10.3 documentation: enabled: True repository: type-help: | none | git type: none git: display-current-branch: True release-tag: enabled: True content: "$VERSION" # params: [] # NOT YET SUPPORTED ! push-remote-help: | push the current branch (and the tag, if configured) to a remote repo. push-remote: enabled: True remote-name-help: | the "remote" configured in git to push the release/tag to. remote-name: "origin" ...